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Why do I always say things I don't mean?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 11, 2020 more
Speaking does not come easily for many people. Even people who are eloquent and well-spoken sometimes have difficulty expressing themselves meaningfully or appropriately. So, your concern is a very common difficulty. When we say things we don't mean, often it is the result of feeling pressured, having to speak quickly without adequate time to consider our answers, or simply not having reflected on what we wish to communicate and how we can best communicate it in a kind, honest, and tactful way. Some solutions you might consider are not allowing yourself to feel pressured or rushed to respond at the drop of a hat, or, setting boundaries so people don't expect you to. One response I use when I don't have the answer I feel would be best is: "That's a great question, and it's important to me to answer it meaningfully. I want to give that question the time it deserves, so I'd love to get back to you about that." You might also consider hashing out different likely conversational topics, so you know what you want to say and how you mean to say it, in advance. Reflecting on your own about your feelings is also a great option, so your feelings don't get away from you mid-conversation causing you to say something you don't mean.
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Profile: joyousFreedom1580
joyousFreedom1580 on Nov 15, 2020 more
I have always had issues with lying. It was pathological at a certain point, I would lie to Starbucks baristas, to my friends, to anyone really and I never realized it was an issue until a loved one reacted poorly to the revelation I lied so often. I realized (a long way into my recovery journey) that lying was a way to protect myself. From difficult conversations, from heartbreak, and most importantly from not being perfect. If you lied about yourself, even small details like what you ate and what you were doing or interesting stories that aren't true, you get to control everything and make everyone think you are perfect, even when you know you're not. And while saying things you don't mean may make you feel like a bad person and it could be something you want to change desperately, be gentle with yourself. Your brain is trying to protect you, it's always trying to protect you and sometimes white lies are what you need to do to make it through that particular moment. And surviving is nothing to be ashamed of.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 15, 2020 more
Sometimes it is hard to hold back things you want to say on impulse even if you do not mean them. It is easy to act and say out of impulse, especially in a stressful situation. We are complex and our emotions tend to take over in certain situations. It is easy to blurt or have quick responses without thinking through the weight and meaning of the words that are said. It might be easier to take a moment and think about what will be said before speaking out loud and not being able to take those words back.
Profile: DarkPiT23
DarkPiT23 on Nov 22, 2020 more
If you want to stop saying things without thinking, the first step is to become more aware of the behavior. Spend some time noticing the things you say each day and try to identify the times when you said things without thinking. Both can be true. However, most often we say things we don't mean when we are angry. Anger is what neuroscientists call a hyperaroused state. ... However, most often we say things we don't mean when we are angry. In a fit of anger or in frustration, we say things we don't mean when we lose control of our emotions. We act first instead of thinking it through and hurt the other person with our words. We all say things we don't mean - to our friends, family, or even strangers. When you say something facetiously, you don't really mean it — you're joking.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 26, 2020 more
Well, sometimes it is well-intentioned, and is perceived as an insult. You can say YES or NO and the person can think you are being facetious. This can happen to listeners, to members, to anyone in the real world out there. Sometimes you feel two different opinions, or emotions, and one of those just comes out, For example, apples are good for you, but eating too much apple sauce, or eating the chemicals on the peel, might be bad. When you say "did you wash that apple?" or "eating apple sauce (or apple pie) again??!" might come out like you are hating the person, but, in reality, you are actually saying something so as to try and prevent pesiticide or insecticide poisoning, or preventing obesity. Also, if you are yourself hungry, you might be jealous and want the apple. We have to realize we are born sinners. People need to be forgiven, and we need the Lord's Prayer more.
