My name's Mariaester and I'm glad that you found my profile on 7Cups.
I'm a trained listener, and I'm willing to help you anytime you need, whatever you're struggling with.
If anyone wants to know a littl bit about me, I am a 17 years old Italian girl, struggling with Anxiety and Social Anxiety, Panick Attacks, Managing Emotions and Loneliness. I know how it feels not to have anyone who can listen to you, and that's why I'm here to make sure you don't go trough the same thing, and that you always have a shoulder to cry on, or laugh on, everything.
Please know that you're not alone, and I do care about you and your feelings.
You know, sometimes you can't fix things, and that's totally fine, don't let it take you down. But even talking about it can make a difference, clearing your head is always a good thing and who knows, maybe you'll even be able to find the most comfortable exit from this dark tunnel.
If you ever want chat, feel free to send me a message anytime! Even if I'm offline, I'll get back to you as soon as possible.
It's okay to be a glowstick, sometimes we've got to break before we shine.