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Why do I wake up sweating?

177 Answers
Last Updated: 05/27/2022 at 2:14am
Why do I wake up sweating?
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Tracy-Kate Teleke, PsyD, M.A., LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

I assist adults and couples in CA experiencing relationship challenges and interpersonal struggles including anxiety, depression, and a myriad of other life challenges.

Top Rated Answers
May 27th, 2022 2:14am
There are a lot of reasons as to why this may be happening. It could just be because you are sleeping under too many layers, making you hot and sweaty. Or it’s possible you are having nightmares/panic attacks while sleeping. These are only a few reasons as to why this might be happening though. Kindly consult a professional if this is something that is greatly impacting your life.
April 29th, 2022 1:24pm
First check with your doctor for their advice incase there is an underlying health issue just to be safe. Second check if your room temperature is to warm. Perhaps opening a window might help, Third maybe have something relaxing before bed time such as a bath with lavender to help relax you. Try and exercise also which is good not only for your body afterwards to ease winding down but also for your mental health releasing endorphins makes us feel good and helps us to get a good night sleep. In addition to these it could be as simple as eating the wrong type of food before bedtime that can bring sweats on, maybe hot food such as curry’s and chilliest may add to your night sweating. Try and reduce these and see if there is a difference
April 23rd, 2022 2:40pm
Sweating during the night can be as simple as sleeping in a hot environment (even during winter if you are sleeping under too many blankets). But sweating during the night might also be caused by certain medications or conditions such as anxiety disorders, alcoholuse disorder, autoimmune disorders, hormone disorders. Sweating during the night can also happen if you're a woman in menopause or if you have fever during the night. If you continue to notice for a longer period of time you sweat heavily during nighttime or if it bothers your quality of sleep (even when changing your bedroom conditions) you should talk to your doctor about it.
March 26th, 2022 1:00am
It sounds like there may be a psychological thing going on here. Anxiety and stress can contribute to uneasiness, which may cause frightening or disturbing dreams (nightmares). Which, in turn, often leads to night sweats! I know in my case, it's when school is getting too hard and I'm not giving myself enough time to wind down in the evening and untangle my thoughts that I wake up with cold sweats and shaky hands. But then again, it could simply be that the AC was not turned on the night before and the heat is causing the obnoxious sweats!
February 19th, 2022 5:35am
You may wake up sweating because of any sort of any uncomfortable circumstances. this may include bad dreams ( nightmares ), a stressful day, being afraid of the future or because you might have had a childhood trauma which still triggers you to this day. In today's world, stressful situations are something that happens to nearly everyone, considering the growing competition, stressful working environment, too many school works, to name a few. Problems are everywhere and we can't change that, however, we can change the way we look at these problems. Some methods include meditation which helps us to have a more calm approach to these problems, or talking about your problems, without bottling it inside. 😁
September 4th, 2021 10:10am
It is possible to wake up sweating for many reasons, including but not limited to the following: 1. Nightmares: Bad dreams and nightmares can cause you to sweat and may wake you up. This could be a random occurrence, or could be a symptom of PTSD, or other types of trauma. Try remembering what your dreams have been about, and what worries you have been troubled by recently. 2. Physical health issues: Having issues with your blood pressure, salt levels, heart, etc could cause you to sweat excessively. Additionally, issues with breathing in your sleep could wake you up. An example of a condition that may cause that is sleep apnoea. 3. Stress: Stress can cause all sorts of issues. Do check in with yourself, and try to see if you have been stressed, anxious, or worried about something recently.
September 2nd, 2021 8:12pm
Sweating during the night can happen for a number of reasons. It can be simply due to increased body temperature, which can happen if your room is too hot, if you wear too much clothes or even if you drink alcohol in the evening. Some types of medications also interfere with body temperature. Sometimes, it can also happen if you're experiencing great stress and anxiety. In those situations, it can be helpful to do some meditation/mindfulness exercises, and to reduce screen time before going to sleep. However, if you think you're sweating too much, you should visit your family doctor and tell them about it. Hope this helps!
June 16th, 2021 12:10am
Of course, i realize this can be a totally case-by-case thing and there may be factors unique to you that i am discounting, but the main thing I can think of is perhaps being stressed. Being overly anxious about the next day and can have negative physical impacts. When I wake up sweating, it is usually because I had a hard time falling asleep and just did not have a restful night. If this is the case for you, maybe try limiting screen time before bed and thinking of happy/calm thoughts as you fall asleep :) I find our 7 Cups guide regarding sleep quite helpful:
May 16th, 2021 7:34pm
There can be a wide variety of reasons for why you wake up sweating. It can honestly just be your body communicating something to you. Or it might be something else that psychological or physical. It's best to go ahead and re-evaluate any other symptoms you may be having and try to come up with a solution so that you can get better sleep at night. If you are taking showers before you go to bed or at night, I highly recommend changing that to mornings that way you can feel refreshed and be clean for the day. You can always consult a professional health provider if it get's to that point where it is super hard to deal with.
