How do I cope with being easily offended because I'm 'too sensitive?”
25 Answers
Last Updated: 06/01/2020 at 11:38pm
Moderated by
Paola Giordani, Psychoanalyst
Licensed Psychoanalyst
I have helped and am helping people cope with loss, divorce, anguish and parenting. Depression is also a major issue that comes up.
Top Rated Answers
Being sensitive is a great thing. It gives you a different perspective of the world and it lets you tap in emotionally. But sometimes it's not the most fun. If you truly are sensitive, there are things that will always frustrate and offend you. There's no really getting around that, at least there isn't for me. When people are teasing me good-naturedly, I always feel like they mean it on the inside. Part of me knows that they are just joking, but there is a darker part inside that believes it's the truth. On the outside, I try to hide my true emotions and pretend it doesn't bother me. I may even joke back. I try to get involved in the teasing and join in teasing the person back to show that I am good natured about it even though the whole time it is affecting me.
I think the best way to cope that I know of is simply to remove yourself from situations where you are feeling offended because of your sensitivity. This doesn't mean to restrict yourself from these situations completely (you can, if that works). If you feel things are getting to a point where you might be affected by someone who doesn't mean to do so, you can either remove yourself by going to the restroom to wash your face with cold water, or just take a break from the situation. You can also try to change the subject.
You can also try to talk to the person about it and explain, but from my experience that usually leads to the person saying something like: "Oh, quit being so sensitive! I was only joking. Why do you take everything so seriously?" And that's not a situation I want to be in or I want you to be in. As sensitive people that kind of thing doesn't mean anything. I know they are joking and it still hurts.
I believe everyone has their own level of sensitiveness, which is shaped by our own pasts and experiences. One thing you can do to start is realizing that first, everyone has lower or higher level of sensitiveness than yours so when you get offended by certain people too much, then you know their in the lower level of sensitiveness and you can't really expect them to always understand where you are. Maybe you would want to reduce the possibilities of you getting offended by them by keeping a certain safe distant. We can't please everyone, and not everyone can please you either, so I guess what we can do is accepting the differences :)
October 22nd, 2014 1:54am
To be able to cope with being offended, you need to ignore it and think positive thoughts about you.
Being sensitive can often be seen as something negative. I have experienced this 'label' many times in my life, and I have learned to take this 'label' away from my true, authentic self. Embracing my sensitivity - especially my deep feelings of emotions - is still a process that I am working on. Being a sensitive person myself often causes troubles and anxiety for me in my daily life, the only thing I can do is to accept its existance, as a part of me, without viewing as a negative aspect of my personality.
November 17th, 2014 12:02am
ignore others! it's your right to be offended! there is no need to ashamed for being 'too sensitive'
In my experience, being sensitive was a big problem in friendships. I used humor as a self-defense mechanism. Remember, if someone says something or does something which might cause a sensitive reaction, take a deep breath and tell them what is on your mind calmly. Ask them if they understand. Your sensitivity is how you feel, and it is valid; as valid as how anyone else feels. You do not have to limit yourself or hurt yourself because of everyone else. Just be calm, think twice, and respect yourself and others when reacting to a situation with sensitivity.
December 5th, 2017 2:31am
Being easily offended is the sign of damaged self-esteem so maybe you should focus on your self-esteem first, try to figure out why this is like that, if you begin to feel better about yourself, I do not think you will be offended so easily again.
November 20th, 2014 8:13am
Try to be aware of the fact you are sensetive. Speak to Your mother she will always keep Your secrates...
Realise that being "too sensitive" is not a drawback, but instead it is an asset in the correct eyes. And communicate with fhe people around you and let them know how you feel.
November 3rd, 2014 8:31pm
Try to avoid conversations which trigger my emotions and cause me to feel uncomfortable and easily annoyed.
IT depends on what you are being offended by. I would first look at what is being said and done logically. I would then compare your emotions to your logic and see if they match. Often people feel first then think later.... they believe they do anyway and this is called emotional reasoning.
