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L Beginner
4.5 star rating
Number of ratings5 Number of reviews2 Listens toOver 18 LanguagesEnglish Listener sinceNov 1, 2015 Last activeover 6 months ago GenderFemale PathStep 9 People helped17 Chats20 Forum posts1
Hello, my name's Samantha, I'm nineteen years old and each day for me is a struggle. That may not sound very pleasant but let me tell you this; each day for me IS a struggle. Every day I fight with my depression, self-harm, and anxiety. There are some mornings I can't believe I can get myself out of bed. But that's just it; I DO. Each morning I do get myself out of bed. I take myself through life, even though it isn't always easy for me. I do this because of people like you, people like myself. Because of 7 Cups, I've found a purpose for myself and that is to help people like me venture forth on their journey to find their own happiness. Join me?
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