April 9th, 2021 7:00pm
Waking up sweating can be a common occurrence especially if you are a female or somebody suffering from a past Trumatic event. Middle aged women often wake up sweating in the middle night because of a condition called menopause which is a hormonal imbalance and often requires help from a doctor. Sometimes people wake up in the middle of the night sweating because they have had a bad dream. That can often occur with a condition called post traumatic stress disorder. If you continue to wake up sweating I would definitely consider contacting a medical professional. I am so sorry that you are going through this.
January 31st, 2021 1:21pm
If you wake up sweating, it could be because you had a stressful dream/nightmare. It could be because the room is too hot, or you are using too many clothes or blankets. If the room is too cold, you may be bundling yourself up in blankets unconsciously and start sweating in your sleep. It could be a physical symptom of e.g. a hormonal imbalance such as pregnancy or menopause. Withdrawal from alcohol and drugs (including medications) can also cause excessive sweating, especially at night. Excessive sweating can be a side effect of certain medications. There is also a medical condition called hyperhidrosis which means a person suffers from excessive sweating and overactive sweat glands.
November 26th, 2020 5:32pm
It's normal to sweat during the night if the room or your bedding is making you too hot. Other reasons sweating in the night occurs could also be due to: Drinking before bedtime Your stress level The medications you're taking You're going through menopause (or you're about to) You have a sweating disorder You have an underlying medical issue Hope this helped.
November 22nd, 2020 1:12pm
Many reason's actually. You could just be hot, it could be anxiety, or even a condition where your body produces a lot of sweat. If it becomes to be a problem or you become worried about it, I suggest seeing a doctor. You doctor can give you an answer based on you and whats going on with you. You can try sleeping with fans, or getting sheets that cool you down as well. But my main suggestion would be see a doctor if you are worried considering it can be so many things. And I have no way of knowing that.
November 14th, 2020 1:06pm
It's normal to sweat during the night if the room or your bedding is making you too hot. Night sweats are when you sweat so much that your night clothes and bedding are soaking wet, even though where you're sleeping is cool. Adults and children can get night sweats.These may be signs of secondary hyperhidrosis -- excessive sweating due to medications or a medical condition. Normally, your body sweats to regulate its temperature, and you sweat more during exercise, hot conditions, and stressful situationsNight sweats are repeated episodes of extreme perspiration that may soak your nightclothes or bedding and are related to an underlying medical condition or illness. You may occasionally awaken after having perspired excessively, particularly if you are sleeping under too many blankets or if your bedroom is too warm.
October 24th, 2020 8:06am
There can be many reasons. The most obvious one is that it is too warm in your room - your sleeping gown is too warm, your blanket could be too warm or your room in general might be too warm. This issues have easy solutions - less clothes/blanket, opened windows, turn off the heat. Other reason could be something in your sleep. We often sweat when we have bad dreams/nightmares, as our body feels stressed and sweats. Then it might be time to think about the dreams and what they can mean. There also can be sexual dreams which can lead to sweating. They're for sure not harmful, but it also won't be so easy to get rid of them.
September 30th, 2020 6:36pm
An overactive mind might cause you to feel stressed during the night. This might be due to general stress or anxiety. Your brain sends signals to your body to start sweating, which is its way of handling stress. To counter this, it's important to build in a fixed bedtime routine, in which you avoid screens and other electronical devices. A warm shower or hot bath might soothe you. Reading in bed if you have difficulty falling asleep is also recommended. Sweating might also be caused by a high bedroom temperature, a medical condition, drinking and eating too much before bed and some medications. You should consult your doctor if symptoms persist.
September 18th, 2020 8:23am
There can be many reasons why someone wakes up sweating. For starters, it could be that your blanket is causing you too warm or the temperature in your room. It can also have to do with your mental health, as anxiety or stress can cause you to sweat in your sleep. It can also be related to your health conditions, some people are naturally hotter than others. If you take medications, certain medications can cause you to sweat a lot as well. If using a lighter blanket does not stop the excess sweating, seeing a doctor is highly suggested.
August 16th, 2020 12:56am
You many be going through a panic attack while sleeping maybe you had a dream and thought it was real which triggered a panic attack alternatively it could be anxiety within sleep. Anxiety can be triggers while sleeping as well with dreams or in this case nightmares of your worst fears could be failing or you’re reliving an embarrassing moment. This is normal within everyone we all have dreams and nightmares that cause us to sweat but it becomes prominent that is unusual. If you don’t know why you wake up sweating it’s probably anxiety but dreams are forgotten quickly.
July 24th, 2020 12:21am
There are many reasons as to why you wake up sweating. I have also woken up sweating before due to bad dreams at times or uncomfortable heat. These might be some things that are influence your sweating but it also might not be. You would be able to understand the reason for your sweating the best. Is there anything about the environment that you sleep in that might be causing you to sweat? What kinds of emotions are usually on your mind when you go to sleep? Sweating does not necessarily mean that you have any sort of medical issue as you may think.
July 16th, 2020 3:22am
I wake up sweating because I am too hot and have too many covers on my bed. I sweat because I am emotionally wrapped up in a problem that I have not resolved. I am trying to problem solve in my sleep instead of at my desk. Problem solving generally requires looking at the entire problem and its inputs, evaluating why there is an issue, and putting together several scenarios that may work as a solution. Allowing a sleep solution to problems is very slow and sometimes very ineffective because the subconcious is not attuned to rational probems.