Profile: thesnowqueen0801
thesnowqueen0801 on Dec 4, 2020 more
Your emotions might be influencing your words. It's important to pay attention to how you feel so that those feelings don't become overwhelming to the point where you can't control them. It's also important to talk about problems so that they don't build up on you. Holding it in will just make it worse and you'll end up bursting. It's often advised to think before you speak. But I think it's more important to consider both your emotions, as well as the emotions of the person you're speaking with. That way, you can communicate without hurting anyone. It all comes down to managing your emotions and making sure that they don't override your thoughts and actions.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 9, 2020 more
I think this happens when we get lost in our feelings and don't know how to express it. The words you say can come out more harsh than in your mind and that is perfectly ok. You must find a method to control the anger you feel and maybe calm yourself before you speak. When we say things we don't mean it's usually because we always have that voice that says the opposite of what we want in our mind. When rage takes over the voice does as well and we do this in order to protect ourselves. So to answer the question you things you don't mean because you want to say so much but you're emotions are so heightened that you only say a part of what you want to.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 16, 2020 more
I say things I do not mean when I am frustrated or my frustrations have been building up so I let them out all at once, causing me to say hurtful things I would not normally say. It is important to discuss issues or problems are they arise, not after a couple of weeks, because that anger builds up. Another thing I do not say things I don't mean is to write down my frustrations and thoughts, so I can organize them better and understand them. We all make mistakes as humans and say things we don't mean, but we can all work on ourselves and how we feel to prevent this from happening.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 1, 2021 more
Sometimes when we feel stressed, anxious or we are not really sure what we are feeling, we tend to say things we do not mean. Nobody is perfect and sometimes things just come out of our mouths and we have no idea why that happened. Most of the time, when people say things they do not mean it is because they are overwhelmed with emotion whether that is happy, sad, angry, etc. and things just come out. It is good to recognize when we say something we may not mean and revisit that to apologize or clear the air with the person who you spoke to. We are all human, humans make mistakes. It is important to learn and grow from those mistakes to become better versions of ourself.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 8, 2021 more
It's difficult to control yourself sometimes and it's completely natural. By finding the right ways and the motivation you can change that. There are also very good exercises like numbering before you say something or breathing techniques you could use in order to achieve a control. Although it's impossible to control completely your mind because of our nature as human beings! You can always talk and discuss with other people who will understand and don't forget that we all do that it's the power of the high sentiments. Sometimes it's so difficult to be under control when you are furious or very sad, overwhelmed so don't be ashamed of something this natural. Consistance and motivation is the clue!
Profile: belladgreys
belladgreys on Mar 3, 2021 more
There are many reasons you could say things that you don't mean. One reason could be that you have a hard time controlling your impulses/emotions. If you say something you don't mean during an argument with a friend/family member, it could be because you're in the heat of the moment and want them to feel bad about themselves, even if you don't feel that way about them or believe what you said to them. This happens to everyone. Just make sure that you apologize afterwards and make sure that they know you didn't man what you said. Hope this helps!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 28, 2021 more
Most of the time when we feel angry or upset a lot of people say things that they wouldn't usually say because they don't mean it. They weren't thinking because their emotions completely took over. You can fix this by just taking the time to think of what you're going to say before you say it. Trust me it will save you a lot of trouble of saying things you don't mean. I used to say things I didn't mean but when I took the extra few seconds to think of a better response it helped me say things that were meaningful to me.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 2, 2021 more
People might wish they'd never said something, and say they didn't mean it, but for the moment they said it, they did mean it. A human being is a mixture of different moods and selfs and characteristics. Some we find acceptable – the nice, kind parts – and others we sometimes disown, which tend to be selfish and greedy. As we get older, we push down the selfish parts so we appear nicer to other people. Unfortunately, if we don't listen to our feelings and work out what's making us feel bad, the part we don't like can burst out and make us say things we later regret.
Profile: BlueOasis420
BlueOasis420 on Apr 7, 2021 more
First of all, you're not alone with this. The main cause may be that you talk before you think. That sounds like a pretty bad thing, but actually it's pretty common. We often have thoughts flooding in our minds and then we just spit out the thoughts in the first sentence that came into our minds. It's pretty difficult to stop yourself from doing that. What could help first, are some mindfullness exercises. Learn when do you speak, how do you speak, and what do you often regret saying. Realizing mistakes afterwards and keeping track on them is the first step. I don't mean you should collect your bad words as some big collection of failure to show yourself what you're doing wrong; it's so you know under what circumstances these things happen. Now we try to prevent these things. I can't give you a way that certainly works, but maybe you can try and first notice when you're upset. Then say yourself "I can't think straight now, let's count to five first and then start THINKING about an answer." How does that sound? When you know what often goes wrong you know can also reflect on your sentences before saying them and to correct them, like if you read an email before sending it. I hope I could help you!
