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What helped you accept your own sexuality and gender identity?

39 Answers
Last Updated: 03/17/2021 at 7:23pm
Perfect therapy for people who need help. I would like to say, I never can imagine it could be possible to heal people like that
Ta Tania
5 star rating
Moderated by

Danielle Gonzales, PsyD


Hello! My name is Dani, I am a Psychologist and registered Psych Assistant. I have a passion for helping a different types of clients from all diverse backgrounds!

Top Rated Answers
Profile: LoveAndPeaceOnThePlanetEarth
October 17th, 2016 1:35am
If I'm honest I went to Instagram and followed sooo many LGBT accounts that just got me really comfortable with knowing that this was who I was
Profile: AmandaAbroad
October 4th, 2016 10:34am
Having the words to define different genders, sexualities, and romantic attractions; and having other people "testify" that sexuality and gender can be fluid and don't need to correlate with romantic feelings.
Profile: trashcat
August 16th, 2016 1:36pm
The fact that all people have different priorities and like or feel diffrent things. There is no wrong or right!
May 15th, 2015 1:24pm
Personally It helped when I come out and was open to myself and others. After a while of opening up life was hard to be actuated due to the put down but after a year life got better.
June 22nd, 2015 3:06pm
Well, what helped me is, i didn't mind myself at all but, telling friends helped calmed me down just to get me comfortable with who i am, 'i am me' noone can change me. im still wondering on my gender but im trans at the moment, and my mind had helped me in that where i feel female emotions.
Profile: Silent0raindrop
May 16th, 2016 1:13am
I learned to love myself no matter how I looked if I felt litre a woman I was a woman if I felt like a man I was a man if I was happy I was happy no matter how anyone else felt about it
March 15th, 2016 11:31pm
Personally, I grew up in an environment where any sexuality was safe, so I didn't struggle with this. But I think the first step would be to admit it to yourself. Look in the mirror and just say it out loud.
January 4th, 2016 3:05pm
Realizing that it was true. It took me a long time that was full of twists and turns and not being sure if I was this or that until finally I landed with what I stick with today. Realizing the truth of it helped me to accept it because I knew that there was a word for what I was feeling and that meant that I wasn't the only one to feel that way.
July 27th, 2015 6:46pm
Reading lots of science fiction where queer people and different weird gender stuff happened and a lot of it was taken for granted. I had also been reading radical feminist books from the 70s about lesbians and as is typical of a lot of bi girls I applied it to myself and didn't understand yet that lesbians would hate me because I was bi. I was actually fine with myself *as myself* right away once I became queer as a teenager, because I had already been reading this stuff. The first time I noticed myself being attracted to a girl I thought, "Huh. Cool." The problem was in how to present myself to everyone else, because I didn't know of anyone at my high school who was queer and I was afraid people would think I was some kind of monster. I was not dating yet and was already refusing to talk about who I had crushes on, so becoming bi didn't change anything on the surface, except that I fell in love with my best friend and EVERYONE could tell.