July 8th, 2020 11:32pm
Normally, your body sweats to regulate its temperature, and you sweat more during exercise, hot conditions, and stressful situations. If you wake with body sweat there can be a number of reasons related to anything from hormones to illness to stress and so on. Night sweats are a really common complaint Doctors will say if they are really bothersome and interfering with life, it’s time to see a doctor. With so many potential causes, you are well within your right to consult a doctor—even if it’s simply to assuage your concerns. In most cases, your doctor will review your symptoms, do a physical exam, and probably do some bloodwork or other lab exams as they see fit.
July 2nd, 2020 2:24am
If you frequently find yourself waking up drenched in perspiration, you are likely suffering from night sweats. it could also be because you are eating too many spicy foods, or stressing out too much due to personal reasons. it can also be because of the amount of pressure or thoughts that you have kept inside you that bothers you too much that you are having problems falling asleep. Sweating can have causes that aren't due to underlying disease. Having a drink or two in the evening may sound relaxing, but it can lead to increased body temperature and therefore cause sweating.
May 8th, 2020 6:12pm
I can't say specifically why you wake up sweating, but I know this happens to me sometimes too. Usually when it does, I have been having a nightmare about something in my past. Maybe you could start to keep track of when this happens and what your experiences were with your dreams or emotions that you are feeling. I know for me when I wake up like this, I normally am feeling anxious, confused and sometimes am in a more stressful situation than normal. So if you find yourself feeling this way too, maybe try thinking about some things you can do for self care when it happens. I hope this helps and good luck!
April 22nd, 2020 9:16pm
Okay waking up sweating everyone who has been through this knows it's kind of weird. Through experience I questioned why I wake up sweating. I came to the conclusion that my eating was unhealthy maybe to much caffeine too much sugars. Scientifically waking up with sweating can be numerous reasons why . Drug use can be a reason due to withdrawls a person can experience waking up sweating the best way to find out why you wake up sweating is notifying your provider and explain your situation and stay hydrated. The body cools its self down by sweating so try taking a cold shower before bed or simply drinking acold glass of water.
April 16th, 2020 5:02pm
You may be sleeping in a too hot temperature room, you may be having nightmares or night terrors, to stop this you can try sleeping with the window open if you are sleeping in a too hot room, turning down the thermostat. If you are stressed before sleep you often wake up stressed , try listening to sleep meditation of only watching/read lighthearted things before sleep. Try sleeping with a thinner duvet, wearing less heavy articles of clothing and so on. Its hard to pinpoint the cause of this specifically, it could be a range of things but if stressed talk to anyone about it just get it off your chest.
April 9th, 2020 12:45pm
You can wake up sweating due to possible stress occurred before you fall asleep, even if it’s thinking about things and not realising it, or it could even possibly be because of bad dreams that can work you up in the middle of the night, which can tense your body, and make you sweat. It is a normal thing, although if you wish to stop it, then you should perhaps try thinking about things that get you stressed before bed, and it this happens continuously, you should seek serious help from someone like a doctor or therapist to help you.
October 23rd, 2019 11:35pm
Do you suffer from nightmares, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder or anxiety? That could be two possible causes that come to my mind. I suggest maybe bringing it up with your doctor next time you see them and maybe try sleeping with less blankets because you could be getting sweaty because your hot. Also, depending on your age it could corrospond with your hormones for example, Menapause suffers often struggle with night sweats and "hot flushes". I hope you can find an answer for it soon, Best of luck! Bianca :)
October 12th, 2019 3:50pm
Night sweats have several reasons, from night terrors (nightmares that you don't usually remember having when you wake up), a room that is too hot and humid, and some health conditions. Night terrors occur most commonly to people who have been going through a lot of stress, or who have a history of trauma or PTSD. If you are used to a cooler weather and are now living in a warmer and more humid place (like close to a body of water) and are used to having air conditioning but don't anymore, you may awake drenched in sweat. If you think that you may have a health concern, it is best to ask a doctor about it. If a physical cause isn't found, you may want to consult a sleep expert, a psychologist or a psychiatrist. Sleep is vital for your day to day functioning. Do your best.
July 20th, 2019 9:25pm
There are many reasons for waking up sweating: You could have too many blankets on or you tend to overheat in the night. If it's none of those, then the issue goes deeper than the surface. One reason could be that you've just awoken from a nightmare, or your dream was intense. If that's the case, it can help to write down your dream in a journal. You can later reflect on it. Even if you don't remember much of your dream, anything is better than nothing. If it's a simple "I woke up sweating.", that's a great start.
June 29th, 2019 6:31pm
There could be multiple reasons for this, some people do naturally sweat when they sleep, some people struggle to maintain their temperature when they are sleeping which can cause sweating. Sometimes it can be a reaction to a dream that you are having or if you are not feeling very well. If this is continuous and you are worried you could speak to someone about it and this may make you feel better. If you are seriously concerned then maybe visit a GP or doctor and they can provide you with advice or give you advice of how to combat the issue.