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L Newbie
Listens toOver 18 LanguagesEnglish Listener sinceJun 2, 2023 Last activeover 6 months ago GenderFemale PathStep 1 Forum posts1

I was born in Wimbledon, England and finished my High School in Indiana, USA on a Rotary Exchange Program. 

By the time I was 21, I had lived in 22 houses. I live in South Africa, near the sea with my second husband and 2 rescue dogs. We found a rhythm in raising our blended family, my 3 children and his 2.

My career started in social services as a care worker looking after adults who had an intellectual disability. My career progressed into recruitment where I really found my niche connecting people to job opportunities. People management was an obvious next step for me, and over many years my career and bank account prospered.  


In 2011, I left the security of the corporate world and started my own business. In the same year my husband's children were involved in a car accident. His son was killed and his daughter critically injured. Holding the hands of my daughters, we attended a funeral with 5 coffins. My son did not attend. 

​And then in 2020, on one Saturday night my perfectly healthy Caity died in her sleep. The ions in her heart just stopped.  


I have traveled to many countries, I have explored and experienced incredible, good things. I am an avid reader who cannot spell. I can’t resist a best seller paperback at the airport book store. I make friends easily and keep them for long. I am a tea drinker who loves all things chocolate. I am that person who always says yes, I am spontaneous and often double book my time.