How do I know if my friend has postpartum depression?
84 Answers
Moderated by Smita Joshi, BA Psychology / MA / Advanced EFT Practitioner
Updated: Jun 4, 2022
Mar 1, 2018 more
Well, in order to know for sure, talk to a doctor about your friend. Also, it might help more to get your friend to go to doctor themselves to get a for sure answer.
Mar 9, 2018 more
Having had and still going thru postpartum depression myself I can tell rather quickly if a friend or Loved one is suffering from postpartum depression. You'll begin to notice them sad more often than usual, not able to enjoy the new baby, lack of motivation, restlessness, isolation, etc. The overwhelming feeling of sadness and mood swings are a huge red flag.
Mar 30, 2018 more
They may show signs of fear in relation to their past. Theye might find it hard to sleep which wold show in the way they do things as they would be tired.
May 2, 2018 more
The best way to know would be to have them speak to a professional. However you could research the symptoms and signs. However seeking professional advice is always best.
Jul 22, 2018 more
If it seems they have anger, anxiety, guilt, hopelessness in their mood, they might have it. Check their behavior! If you notice they are constantly crying or they cannot sleep, chances are they have postpartum depression. Other signs include depression, fear, fatigue, loss of appetite, lack of concentration, unwanted thoughts, weight gain, weight loss, or insomnia.
Aug 4, 2018 more
The best way to find out respectively is to just ask them. Have a heart-to-heart. They will appreciate that you care and are worried or thinking about them. I hope this helped! Feel free to private message me if you have anymore questions :)
Aug 5, 2018 more
This is a wonderful question, Postpartum depression is a real and serious matter that many dont take into consideration. There are many symptoms of PPD, some of which include: Insomnia, extreme sadness, extreme fear/anxiety, etc. If you think your friend is struggling, speaking with a health care professional is important to get her the help she may need.
Aug 24, 2018 more
Following the birth of a child, it is normal for a mother to feel down otherwise known as the baby blues. Pregnancy and delivery can be very emotionally exhausting let alone the exhaustion experienced upon the arrive of a new born baby and getting them into a routine. However these feelings should pass a short time after having the baby. If the mother continues to feel like this then she should seek medical help to determine if she has postpartum depression. This time can be especially difficult and it is important for you to support your friend. Try and get them to be open and honest about how they are feeling. Encourage them to talk and if necessary seek help. Good communication is key.
Aug 30, 2018 more
Depression after childbirth comes with certain symptoms. Most common are anxiety, mood swings loss of appetite, crying outbursts, insomnia, thoughts of harming oneself etc. If you have observed any of these in your friend intensively then you may suggest her to seek help. Alternatively, you may speak to her and understand the challenges that she's going through emotionally and also try and analyse the duration of the same. If she mentions about her feelings lasting for over 2 weeks then it is the right time to approach a Mental Health Professional. Online therapy is also available for this and could be considered, if required.
Oct 24, 2018 more
You have to listen to they’re problems and talk to them that will let them know that they’re not alone and there are people who care about them I’m always here if you need someone to talk to because I’m part of the 7 cups which believes everyone should listen to eachother which is really important to me because I have been through depression before and it’s aqful so I’m always here to listen if you have any issues so talk to me and we can schedule meetings every weekend if you would like that! I believe every life is worth it.
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