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Why can't my mind stop thinking when I'm trying to sleep?

249 Answers
Last Updated: 09/04/2021 at 6:28am
Why can't my mind stop thinking when I'm trying to sleep?
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Top Rated Answers
July 23rd, 2015 7:52pm
This normally happens when our brain is to accustomed to thinking or overthinking and doesn't know when to shut off. Things you can do to help with this is listen to soothing music, watch a film until you drift off, breathing and mindfulness exercises and various other things that help you to relax and switch off.
July 24th, 2015 11:02am
When I'm trying to sleep and thoughts won't stop popping into my head, it's usually due to a recent stressful situation or an upcoming situation that is causing me anxiety. I find the best way to deal with it is to take deep breaths and focus on counting so that your mind doesn't wander off!
July 24th, 2015 6:08pm
Sometimes worry and anxiety can cause you to have trouble sleeping...doing a free write like expressing your thoughts without judgement through writing or making a to do list of things that are worrying you both these things can help you get to sleep.
July 25th, 2015 3:58am
Sometimes an important way to keep your mind racing when you are trying to sleep is to establish a sleep routine and only use your bed for sleep. Additionally, if you do find that your mind is racing at times, writing down the thoughts to worry about the next day often will put you at ease.
July 25th, 2015 8:44am
When something similar happened to me,it was because that thing was bothering me. Take it as a signal the brain is trying to tell you when something is wrong.
July 25th, 2015 11:10pm
You can't stop thinking when you're trying to sleep because of something that happened in the past you are anxious for something.
July 26th, 2015 2:02am
This could be due to certain activities done before bed or general stress throughout the day. It is recommended to stay away from screens minimum an hour before bed, no coffeine at least four hours before bed, no food just before sleep and preferably a warm bath instead of shower. If you get lots of thoughts you can try to write them down on a paper and put them on your desk for tomorrow to worry about. That way you'll brain let it go for the moment and have less to focus on. Sleep well :)
July 26th, 2015 10:08pm
It is because you are anxious. Can help you out. If it isn't anxiety, it could be a high increase of activity in the brain since the brain isn't doing anything else.
July 29th, 2015 3:14am
Because that's the time you are alone and trying to relax so everything just comes rushing in to get you thinking
July 29th, 2015 4:32am
There are various reasons your mind might be racing as you are trying to fall asleep. From personal experience, I have learned that there might be some underlying issue that is bothering me that I haven't fully acknowledged or it could be due to emotions, such as excitement.
July 29th, 2015 2:06pm
When we are in bed there is not much focus on anything else other than our thoughts , so our brain goes into over time. 1. Give yourself some mental and physical wind-down time. 2. Don't worry in bed.3. Focus on mental imagery. 4. Separate productive worry from unproductive worry.
July 29th, 2015 7:53pm
The annoying thing about thoughts is, the more you want them to go away, the more they'll get stuck. What you've got to do is realize there's all these thoughts floating around in your head, and let them be. You have to just be okay with them being there and not interact with them.
July 29th, 2015 9:45pm
You most likely have insomnia its when a part of your brain is stressed or over thinking although this may not always be the case
July 30th, 2015 10:16pm
May be because you have some worries or unsolved queries active in your mind. It is always better to understand onself and try to figure out the situation regarding what might be the problem. You could also start making a logbook of things that you keep on thinking while you are trying to sleep and that might give you a clue on what the problem might be.
July 31st, 2015 1:20am
The mind has many thoughts going. When the head hits the pillow sometimes that is when the race begins. I have spent many a sleepless night worrying about the days events in excitement or nervousness. Just know that all you can do ... is all you can do. Rome wasn't built in a day and especially not a night. Just breathe deeply. relax close your eyes and just make like ELSA AND LET IT GO!!!
July 31st, 2015 11:24am
Your mind can't stop because you lay down at night and you finally have time to comprehend everything. You don't have the distraction of making food, writing, or poetry you just have your bed and your ceiling and that never ending train of thoughts and memories you haven't thought about all day. Suddenly it all comes back because there's nothing to distract you. Nothing to do but close your eyes and think.
