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Is it okay to be confused around your sexuality?

41 Answers
Last Updated: 12/31/2019 at 3:51am
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Top Rated Answers
Profile: kindWaterfall51
August 14th, 2015 4:34pm
of course. There are many different types of attractions, such as aesthetic.romantic, sexual etc. Experiment lots! You may just be confused about which type of attractionyou're experiencing.
Profile: amazingHeart17
October 8th, 2015 10:10pm
This is completely okay! In fact, most LGBTQ members had a time in their life where they were questioning their sexuality, you do not need to feel in any rush to put a label on yourself, you will figure it out someday :)
Profile: Michelle0621
October 26th, 2015 2:38pm
Yes,it's normal. You are just looking for who you really are and who you really like, most of us have been there.
May 2nd, 2016 1:46am
Sweetheart yes it is. It's really okey, thats how we are like? What ever you found aout you are, it's okey.. these things isn't easy, but talk with people about it, ask if you have question.. and then after a while you will found things aout:)
Profile: youreactuallyrellycutewow
November 3rd, 2015 4:33pm
Of course it's okay, you don't need to have it figured out. Sexuality isn't always an easy thing to understand, especially if it's your own. Sexuality can be fluid, meaning it can change over time. You don't need to rush to figure it out now, you have a lot of time.
November 4th, 2015 5:50pm
It is perfectly normal to be confused around sexuality as not eveyone finds out their either, Gay, Lesbian, Trans or other until their older.
November 17th, 2015 3:50pm
Yes, it is 100% ok to be confused about your sexuality. Not everyone knows their sexuality right away.
January 4th, 2016 3:11pm
It is totally okay to be confused around your sexuality. Honestly I think even the straightest, most heteronormative individuals have had at least one confusing gay dream or lack of romantic attraction connected to sexual or something along those lines. It's perfectly normal to be confused.
Profile: joutjoutb
February 15th, 2016 2:02am
Of course it is! You don't have the answer for everything, and if you haven't your sexuality figured out just yet, it's alright. You are still figuring out who you truly are, and you should take your time with that. But remember: don't try to be what others want you to be. If you want to be happy, you'll have to be true to yourself.
March 29th, 2016 2:41pm
it's okay. you can figure this out. just keep your mind and heart open and someday you'll know the answer.
Profile: RedCactus
April 12th, 2016 6:51pm
Yes! It is 100% okay to be confused about your sexuality.