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How do I support my boyfriend when he wants time and space away from me to sort out his depression? It all feels like my fault and like he's dumped me.

Profile: Tawariell
Tawariell on Mar 27, 2017
Relationship Stress Expert more
People that are depressed tend to push away the people they love. The best thing to do is to give that person space and tell them you are always there with them and if they need anything you are free to help. Make them feel loved and cared for. Do not push them and ask them how they are every day, that will only stress them more. So be patient and loving.
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Profile: reservedexcitment
reservedexcitment on Mar 15, 2017 more
Take a step back, it's not about you. Depression is a stressful and difficult thing to deal with, let alone understand and navigate through. See it for what it is; He's asking for your support! He is open to you and not hiding it! He could be afraid it might affect you and wants that distance to protect you from it. Don't take his actions personally. Many depressed people want to be by themselves, it's the nature of the illness. Maybe ask him, if there is anything you can do to support him, and let him know he doesn't have to do this alone. It's a relationship building opportunity,
Profile: ouiCherie
ouiCherie on Nov 21, 2021 more
Pushing people away and at the same time feeling so alone is some of the signs of depression. Giving him the space he needed as well as letting him know that you are not abandoning them can be a good idea. Although, not an easy thing to do. Supporting someone going through depression is tough. You can join Depression Support subcomunity to understand further about Depression and figure out how best to support him. The constant push away and unpleasant treatments may take a toll on your self-worth at one point. Kindly remember to make a point to take care of your mental health too. You matter and you deserve to feel loved in the relationship 💜
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 18, 2018 more
Depression is a deep, dark hole that is extremely hard to come out of. Being in a relationship with someone who is mentally ill is so emotionally draining. Your boyfriend doesn't mean to make you feel this way. It is just such a complex thing, it's really hard to not blame yourself. I can tell you love him, I know it's hard for the both of you. Stay supportive, but if you feel as though it is taking a large toll on you, you should leave. If you think leaving would cause him to hurt himself in any way, you should defiantly let someone know immediately.
Profile: newbubbles
newbubbles on Oct 10, 2017 more
Understanding each other boundaries are very important in a relationship. You may ask your boyfriend what to do and how can you better support him to make him feel understood and not alone. You are not at fault when you want to support him :)
Profile: Izila
Izila on Aug 28, 2024 more
Its understandable to feel worried or hurt when your boyfriend asks for time and space to handle his depression. remember that his need for space is likely about managing his mental health and not a reflection of your value or the strength or the relationship. It may help to focus on self-care and activities that bring you peace and to express your own feelings openly when you feel ready. Reaching out to supportive friends, family or communities can also provide comfort and understanding. Taking a break doesn't always mean a breakup, sometimes its necessary for healing and growth for both partners
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