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I can't adult. It's so lonely at 20+. Just my ptsd, nausea, sleepless nights, dad who left, drunk mom, potential partners want just physical

Whatever i do i always wake up at 2am nauseous. I suffer with nausea since i was born. Dad really helped because he's a doctor but now he left. Mom's an option because i can sleep at home without feeling sick but she's not an option at the same time because she's drinking and having her own mental illness and makes me feel worse. I need to adult but im just alone and scared and nauseous at night and need dad or someone to hug me. I'm a big baby, i hate it, i need someone. But i have to adult. The option is getting a boyfriend but everyone i text with just wants one thing and leaves when they see i want to see if i can rely on them. I can't even function, i can't sleep or eat normally, how will i work so i can afford to live outside mom's house? Soon i graduate and dad will stop the child support

DevinY April 27th

@intellectualGrapefruit6085 Hey there, I hope that everything is doing better. Maybe you can talk and ask someone close to you (like a female friend maybe?) that would let you stay over with them? You could also consult a doctor to see if there is something wrong or if something is afflicting you, just to make sure in case there is an illness that needs to be taken care of. Then maybe see what they might recommend to help you. I hope that everything gets better and that it isn't something serious; I hope that you can find someone to be with you and help you. 


Thank you. For now all friends declined and im feeling really unwell and thought about going home but thought they won't want me. Dad told me to stop it but i know mom would say "ah you're always sick, im sick of you. And we're going to granny's, you're always sick going to granny's" and sis would be like "it's my break, i want to invite friends home" but i didn't tell dad anything because he never believes me and gaslights me. So i just said ok and it feels so bad

DevinY May 6th

@intellectualGrapefruit6085 Hey man I hope that then you can somehow get through this, it might be tough but you can do this. Please take care and i hope you the best.

Thank you. I was really unwell at my accommodation and i came home but mom drunk vented to me and i still can't recover