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Comparison to Peers

Dreee May 15th


I've been in this mental loop for a long time now. I'm almost done with college, but I don't feel like I've changed, I'm sure I've grown a bit and learned a few lessons here and there like 'don't do this' or 'do this'. But as a person I keep wondering if I've grown.

When I see my university mates and friends I wonder if I'm turning out okay like them? And so I decided I'd change the aspects of myself I detest like being messy or sleeping late, trying to exercise more, basically getting rid bad habits and replace with good habits, honestly it's been a struggle because my progress always feels too little compared to my mates in school. I mean I see girls go to gyms everyday but I don't have that opportunity, they're consistency, it bothers me that I lack in such a nice quality to have.

And even in terms of career wise, everyone is getting new skills and becoming capable people but here I am, still wondering what skill to learn... Its crazy how certain they are to learn a specific thing, we're just starting our lives out and getting into the real world as young adults but how do these people know what they want to with their lives and why don't I know like them? As much as I want to throw myself into learning something so that I can show them that I know something too and I'm not lacking, I can't. Because my conscience keeps telling me to explore what skills excites me but if I keep exploring and everyone keeps moving with their skills when I haven't even found mine, aren't I lacking more?

Does that mean I won't succeed like how they do since I'm so slow?

Tinywhisper11 May 15th

@Dreee hi sweetie ❤ life isn't a race, so slow down and enjoy it ❤ your life is about you, not anyone else, I know it's hard but please try not to compare yourself to other people. It's ok not to know what you want yet. Some of the happiest people you'll ever meet are the people who live in the moment, who don't have big fancy jobs, they still don't know what they want to do at 50 years old. But their happy🙂 so my advice is follow your heart, don't compare yourself, and be happy. After all the meaning of life is happiness ❤❤ hugs you tightly ❤

toughTiger6481 May 15th


knowing you want to change is a good thing.... doing it takes dedication and comparing yourself to others is a losing game no matter what. 

they may NOT  really know what they want but show confidence and for those looking they see calm and mistake that for that mate Knowing more or some secret.  

 the calm to face change and try new things pivot if those things do not work out are all items we learn at different times in our life ..... if you want change ... do it ...if you are copying something another is doing ... expecting luck or wisdom or same outcome they have you will be disappointed 



I get how you are feeling. You feel like you aren't in pace with everyone else around you and are anxious about your future. I have been in the same situation before, so I can connect with you on this. Firstly, no, you will still succeed. Your craving, and wanting to improve is a good sign of it; because most successful people show this trait. I am very proud of you for wanting to improve as a person, it is a strength that you showcase. 

Take this quote if you want, this quote really helped me and I hope it will do the same: 

" Don't worry about tomorrow's problems, worry about today,"

Have a good day! Please remember, I am always available for you and you can always send me a DM if you need anyone to listen.

YourShouder03 June 6th

@Dreee Growth isn't linear!  A tip i'd always give is to go for experiences that are almost 'off-script' in your day-to-day life. Those people who you feel have learnt more skills put themselves into uncomfortable situations where they knew nothing and then gained something. You have to fail more times than you succeed. its just the way life is, so dont stress! just make the most out of the time you're given. go for the opportunities that make you nervous!