Hi, I'm very happy you've found me! I'm here to help with whatever issues you have. Regardless of whether I can relate or not I'm here to advise or simply be a sounding board.
I appreciate that other listeners do operate on a scheduled basis. I may adopt this style at a later date, but at the moment I am having new guests/members and others that have spoke to me at a previous date messgae me at any time they want to, I see no problem with this approach. I do not mind when you mesage me if I am avalaible to speak for at least an hour I will reply promptly. If not I willl get back to you as soon as is posible. If you are in serious need do not hesitate to contact any other listener that may be avaliable.
Do not hesitate to message me if you need help, this site saved my life when I came on as a guest, if I can help people as I was helped that's a success in my book!