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L Novice 1
3 star rating
Number of ratings1 Listens toOver 18 LanguagesEnglish Listener sinceJul 29, 2015 Last activeover 6 months ago GenderFemale PathStep 1 People helped1 Chats2 Forum posts6 Forum upvotes2
Promise me you'll always remember: You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.

Hello, friend! If you need someone to talk to, I would be glad to listen. I believe that everyone has the right to express themselves and be heard, so I'm really happy to be able to connect with you here on 7 Cups.

We are all on our own journey, and I think one of the greatest joys in life is to form a meaningful bond with another person through understanding, compassion and respect. That's why I'd like to listen, with an open heart, in the hope that you can find some relief in sharing your thoughts and feelings.

Although life can at times be painful, and living can be a struggle, please know that you are a truly wonderful human being, and you are capable of so much more than you know. If you take a chance and believe in yourself, you can do extraordinary things. And if it's too difficult to believe in yourself right now, then know that I believe in you.

I'm a young woman who wants to change the world through kindness and love. I am also an introvert that enjoys solitude, and forming deep bonds with people I care about. I love reading, meditating, exercising, laughing, and learning as much as I can.

If you ever want to talk, please just send me a message. It would be a privilege to listen to your story.

Today you are You, that is truer than true,
There is no one alive who is Youer than You.
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