Hello! I'm Colby, and I'm an 18 year old girl. I'm currently a freshman in college. I've been through a lot, and have experience in self harm, depression, relationships, and anxiety, but I know a lot about a bunch of other areas that are listed at the bottom of my profile. I will be able to help you about those topics the most, but that doesn't mean I can't help with any other topics! I'm here to listen and help you through anything you need, and I'm here to be unjudgemental and listen to anything you have to say; however, I do have a busy life at the moment. The BEST times to put in requests for me are 9pm-2am US CST, because I'm always up and usually not busy around those times. That DOES NOT mean I just won't take your request at any other time, it just means that you will have the best luck at catching me at those times. You can either send requests, or if the matter is not so urgent, you can just send me a message and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!
Hopefully the time that we talk together will be time well spent!