What should I do when my depression starts getting severe or I start having suicidal thoughts?
Jul 6, 2015
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When your depression or suicidal thoughts aggravate, seeking professional help is critical. If I were in your shoes, I would seek out hotlines, crisis counselors, and therapy because those methods are more advanced to support in that situation. Therefore, I would like to say to this person how amazing and wonderful they are and you are definitely better than your depression, so I hope you stay strong and fight through this rough patch you're going through.
Jul 7, 2015
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You could go out and get some fresh air. Find a nature trail in your area or somewhere in the city that you haven't been before. Get your mind clear of those negative thoughts!
Jul 13, 2015
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If your depression is getting severe and you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, if your not already seeing someone to talk about your feelings then I suggest you seek help to get things off your chest. It can take a while to open up to someone but once you can open up to the person it may help.
Aug 10, 2015
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It's always a nice idea to seek help when it gets to that stage. If you can, you should always talk to a therapist or a professional who could guide you in this matter. However, if that's not possible, online help could be taken where most of it's free and easy to schedule.
Aug 10, 2015
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Think about things that make you happy. If you can't do that, think about people that make you happy. If you can't do that, do something that makes you happy. If you can't do that, be with the people that make you happy. If you can't do that, let all your feelings out by ranting to someone or writing them down somewhere. If you can't do that, hug a teddy bear.
Aug 31, 2015
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The best thing to do is to try to contact a crisis hotline such as the National Suicide Prevention site. You can google the number. There are trained listeners who can help you through that difficult feeling and situation that you are experiencing.
Sep 7, 2015
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Do you have anyone that you can talk to? A therapist, or mentor? I would talk to someone you trust if you start having thoughts of suicide.
Oct 26, 2015
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Start talking to people about how I'm feeling. Tell them I need help to get through it. Be around people who make you feel safe and and can help you
Jan 25, 2016
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Talk to someone and vent to them if they are willing. Add logic to your thoughts if its nessecary...
Jun 27, 2016
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You need to assess why you feel that way, and eventually seek professional help. Know that there are people around you who cares about you so much and are willing to listen to whatever it is you want to share.