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Profile: aeris156
aeris156 on Oct 12, 2019 more
source: someone in my life who was in an abusive relationship. first, you need a game plan. do you live with them? if so, where will you go? do you have friends or relatives that you trust and who aren't connected with the person you're in this relationship with? can you talk to them? do you need to go to a shelter? do you have a bag filled with your necessary belongings if you need to leave quickly? if you have these details sorted out, go. engaging with the toxic person might make things worse. usually, communication is really important, but if you're in danger than this is an exception. once you're out, please seek professional help if you're able to. you have been through a lot, and having professional support can go a long way. best of luck
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 21, 2017 more
Have a mantra, stop all contact and know your value. If someone isn't helping you grow as a person walk away.
Profile: scenicwindow
scenicwindow on Feb 7, 2018 more
For starters, by realizing that you deserve better. Loving someone just isn’t enough if you aren’t receiving the same love in return. The time you waste on the wrong person prevents the right person from coming your way. Stop waiting for your partner to change. Change has to come from within; it can’t be forced. Only then do things have a chance of working themselves out. Consider this when nothing has changed despite many promises may times over. The third logical step would be to follow up the aforementioned by learning to let go, which may be the hardest step of all. It's never easy to, but you will have to, for there is no other recourse out of the toxicity. Accept that It will hurt. A lot. That pain would be the way to gain the changes needed to be brought about in your life, to move on. Take time off to recollect and regroup, if need be. Take things slow, baby steps at a time, to healing. It's all so worth it,in the end.
Profile: electricDreamer95
electricDreamer95 on Jul 27, 2016 more
The only way to leave a toxic relationship is to cut off the toxic partner completely. It's difficult to do but well worth it. A relationship should add life to you, not suck the life out of you. Love is selfless and giving.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 1, 2017 more
Get help from family, friends, a therapist, or any kind of support system you can find and lean on them to make this hard transition of leaving a toxic relationship. It'll be very hard and the grieving process may blind you to the bad experiences you had with this person, but remind yourself in the moments when you miss them about the bad they brought to you. This will help you continue to move forward in moving on to finding someone better and healthier for you.
Profile: gigantEars69
gigantEars69 on May 13, 2017 more
Quickly. Talk to friends and family that can offer support and that you trust. Is you have none of those then go to a support group, they exist for this. Know that it won't be easy and that's ok, you are there for a reason and you will experience loneliness after it's over. That's ok, you will grow. Then make a move. Leave or tell the person to leave if you live together. Let them know this is over and know that you owe no one an explanation. Explanation in toxicity is just not productive. Head high, make your end known and then stick to your resolve. Remind yourself it was toxic and find ways to be ok with lonely sometimes
Profile: Shiba260
Shiba260 on Aug 10, 2017 more
Leaving a toxic relationship is difficult and a scary situation especially if your partner is abusive or controlling. First, you must come to terms their behavior is no way acceptable and it's not your fault they hurt you. The best thing to do is to have support from your family members or friends so they can be there when you break it off with the person so no harm can come to you, and if you live with the person then ask to stay at a family members/friends house and block the abuser's number and on all social media. If they keep harassing you afterwards you might want to file a restraining order.
Profile: safeshoulder2CryOn
safeshoulder2CryOn on Jul 11, 2020 more
For those of us in a relationship, we know that it can consume a vast amount of our mental and emotional energy and when it becomes toxic, it leaves us in immeasurable suffering.At this point we need to decide to drop this unhealthy relationship.In order to do so, you first need to recognize the signs of a toxic relationship and to find supportive friend, family member, or professional help to help them through the breakup process as well as support them during recovery.Next you need to bail out before you become intoxicated. You need to tune in to your inner intuition. Trust yourself to make the leap. You need to safeguard your own well-being.If something doesnt feel right it not meant to be.Let it go.
Profile: PaleRose12
PaleRose12 on Jul 9, 2016 more
When leaving be confident and explain why he/she is not good for you and say that this is the right thing to do right now.
Profile: LovableGeek16
LovableGeek16 on Jul 20, 2016 more
It may hurt and you may cuss yourself but you have to grit your teeth and focus on what's best for your mental and physical health depending on the situation. Its hard and it's raw and painful but you have to do what's best for you.
Profile: mayodibari9
mayodibari9 on Jul 24, 2016 more
The first step is realizing that you are in one and that your happiness and peace of mind comes first. Seek help if you have to but you really need to confront that person and talk to him/her.
Profile: bravesmiles101
bravesmiles101 on Jul 24, 2016 more
You start by gaining some distance from your partner/relationship and seeking out healthy friendships you have.
Profile: Redtiger01
Redtiger01 on Sep 8, 2016 more
Be strong and trust that you're making the right decision because you are. Tell yourself that YOU are in control and you don't let anyone make your choices for you.
Profile: Nats1011
Nats1011 on Sep 16, 2016 more
Leaving a toxic relationship is a huge and a very relieving step in your life,you stand up and make yourself heard don't be overshadowed by all the strings attached,you're strong and i love you and you can do it! more
Okay. It is never easy to end a relationship, but first of all you have to be aware of how you're feeling. Do you feel happy? If the answer is no, you already know what you have to do. I know that he/she/them has changed and that you miss the good first honeymoon days while believing that they could come back any minute now, but you are the only person you'll have to always deal with even in your grave, so the minute you do something that doesn't give you happiness or satisfaction at any point you have to put yourself first and leave it. If possible, try to talk the situation with your partner because they not be even aware of what they're doing, and declare that you are leaving and never coming back. Then, walk straight forward and don't ever look back. Have a few days of disconnection, cut every contact you could have with that person.
Profile: Hayles0111
Hayles0111 on Sep 21, 2016 more
To get out of a toxic relationship you need to be harsh with yourself. Admit that it's damaging you. You need to put yourself first. And remind yourself that it's for the good of your own future and the safety of yourself and others around you.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Sep 30, 2016 more
Its important to remember, in a relationship YOU matter equally. First step to leave a toxic relationship is to recognize it first. Second step is to stand up for yourself and your happiness.
Profile: TetDaath1
TetDaath1 on Feb 12, 2017 more
Just quit and never look back. It's great that you are aware it is a toxic relationship and if you want out, go on. Quit it. Save yourself and you'll thank yourself later.
Profile: realmpr
realmpr on Mar 15, 2017 more
If you are aware you are in a toxic relationship you have already taken step one to leave it. Think about what you deserve, think if this person is bringing more harm than good, and make a decision, talk to this person and end things, don't go back or give this person a chance to hurt you again.
Profile: HeartyHeartfelt
HeartyHeartfelt on Apr 13, 2017 more
Make a checklist. Is it safe for me to leave? (Then, when or how can it be safe?) Will s/he allow me to leave? (If not, can I convince them? Is there a better time to?) On a scale of 1 to 10 how is my wellbeing? It helps to show yourself tangible information that you have to leave. Also, know if it's safe for you to leave. Make a strategy and please call domestic violence or relationship hotlines for help. Or, if you know anyone who is absolutely trustworthy, discuss a plan with them. Take care.
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