Profile: bubblegumPuppy68
bubblegumPuppy68 on Jul 28, 2021 more
Often times when we are hurting we tend to hurt other people. It is because we sometimes bottle up our anger and our resentments. When we are hurting we may say many things to others that we might not have said if we weren"t hurting inside. Our tendencies to lash out at whoever is closest to us, which is called displaced anger. It is like pouring water in a cup and it gets so full it overflows. It does not matter who has the cup but it is going to overflow. Some of the contents of the cup has to be dumped out or drunk to avoid an overflow. This the way our body is. It can only hold so much stress, anger,and these emotions when not vented properly will errupt. I hope this helps expain your question.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jul 28, 2021 more
One can always say things they don't mean because they lack control over emotions or are too overwhelmed by their emotions which is totally fine and normal Others might say things they don't mean to conceal truths which they don't want others to find can also happen in the heat of the moment It Can also be intentional to cause hurtful feelings to someone like in a heated argument Before saying stuffs,try processing it in your head and think how it would sound when said out aloud and what form of emotions it would convey,thereby helping you keep your words in check..
Profile: beeloudandproud
beeloudandproud on Jul 28, 2021 more
Sometimes I say things I don't mean out of impulsivity from strong emotions and acting in the moment. It may be easier to say something hurtful to someone you care about as a form of self defense because at the time it feels like it can protect you. In actuality it does not do this is can create distance but in the moment this distance may act as a barrier to being open and not revealing what you actual feel. I had this as a problem very recently where I was speaking to a guy I had feelings for and ended up saying hurtful things to him to protect my feelings (which I can safely say was ineffective)
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Aug 8, 2021 more
I had the same problem as a kid. My problem was I had feelings I held inside and never talked about them. In my case, I held in anger, regret, sadness. Maybe try talking to someone if you think that might be your case. A lot of people have the same problem so don't feel like you're a horrible person! Most people do it to manage emotions they don't know how to manage properly. It is a tendency for our limbic system to play things known as “safe not sorry”. You pretty much are using it in a defensive place reacting to a feeling of fear and sadness.
Profile: sweetnoffbeat
sweetnoffbeat on Aug 26, 2021 more
Sometimes, someone can say something they don't mean because they want to "fit in" with a peer group. There are also times people say things they don't mean out of anger or just to get someone to stop "bugging" you. Some people will also adopt a persona in order to be politically correct. Another time during which people will say things they don't mean is when they are in a relationship (friendship or romantic), in which case the person will be fake in order to serve their own needs. Other times, people say something they don't mean to make a good impression on others. Are any of these instances something you can relate to when you say something you don't mean?
Profile: Reemkindsmile
Reemkindsmile on Sep 10, 2021 more
I have caught myself doing this too at some point (more than once, duh!). I’m not proud of it, but it almost seems like the only way to communicate with certain people who are not there to ask you to be honest or to be yourself—they just want the fake version of it. Why? It’s less compromising, less risky, less intimate, and simply easier, and it does not require any sort of intellectual or even minimal emotional engagement. The last part, in fact, scares the hell out of people, and it is an aspect of social interactions that I have a very hard time understanding, because all I crave is that real, deep, and special connection with someone. When I connect with someone at that level, I just feel alive and human. And let’s be honest, we’re all guilty of fearing that as much as we desire it; that is why we keep running away from it. There’s a strange comfort in avoiding saying what we actually want to say. I’ve always felt there wasn’t a point in talking to people about generic things like the weather, work, or everyday nonsense. I still feel very awkward doing so, but I am trying to be better at it because I know it’s a big part of how our society works. Although I promise the minute you show someone (even a stranger) you can connect at a deeper level, their inner light turns on; you can see it in their eyes that they’re craving a human exchange. They may randomly start telling you their life story because they feel like they can, and that has made my day many times. For me, I’m either invested in someone as a friend, creatively, or as a partner and I want to know everything about them, or I’m not going to fake being interested at all. Meaning, why engage with someone halfway? It’s that “halfway” of life that I believe should be rethought.
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