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Advice for Mid-20’s!

HopefulWrench June 5th

Hi! Would everyone who sees this leave a little bout of advice for someone in their mid-20’s? Can’t wait to see what you come up with! ✨



20s is a difficult group, with so much pressure of doing literally everything at once. From trying to graduate, to get a job, make/keep friendships, find love and nurture relationships, to grow in career, travel, provide for  family etc. Mid 20s being the most impactful, as a lot keeps happening, while navigating the nuances of life, one is also tasked to discover themself, create a stronger identity for self and explore the spectrum of adulthood.

Filled with lots of rejections, opportunities, heartbreaks, breakthroughs, learnings and everything else in between.

Soooo I'd just remind everyone reading this that you are not behind anyone. Xyz people can look all happy and content in their life with the choices they've made and the life they lead, xyz people may seem to have it all under their control or acing this life thing and being on the right path but that doesn't mean you aren't. 

Comparison truly is a thief of joy. Try not to compare with others, not everyone posts their failures, or sad days or the behind-the-scenes of the tireless effort it took for them to reach where they may be today. 

Someone's "now" can be your tomorrow, but today it isn't and that's absolutely okay.

Your path is unique to you, what you're doing counts, your experiences are equally amazing and your efforts in trying to build a life you want to live for yourself count too. 

One step at a time. 

You're not far, you're not failing, you're not missing out, you're not late. 

You are trying your best to keep up and it does make a lot of difference. Keep doing you for you.💗

Also just a super quick reminder for all to try and catch a breather. We get soooo lost in making through the days and creating a life that we miss out on actually living in the moment. You're allowed to pause, redirect, refocus and breathe at every opportunity you can.💗


YourShouder03 June 6th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyouv love this!! im soon turning 21 so each year feels more and more serious lol but i love the freedom i have now. i hated my teen years but i feel like 20s are all about doing things youve always wanted to do. 

YourShouder03 June 6th

@YourShouder03 there can be a lot of pressure but the good kind of pressure- big life changes happen (some have already happened and im only 20) but im learning to embrace everything, the good and bad. 

Hiya @YourShouder03 I appreciate you taking the time to read, reflect and respond.💗

I agree lol, each year continues to feel more serious smh and like does aging ever stop xD I'm sooooo happy to hear you have more freedom now to explore your liking and follow your passions, it's a whole lot of changes, all kinds and a big yay for trying to embrace the good as well as the bad. We either have fun or we learn and grow. Win-win. Wishing you a beautiful year ahead and a life filled with all kinds of joy in the world!🦋

pandanfe June 18th


same pinch. i'm turning 21 soon and after seeing this post, i was like its a good chance to know my future without an astrologer XD. I wish us a wonderful 20's tho 💛

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Thank you for this wonderful message 😊



energeticJar9294 June 8th

Thank you for this from the bottom of my heart. I started my 20s not so long ago and i have been so scared, stressed and overwhelmed abt literally everything that i forgot its my first time living here. It gets hard to not be hard on ourselves when we keep comparing us with the rest of people and society. You just reminded me that i can find my own time and path and that was really heartwarming. I truly wish beautiful things come ur way and when they do i hope you understand how much u deserve them, bc you really do. ❤️


Hiya Cassie, this got me feeling so warm and touched. Thank youu for such beautiful words, you could've just read this and not-replied or not-thanked or not-appreciated or not-wished-me-well too and I wouldn't even know, but the fact you did all of that, took the time to send some kind thoughts my way too has touched me sooo much. 🥹❤

It's really so scary and overwhelming managing this life thing on the daily, and there's just so much to keep a track of, it's super understandable to find it hard, you're definitely not alone. Reminders as these sure help, and I'm incredibly grateful you came across this at a good time hehe. Feel free to read as often and remind yourself as often that you're indeed allowed to create and walk your own path, in your time and at your pace. 

There's more to life than "hustling" and "making the most of it", every little moment matters, if we just allow it to.🤗❤

Big hugs to youuu!❤

HopefulWrench OP June 10th

@Sunisshiningandsoareyou Wow! Your advice really shines. Thank you!

JustCory88 July 1st

@HopefulWrench live your life the way you want unapologetically. Love without boundaries, speak freely and follow your heart. If your scared of taking a risk then it's most likely going to worth it in the end because anything worth it won't come easy and anything easy won't be worth it. Follow your dreams and your heart to a fault because perseverance pays off. Remember regret is the worst feeling you experience because it will keep you in the past and you'll waste away the present and the future will lost. The biggest thing is to remember, whether you think you can or you think you can not, you are correct.