Hello! I'm glad you've found me on 7 Cups of Tea. I'm a trained active listener and I have professional experience as an MSW providing emotional support to others. I have the most experience working with grief, aging, and caregivers to older adults. Additionally, I have personal and professional experience with chronic health conditions and chronic pain. I am well versed in topics related to having a chronic condition including how to sleep better, communicate better with doctors and loved ones, and setting individual goals for leading a healthier lifestyle even with barriers a chronic condition presents. I also have training in motivational interviewing and would very much enjoy talking to persons looking to make lifestyle and dietary changes using this theraputic technique.
I believe it is such a gift to provide someone your undivided attention and listen to their concerns in an non-judgmental and open manner. I am happy to be able to provide that here.
Please be aware that I am only able to provide one hour sessions for 7 cups users at this time. I also do not take more than one chat at a time. When I am with someone I prefer to give them my undivided attention.
If you self-harm, have an eating disorder or have a family member suffering from either of these I am not well versed in these topics and I would advise you to speak with another listener, if available. I feel that I'm not able to best support you as I lack the experience and knowledge about these topics.
I'm so glad you are here and I look forward to speaking with you.
Cover Photo Art: "Clarity" by Vin Zzep
Thank you for all you do.