Moderated by
Lindsay Scheinerman, MA, LPC
Licensed Professional Counselor
My work with clients is to help them recognize and build on their strengths to find solutions for the conflicts presented in their lives.
Top Rated Answers
October 24th, 2015 11:56pm
Some of us go through alot of stress in our lives, we might not even know the problem. Is there something bothering you?
October 25th, 2015 2:44pm
Many people wake up throughout the night. Don't let it worry you. Take a deep breath, relax your mind, and fall back asleep. :)
To help others an have a good life an spend time with my family. An have kids an an. Raise them right
It can be a lot of reasons. I know if I nap during the day and try sleeping at night, I wake up really early in the morning, and won't be able to go back to sleep and begin being throughout the whole day and repeat the cycle. So it's probably not having a sleeping schedule, if you don't then you should consider getting one and making a set time that you should wake up at around every morning and stay awake the whole day without naps, and you should be able to kick the habit of waking up early in the morning.
Because each one of us has what we call a "sleeping cycle", in general your brain asks you to wake up at the end of each cycle. Or you're maybe in love so that you have that 4 am thoughts :p ;)
Work and starting the day but in honestly sometimes i just want to play games before work. So thats how i keep myself sane
I have read somewhere that this can be because one side of the brain is currently being more active than the other side which controls your chemical balance to benefit uninterrupted , long sleep. Sometimes calm music, darkness, and herbal supplements or smell goods can help with something like this so when you do wake up, youll be able to fall back asleep anyway.
October 29th, 2015 1:07pm
Brain signals in your brain tell you when to and how to do things. They control everything In your body. For some reason your brain is signaling your body to wake up. Maybe your thirsty or you need to go to the bathroom. If you keep waking up try goimg to the bathroom and even try before bed.
The body has a cycle . The average time a person should sleep is 8 hours and the body has a sort of timer that will wake them up halfway through the sleep.
i cannot give you an answer as I do not know but your body clock could be set to this as a kind of habit. That is just a suggestion, you are the expert on you. I am here to listen and support.
November 1st, 2015 5:08pm
It could be because of a nightmare you don't remember. Or a mental health issue. Maybe you were woken up by a noise.
It could be due to a number of reasons including you're uncomfortable sleeping, or you're having a bad dream, or something wakes you up like a loud noise, or because you have something bothering you subconsciously
November 5th, 2015 1:33am
maybe youre stressed out. when stressed, your body will naturally wake itself up, especially early morning
November 5th, 2015 9:50pm
There could be a variety of reasons that you wake up at 4am. It may be best to consult your doctor about that.
Maybe it's a phase of sleep that is not very deep, and you hear noises from outside??
Does something bother you in regards to the day that's coming? Sometimes when I am really nervous about something that's coming up the next day, I wake up super early for no reason.
number of reason (i would like to explain it the bio psycho perspective
1. sleep stages or sleep cyle body you wake up at 4AM,
2. disturbance of environment like room is well ventilated or not...
3. worries, depressive thoughts
but if does happened once in a weak then you may noticed have you taken naps ir ur rotine??? rules out the environmental factors might work behind like noice.... ur slepping cues are disturbed such as sometime ppl use to putt light off and by getting light sleep suelr distubed.. eating habbits also effect the slep like certain medicine and drugs.... consult doctor also if u found non of these causes...
It could possibly be anxiety waking you up or if you are worried. See when it happens and what happened in that day, to see what causes it. Hope this helps. (it may not be anxiety it could just be a weird sleeping schedule)
there are many reasons that could explain why you wake up at 4am. Are you feeling stressed about anything? do you find your mind Is racing or do you feel worried before bed? is your room dark enough? are there loud noises outside or that could wake you up? I would encourage you to seek additional help if you feel your sleep patterns are interfering with your daily life. chat with a listener here for starters, and they should be able to point you in the right direction. cheers!
There are many reasons for waking up early in the morning, some of these include: stress (may be school or work related), anxiety( again could be due to school, work or other), illness (any kind), insomnia (inability to sleep, disorder). Sometimes methods of getting back to sleep include drinking water (hydration is very important) or getting special medication in order to sleep better from your doctor.
Is there something bothering you? Maybe you go to sleep to early? If it interferes your life then maybe you should talk to your doctor.
Have you previously been in the habit of getting up at that time? Or is it a time when a train passes by, or birds start singing? Do other people in your house get up at that time, or did something in the past happen at 4 AM, and you're reminded of it by your subconscious? Do you have any ideas?
I sometimes wake up in the early hours and sometimes i can find that it because i have things on my mind. I try and write down thoughts and things i have to do the next down so that i do not have to worry about them when i go to sleep
It might be that you have an unresolved problem that you keep denying. Still, your soul can not be tricked and it forces you to face the challenge.
It's Probably nothing to worry about because I do the same thing you probably have to start managing your sleep time and go to bed earlier
Firstly I would consider any physical reasons such as needing the bathroom, someone leaving for work at the same time each day, an alarm that is going off or even the boiler coming on. If there are no physical reasons, what are your feelings upon waking? Are you stressed, scared or is your mind thinking about something in particular? Consider a stress busting technique in order to allow you to go back to sleep with minimal disruption.
November 20th, 2015 6:00am
Perhaps it has to do with your metabolism, sleeping cycle, or any stress related event waking you up
It can be due to so many reasons, there was a time in my life where I would always wake up around 3.. I would lay awake tossing and turning for a good hour before sleep took over again, I did some research online and It said to spend some time to reflect on your life and what’s keeping you awake, and I would awake feeling really sad and miserable, so why? after you answer your question you kind of get closure and feel at peace, which leads to a much better sleep.
Everybody requires different amounts of a
Sleep. If your consistently waking up at the same time it may be your Internal alarm saying you've had enough sleep.
Maybe you feel like you've had enough sleep! Or you just like to get up early and have an early start to the day! :)
because you feel anxious. The feeling of anxiety can make us unable to have proper sleep. So if you wanna sleep well, you'd better find a way to put your mind at ease
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