How to be good to yourself and to others?
Jun 7, 2018 more
It's important to always be kind to others, and generally we all know when we are being good to others. There's a little voice in the back of your head that tells you when you're doing something right or wrong. The thing that a lot of people forget to do is treat themselves how you treat others. If you look at yourself in the mirror, don't tell yourself that you look ugly. Would you say that to someone else? No. You deserve the same amount of respect and dignity that you give to other people. Just ask yourself: would I be friends with myself with the way I talk to myself? If not, then you need to change the way you think of yourself: you are incredible and you should respect that.
Jun 7, 2020 more
Being good to yourself is not selfishness and you can be good to others only when you are good to yourself. You can be good to yourself by stop blaming yourself for everything, making yourself a priority, taking a stand for yourself, doing what you love and many more.
You can be good to others by respecting them and their privacy. Talking politely to them because we don't know what they are currently going through. By actively listening to them and making them feel like they are heard. By being empathetic towards them and being more inclusive and amiable. :)
Aug 29, 2018 more
Its a good question, cause being good to our own self and to others is important to lead a happyt life.
TO BE GOOD TO YOURSELF- you have to initially love yourself, take care of yourself, motivate yourself always whether the time is good or bad. Tell yourself to do hardwork so that you will strive unbound in your future. Be good to you, find your hobbies and just embrace your qualities . Tell yourself about the mistakes you have done and your faults, yet do not self harm, rather teach yourself to learn from the mistakes so that in future you will not face those mistakes ever.
TO BE GOOD TO OTHERS- Care for the people who need love, affection and help. Stand for people who want support in emotional states. Do the amount of help that you can do, either mental support or if possible then to some extent financially too.
When you are good to yourself, you will create positive vibes around yourself, and have good days, this will help others to get motivated as well, when they will see your success because you initially loved yourself and loved others as well.
So be good to yourself and also to others, and lead your life in the best way ever.
Jun 17, 2020 more
Great questions! It is definitely one that each individual will answer differently. One thing for sure, is that it is extremely important to be good to yourself. Self-care is one example of taking care of yourself. Making sure you're mentally healthy is something that everyone needs to prioritize more. Being good towards others is also crucial. We need to treat all of those around us with kindness and respect. We are all human and each and every one of us deserves to be treated with dignity no matter what. To be good to others is to make sure that you are treating those around you in a way that you would want to be treated.
Jun 22, 2016 more
I think you have to have compassion and empathy for yourself first. When you develop that, you are able to feel compassion and empathy for others. And if you have that, being good to yourself and others comes naturally.
Jun 23, 2016
Managing Emotions Expert more
Treat yourself with respect, love and affection as you would to others. How you would want someone to treat you is how u should treat some1.
Feb 28, 2018 more
Treat yourself with respect, give time for you, forgive yourself, allow yourself to make mistakes, always know tomorrow is a new day. Treat others the way you want to be treated....and remember every single person has a story. And if someone isn't being may be because they have something very serious happening in their be a little more gentle and kind.
May 6, 2018 more
I can be good to others by doing simple nice things. Saying good morning and hello to loved ones and friends, giving smiles to strangers, helping old people cross the street, offering a cold drink to someone who has been under the sun are some of the examples you can do to others. Being good to yourself, on the other hand, is like treating yourself as a good friend of yours. Practice self-care and try to avoid toxicity... It does wonders! *bunnie beleafs in you*
Jun 21, 2018 more
To know that you are worthy of good things. To know that you deserve good things. By acknowledging the good in your life, you will find ways of extending that same spirit to others. Basically if you are to be kind or good-natured to others, you have to begin with yourself.
Sep 8, 2018 more
how to be good for yourself? self care. look after your health and emotions. set time aside to relax, maybe bath, use face masks, watch a movie. be active, do exercise, eat healthily but also don’t feel pressured to exercise every day or eat healthily all the time. be your own personally hype girl. treat yourself like you’d treat your friends, compliment yourself, hype yourself up - treat yourself like a queen. how to be good to other? treat them like you’d want to be treated. be kind, try not to be mean or rude or short-tempered and, if you are, own up to it and apologise. just be the best you that you can be:)
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