July 31st, 2015 5:45pm
Because when you go to sleep, since your body is not doing anything anymore, it is normal for your brain activity to increase. You think about what you've done today, which makes you think about a thousand other stuff that happened in your whole life, you can call it a"stream of consciousness". Your body wants to sleep but your mind is acting otherwise. Try relaxing yourself with soft music.
August 1st, 2015 3:37pm
Sleep is actually a phase where you lead yourself to a state of mind, where brain is suddenly directed to refrain from any other work which you were previously doing. So now all the concentration is to a certain peak or just collected like a water in bowl, So which ever thoughts you have is going to strike the water again and again. If you want to stop thinking, then you need to drain the water out. How to do that? Simply direct your brain to think something else, something that will make you relax. So mind will be like "Oh, Now I have no work to do". :)
August 1st, 2015 7:29pm
You probably have a hard time letting go of mistakes you have made in the past. Try to divert your mind and focus on slow, light breaths, if anything bad comes up, block it by chanting in your head or pausing the thought.
August 2nd, 2015 5:28am
Your over thinking things, the best bet is to be calm and dont overthink. Listening to music or reading a book usually helps
August 2nd, 2015 1:29pm
It is difficult to sleep when you have a lot on your mind. I find writing it down helpful so I can process it with a fresh mind after some sleep.
August 2nd, 2015 9:18pm
I'm just an over thinker. I run scenarios a 100 times in my head before I finally fall asleep. It can suck most of the time.
August 5th, 2015 12:47am
This can be for many reasons. One being have you being using alot of electronics before going to bed e.g on your phone if so try not using them an hour before you go to bed so your brain can relax. Other reasons can be stress related or anxiety.
August 5th, 2015 2:43am
In my experience its because something is worrying me and being in a quiet room lets me listen to my thoughts more easily
August 5th, 2015 4:30pm
Imagine a beautiful setting, anything you like, a beach Island. Take 4 breathes in then hold it for 7 and release on 3. This breathing technique helps you calm down, as well prep your mind that it's time to sleep.
August 5th, 2015 4:34pm
Well, there can be several reason why you're still thinking while trying to sleep. From personal experience: I try to stop stimulating my mind by being online, watching TV, etc. an hour or so before sleeping. Being online just before sleeping is one of the most common reasons for your mind to be awake when you're trying to sleep. I would do something calming just before sleeping such as a relaxing bath, praying, chanting a mantra, reading, drinking chamomile tea, and just lying down and let thoughts pass without letting them take over. Also, making a to-do list can help as this is what might keep us awake for quite a bit. These are just my suggestions though...
August 6th, 2015 9:47am
Is there anything that Is on your mind? Before going to bed, have a nice cup of tea maybe even draw out or rite out your problems that you'e thinking, if not you could always take sleeping pills to help you out.
August 6th, 2015 10:40am
There can be many reasons, maybe you're anxious, and stressed. Maybe you've had a lot of caffeine in the day. Maybe you need to relax more. Only you can know.
August 6th, 2015 3:32pm
Meditation is an excellent way to power down at the end of the day in preparation for sleep. There are several free apps that offer quiet meditation. Also, make sure your environment is conducive to rest. (ie no light from televisions, cellphones, etc.)
August 6th, 2015 5:45pm
There are multiple issues that can keep the mind active, or over-active when trying to sleep. 1- Too much energy. You haven't used all that power God gave you for the day, so when it comes the time to sleep, your mind is trying to burn that extra energy left. There's too much. 2- caffeine. I don't need to explain that one. It's best to keep away from caffeine when the day is slipping into the night. 3-stress. Built up stress doesn't take a rest. Bathing before sleeping can help relax the muscles and mind. 4- Internet. It's recommended that you turn off your devices one hour before you go to sleep. Playing video games, going on Facebook or whatever you may be up to, is re-awaking your mind. It will not help you sleep and should not be a means to help you sleep.