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Ashley Cox, LMHC
Ready for a happier, healthier life? I specialize in transformative therapy that empowers you to thrive.
Top Rated Answers
Something I do, is remove myself from the situation for 2-5 minutes. If you can take a second to think about it, you are one of the best people at getting yourself to calm down.
January 29th, 2016 1:07am
Try to get a squeeze ball or something that when you're angry you can brag onto and just release stress into it.
January 30th, 2016 4:28am
Take a deep breath, count slowly, to 10, just leave for a bit take a walk, a shower, talk to a pet
January 30th, 2016 6:12pm
Reframing would help you alot in this area. Reframing is associating your anger with something more positive so that you can change your perception. You need to identify what would you need to improve your mood and anchor it whenever anger strikes you.
Try to channel your anger into other alternative, for example, listening to loud music, taking a nap, shouting into a pillow, drawing or anything that can distracts you.
February 3rd, 2016 9:43pm
It is really hard to avoid taking anger in others. Our brains do it without us noticing, we have to blame someone and that someone is not gonna be us! so that is actually really hard to do
As mentioned before. I do it by killing my ego for the people I love, and don't get offended from what they say no matter what. End the conversation there itself when i feel that i may offend them rather than saying things that might hurt them. Talk about that matter when i'm in my senses.
Discover some ways to avoid hurting others and yourself. Do some research on some proven techniques, such as writing letters or physical exercise. Once you find something that works for you, dedicate yourself to this and do your best!
If you know you're getting ready to be angry, try removing yourself from people. If you know you're going to slip up and say something that might be taken as rude, try and remove yourself from the conversation.
Get a stress ball or scream in a pillow, or you can listen to music that calms you down and distracts.
May 15th, 2017 8:12am
you can avoid taking out your anger on others by thinking if the person in front of you is responsible for your anger or if they deserve that
Isolate myself. When possible get out around nature.
May 8th, 2018 11:14am
Take a deep breadth. Count up to 10. Repeat it until you are completely relaxed. People often tend to tease you if they know that you are vulnerable. Do not let that happen. Show them that you can handle their worst! If you vent out your anger on someone, they might think of you as an unapproachable person and that might harm your relationships. Just tell them that you are not in a mood to talk it they approach you. Otherwise, just take 5 mins to get over the situation and resume your work.
April 27th, 2020 3:45am
Do not forget that other people have feeling either. If you're feeling that you're getting mad i suggest (from my experience) to try to understand that you're mad. Once you know why, if it concerns someone i would say try to talk to them nicely and calm. But before talking to the person, you should try to take some minute off your phone. Try to do some yoga, take a shower, go for a walk, listen to nice music or Watch Something on tv could help your mind to calm a bit. Never talk to someone when youre mad, if you want you can try to talk to them, they are for you they are your friends.
I think the best thing to do when you're angry is avoiding arguing with others,going to a place by yourself and getting it all out on a piece of paper,atleast that's what i do sometimes,works like magic
you relax, have a better and calm communication with others, and understand your environment much better
September 19th, 2014 9:22am
You can try to take your anger out on some other way of course... By writing, running, sometimes just sitting down and doing nothing can be helpful. When you get better, you can see what were you angry about and to try other times when something similar like that happens to react differently. And yeah, sometimes, just taking a great nap is a best. :D
When I get angry, I take out my iPod, put on my headphones, and blast Alanis Morissette. It helps me tune out the world.
You could try to put that energy into more productive things. For me when I get angry I take a little time to myself, and I let myself calm down. Sometimes I'll listen to some music and then I take that little rush of energy and write what I'm feeling or draw a little. Just put it into something that interests you. Talking it out after you calm down a little bit always seems to help too so don't be afraid to do that.
Punch a pillow. Work out. Go running. Anger is not the answers to anything, you should try to love more than hate.
Avoiding taking your anger out on others can sure be tricky, but not impossible. You should try to do some breathing exercises when you get frustrated with people or are angry in general. Try this one: Breathe in for 4 seconds, hold for 7, exhale for 8. Repeat this as many times as you need to until you calm down. Hope I helped. :)
Take a step back and look at the situation from the other persons perspective, once you analyize the situation from there, it gives you the time to calm down a bit, and think rationally about the situation. The only way you can really avoid doing this, is being able to see other people doing it, and understanding that the other person is taking out their anger on someone that didn't do anything wrong.
First thing first is to take a deep breath and try to calm yourself. Figure out what's making you angry at the moment. Then try to see if you can find something else to divert your thoughts and such and try to avoid whatever made you angry.
It is understandable that it is easy to take your anger out on others. Good ways to avoid this is to try to channel your anger out through different methods. Exercise is a proven method that works with relieving anger. Yoga is a great way to relieve stress, and in turn relieve anger. Try to avoid people when you feel angry, and try the old trick of counting slowly backwards from 10 to 1, taking deep breaths after each number.
October 31st, 2014 12:06pm
Take a deep breath and stop to think if your anger is going to help the person you are angry at. Realise the problem and why it has happened.
October 31st, 2014 5:06pm
When you feel angry just go to a quiet space, calm yourself down, think about your anger, see if its worth responding back in a rude way. Once your calm , come back to the person.
November 2nd, 2014 7:15pm
Surprisingly going for walks in nature every day calms the mind for the rest of the day.
Simple breathing meditation.
Working on the source of the original problem.
Good luck & much love :)
I always think before I speak, I think about what I am mad about and Ask myself if it's someone elses fault or could this be handled calmly instead.
Try to think of different ways to take your anger out, like working out or running. Writing can be a great way too.
It's okay to be angry. Control your anger let it out appropriately. Try not to offend those close to you.
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