How to be good to yourself and to others?
Sep 10, 2021 more
Accept yourself fully. That means getting rid of judgments you have towards others and more importantly, yourself. If you are insecure how to act in front of people, and feel like they would judge you for who you are, that means you didn't accept yourself for how you are, you didn't 'approve' yourself as 'worthy' and 'good' to be accepted. This is because of judgements we have towards character traits. Like lying is "bad", honest is "good and right", being 'this' is 'acceptable' and this other thing is 'not'. Those are judgements we have about human traits. The truth we are a whole, meaning we are all of those traits. Lier, honest, cheater, loyal, two-faced, one night stander, and long-term kind of person. It is hard to accept that, but that is how we are. We judge traits based on how our culture and environment taught us we should view them. Every trait is a two-sided coin. For instance, lying and honesty. If you see someone use lying to deceive someone, you would consider it a bad thing. But you should make your own opinion based on -your- experience that comes from -how you choose to use a trait-. Like, you may use lying to save someone from getting hurt by finding something that they maybe don't need to hear, or from lying to kids you don't have candy cuz you don't want them to eat too much of it. Or honesty. It is good to be honest, but people use the truth to hurt us, or if we give too much info, they use it against us. You see? Don't perceiev things in matters of 'good' and 'bad', 'right' and 'wrong' as everybody has different definitions for them and considers different things to be 'good' or 'wrong'. So accept yourself as a whole (it will take some time), realize how many judgements you have towards yourself and others, release them, let them go, be in state of accepting whatever comes your way, and you should be ok! ;)
Sep 23, 2021 more
It can be really easy to focus your energy on helping others while completely ignoring your needs ( I definitely do that). It's important to check in with yourself, and if you feel yourself feeling mentally or physically unwell, take some time to be good to yourself. It doesn't have to be super lavish either, even just making sure you're getting enough sleep and water is a super easy way to get in the habit of being good to yourself. When you feel good with yourself, it will be easier to reflect that onto others. Random acts of kindness, listening, and showing that others are important to you are really simple yet impactful ways to show kindness to others.
Nov 28, 2021 more
Stop looking for someone else's approval, stop belittling your desires and thoughts for the satisfaction of others.
There will always be people who want to dissuade you from what you like, from new ideas, desires and aspirations.
Who are they to you? Bystanders, teachers, classmates? Stop listening to their comments and ridicule.
Choose your goals. Otherwise, they risk being forgotten because of someone else's opinion. Risk, act, be resourceful, generate new things around you.
Many never got what they wanted because they feared disapproval. But you can. You will stand. You will become the best version of yourself. Because what matters is your opinion of you.
Have the courage to tell people no
We often do not know how to refuse people, and then we complain that their requests only grow and people, as a result, sit on our neck. Only you can change this: don't try to be a convenient option for everyone. You should take your will into a fist and explain to people that you also have your goals and deeds, that you are tired and want to rest, and not do the work for others. One short word “no†can help with this, but it can be very difficult to pronounce.
Speak straight
Try not to lie and not come up with "excuses" - so you will only confuse yourself. Just say, “Sorry, I'm busy right nowâ€; "I have other things to do now." If a person does not understand - just do not respond to his calls and messages for a while - do not distract yourself. If a person asks for help personally, after the same phrases, do not continue to develop the dialogue further - after all, you are busy and it's time for you to run on business.
Dec 8, 2021 more
I love this question! I was struggling with it for so long and now I realized that all I have to do is to have grace and be accepting. Like many of us, I have a family. Sometimes we say and do things that hurt each other and sometimes we don't agree with what they do or say. But whatever happens, we know how that person is. We accept them as they are and that way it becomes easy to forgive and be good to them. Accepting yourself as you are is the most important thing you can do. sure we all need to improve and we should grow, but that process speeds up and is more enjoyable with acceptance.
Dec 31, 2021 more
I believe that staying positive and accepting people are the key to be good to yourself. If you respect yourself and accept yourself for who you are, it is easier to accept others no matter who they are or even if they have issues. I also believe that self confidence is good because if you are proud of yourself, you can achieve so many things and therefore can also inspire people all around the world.
Jan 6, 2022 more
It is important to practice self-care and to also have positive thoughts for yourself and for other people. It is important to be kind to yourself and to other people. It is also important to respect other people's personal space, boundaries, limits, and what they are and are not comfortable with. Treating yourself and doing things that you enjoy is also important. Trying new things and doing something exciting is also something that can be good or you as well! There are many things out there that can be good for you, but also safe and healthy for you at the same time!
Jan 12, 2022 more
I think what made me a good person to myself and others is realizing what I wanted to improve on.
To find those aspects of myself that I thought could use some improvement to become the best version of myself, I did a lot of Shadow work. Shadow work is often recommended by psychologists and allows you to work on the part of yourself that you've repressed and take consciousness of it. It allows you to work with your inner child which is believed to be one of the principal sources of many of our current behaviors in adulthood. Shadow work allows you to grow as a person as it enables you to learn a lot about yourself and the life you bring to others.
Jan 16, 2022 more
Congratulate yourself on every small achievement, whether out loud or in your head. You got out of bed? Good job! You showered? Nice! You ate all three meals today? Awesome!!
As for being good to others, checking up on them every now and then should suffice. And if you want to do more, you could provide a listening ear to them whenever they need one. Try learning some active listening skills which can be used to better your relationship with friends, family, and others.
Hope this helps!
Jan 29, 2022 more
It's hard to pour to others out of an empty cup. Learning to be kind to yourself, even when you're frustrated or feeling stuck, will help you be more kind to others. I think one of the best first steps to learning how to speak kindly to yourself is to start thanking yourself consistently, even for little things. When you notice yourself doing ANYTHING productive, positive, or loving towards yourself, take a moment to pause and say thank you (out loud when possible, but in your head is good too!). You might have to force yourself a little at first, but learning to thank yourself as you would thank others is huge in beginning to be kinder to yourself. I've found something called shadow work to be very helpful for learning to work through self destructive thoughts or behaviors, there's a lot of information about what it is and how to do it online. In short: it's a method of journaling to help release things you may have been pushing aside and letting eat at you for a while.
The journey of self love is never-ending, but the kinder you are to yourself, the easier it will be to be kind and loving to the people around you. One step is worth thanking yourself for, no matter how small it is.
Feb 12, 2022 more
Here are some ways to be kind to yourself: carve out some time for yourself and your interests by doing something that brings you joy, give yourself recognition for the good things you have done, forgive yourself for making mistakes, take good care of your body, soothe yourself when you are upset or sad, respect both yourself and others, and treat yourself for very good behavior.
Here are some ways to be kind to others: listen to whoever you're speaking to and show interest, say please and thank you, give compliments that are genuine and kind-hearted, consider how other people are feeling when you say something, give a handmade gift, show compassion when they are not feeling good emotionally or physically, and be kind no matter what.
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