Hi! My name is Austen. I'm a certified facilitator and currently go to college for psychology. I'm also a trained active listener here on 7 Cups of Tea! I am apart of the LGBTQ+ community and consider myself best at all things geared towards that area. I'm very open-minded and respect everyone.
I have personal experiences with depression, anxiety, alcohol/drug abuse, break ups, and self-harm. I consider those to be my areas of expertise but I will try helping out in every way possible.
I would consider my biggest targeted areas to be sexuality, gender, relationships, and dealing withdraws.
If you ever want to talk and I am offline send me a message. It can be as long, or as short as you would like. Just try to mention what is going on, so when I reply I can give the best help possible.
Thank you for visiting my profile and feel free to follow me for my random spurts of whatever is on mind.