Hi there - you've stumbled upon a quite awkward person who is weird to meet, but empathic to chat with and who will be happy to listen if you need to vent or just to feel that someone's there for you.
I'm a future-cat lady and a music lover - been playing the violin for a while now. Also I've been trying to get a make friends with the piano (it's been about 5 years of trying to learn that hammering piano keys is not the key to a beautiful sound. pun intended. I'll show myself out), so you could say I'm a serious music geek. I adore reading as well - just finished 1984 by Orwell, and I'm open to any suggestions.
I'm usually here on Fri and Sat 5pm-7pm UTC, meanwhile at other times I'll have studies and chatting will take a while as I'm away. But hit me with a message whenever you want and we'll talk about anything.