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Profile: MonBon
MonBon on Oct 28, 2019 more
7 Cups is not equipped to support crisis situations. We are so thankful you’ve found 7 Cups and the free volunteer Listener program. Our goal is to help support people by offering an open ear and heart for non-emergency situations. In contrast, crisis counselors receive 200+ hours of training and continuing education specific to crisis situations. There are several existing crisis organizations who offer this level of training and support, which is why we choose to stay focused on non-crisis topics and training. If you are in crisis please reach out to a crisis line for appropriate support. Learn more here:
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 14, 2020 more
No, 7 Cups is unfortunately not a crisis resource. Whilst we are here to support those in emotional distress, we cannot take cases from people who disclose being in a crisis - the most common occurrence of this being members who disclose being suicidal. It’s important to remember though, that what one person sees as a crisis may be different to another... Therefore it is down to the judgment of your listener to determine the best place for you to receive support. Sometimes it will be possible for you to continue talking on here, but other times you may be referred to organisations such as or The Samaritans - who may be better equipped to help you. If you are referred, it doesn’t mean that we don’t care - it is simply because we want the best for you.
Profile: Aayla
Aayla on Sep 5, 2024 more
No, 7 Cups is not a crisis resource. It is a place where you can you share your feelings and thoughts that weigh on you with a trained listener, but our empathetic and active listening course does not qualify as to intervene in emergency situations. If you are in a crisis and you contact us, please note that we will point you to crisis resources that are qualified for your specific emergency, so you'll know where to look for a kind of support that is equipped to help you through it.
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