The other side to this is: Perhaps you are keeping company of the "wrong" people who do not care for your emotional well being. Again, look at it logically and even ask others if what was said would offend them. Come onto 7 cups and talk it out to get some clarity on the issue and then make up your own mind as to what needs to be done.
See yourself as the one who always offend people and had to plead all the time, for forgiveness in so doing, you will know that to err is human but to forgive is divine
June 1st, 2020 11:38pm
You are you and you are amazing. Everyone is different and people should respect your feelings and emotions. When I am in a position where I feel sad or irritated, I try to distract myself to the best of my abilities. Distractions include cooking, cleaning, watching Netflix/TV, or going on TikTok. Seriously Tiktok can really suck you into a whole and you can stay there scrolling for hours. I have been called very emotional and very sensitive. Sometimes I wish I was not. But I love the way I am no matter what and people should too. Another thing you can do is let them know that you are not happy with what they say to you. Appeal to their emotions and let them know that they hurt your feelings and you want that to change. You can also avoid spending lots of time with those particular people. Negative people bring negative thoughts that just create more negativity. Spread positivity not negativity. I hope this helped! Good Luck :)
April 4th, 2017 5:55pm
This is hard to deal with. Try identifying what offends you, since identifying is the first step. Practice stopping and counting to 50 whenever you get offended. Talk it out with someone and explain how you feel for further acceptance. You could also try keeping a journal or even just venting on your phone notes app whenever you feel bad so that others don't have to suffer. Remember being sensitive is not all bad and could be really useful sometimes!
You are sensitive because you are human. If your to sensitive maybe try asking why and what the reason that subject hits you harder than others and find the true reason for the emotions and find help
December 7th, 2015 5:42pm
Learn to deflect criticism by realizing that no one can determine your worth, your worth and value comes from you, right now you can choose to appreciate and love yourself for who you are.
Take a breath and remember that the person is I need of help and does not deserve prejudice. You would not want the same treatment when you are in need.
Different people are different levels of "sensitive", and it can also be dependent on the situation. On your end, maybe you could try to be more objective and see their perspective, but keep in mind it'd probably be best if they did as well. I've known people who've even come out and said sometimes they tell people they're "too sensitive" because they might not know how to deal with or feel about an issue or situation themselves, or it might just be a knee-jerk response. If somebody close to you keeps telling you this, you could try talking to them calmly about how being told you're "too sensitive" makes you feel, or how it might take away from having an actual conversation. There are better ways to indicate to somebody that you're uncomfortable with a certain topic or you disagree with them than saying they're too sensitive.
Sometimes approaching things rationally won't work, and you shouldn't feel guilty about it. Some people just have different emotions, or are more or less emotional. If that's the case, you don't need to stop talking to them or being around them, but look elsewhere for discussions on the things they feel you're too sensitive about - you'll both be better off for it.
November 2nd, 2014 7:23pm
Watch Ralph Smart on youtube he has great videos on becoming your greatest version.
Much love :) & good luck
September 1st, 2015 12:33pm
I guess it would help not taking things personally and knowing you are here this moment and are facing this roght now but its going to pass and you are not to blame.
July 7th, 2015 2:47am
You can take it lightly and not to the heart, don't think that what they have said is meant to offend you, maybe they are genuine. Don't overthink about what they have said
November 15th, 2014 3:52am
I've learned to step back and understand what is offending me. I try not to take is as an insult, but as constructive criticism if it turns out to be a valid point. The sting will eventually wear off.
one way could be to understand that everybody has their point of view and opinion. So just listen to it and take it at face value and let it be. It could take sometime to stop feeling offended or hurt but once we realize that what they are saying doesnt really change anything then it helps
February 13th, 2018 10:32am
Try to put yourself in your "offender"'s shoes and see it from their perspective. You'll most likely find the more appropriate response for the "offence" after you've reassessed in this way.
October 29th, 2014 3:31pm
If the person offends you without them realizing then they probably did not mean it. So you shouldn't worry about what they had said and just set it aside.
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