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Joe Nelson, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Doctor of Social Work
Clinical Social Work/Therapist
Compassionate, solution-focused therapy for those battling depression and anxiety. I strive to empower clients to find their voice and reclaim joy, offering a nonjudgmental, s
Top Rated Answers
I recommend reading a bit about the Kinsey scale, there are many different types of bisexual people... Some are more homo, others more heterosexual.
bisexuality is a very broad term, it took me a few years to come to terms with myself, don't feel pressured to be 50/50 in how much you like boys/girls, it's possible to like boys only 5 percent and girls the rest, or vice versa. Also try to keep in mind that it's possible to like agendered people and girls and still be bisexual. Its not strictly boys/girls. I hope this helps.
June 20th, 2018 1:18pm
If you feel some kind of attraction, romantically or sexually towards both male and females. People often feel a stronger attraction towards one gender than the other, everyone is different.
when thinking about relationships with both males and females makes you happy and fulfils you sexually.
June 28th, 2018 3:10am
You know if you know. I know some people may not be quite sure but if you think you may be bisexual then ask yourself if you have even the slightest liking to the same sex or different sex. If you do, you may be bisexual, and that is okay! This is coming from someone who isn’t really sure yet if I am bisexual or not but I believe I am because although I have a preference towards men, I also like women. If you have a preference towards one sex it doesn’t mean you are straight, it just means you have a preference, and that is fine. Just trust your instincts and make your own decision on whether you are bisexual or not, because you can’t judge your sexuality by reading comments like these on the internet. Although the internet is helpful, I used it too, trust yourself and what you think before you make a decision on your sexuality.
July 1st, 2018 11:13am
You like both the female and male gender. Not 50% each, but can be example - 80% and 20%. It doesn’t matter what the percentages are
My personal experience is that I have had multiple crushes on both guys and girls. In the past I have had two boyfriends (exes now), but I recently discovered that I would like to have a girlfriend. I tend to have a preference for girls now but I know that in the past I have experienced crushes on both genders. I identify as biromantic, but that might well change in the future as I discover myself because do we ever really stop discovering things about ourselves?
First, if it sounds right with what you're feeling. Being bisexual doesn't mean you have experienced relationships with (or feelings toward) people of same / different gender.
It just means you can be romantically and/or sexually attracted by people of the same gender as you, or of a different gender.
Some other words can reflect more with your experience/feeling (like pansexual for instance) :) check out and find what feels right... knowing that labels can evolve with time, they're not necessarily for life ^^
Figuring out if you are bisexual is different for everyone. How do you feel when you are around men and/or women. If you have the same feelings for both sexes sexually then you just may be Bisexual. However, there are a ton of other factors to consider.
July 6th, 2018 7:24pm
Well, as a bisexual, I found out when I was relatively young. I thought that Belle(the disney princess) was really pretty and smart and I wanted to marry her. I thought that General Shang (form Mulan) was really Handsome and brave so I wanted to marry him, too. That's how I found out. There is no test or exam for bisexuality it's just "Do I like more than one gender?" If so you might be Bisexual or pansexual or polysexual or more. It is up to you entirely. If you have any other questions please talk with us listeners or see the & cups paths, etc. We are always there for you! Take Care! Hugs!
It all kinda comes down to questions I guess. Do you find women attractive? Do you find men attractive? Is it the girls body and the men’s looks your attracted to you vice versa. Have you had mutual feelings for both sexes before?
July 13th, 2018 4:04am
If you think you are, you probably are. Don't be afraid to explore and experiment to figure it all out, be you and don't worry too much about the label.
My personal experience with this, I've not exactly had an attraction to every single male but I've had an attraction somewhat to some males when i was in education and this did give me an idea. You could go years and years without feeling attraction for the same gender but then there could be someone who pops out of now where and you just feel the attraction for them. You know when you know, you'll get feelings, you'll feel some sort of attraction that is just more than friends. It took me years to figure my sexuality out.
July 19th, 2018 5:20am
Well, bisexuality as I know it is characterized by feeling attraction towards more than one gender (speaking in a binary manner, it'd mean liking both men and women). Sexuality is defined by attraction, so you'll know you're bisexual if you feel that certain attraction. Of course, because of society's rules and expectations that are imposed on us since birth, we may not recognize our sexuality at first. Personally, I think that one of the ways you could check if you're bisexual or not is analysing your attraction towards people and how you think about them. Because of heteronormativity, we may feel compiled to discard any feelings outside of heterosexuality. For you to be able to question yourself, you need to deconstruct those ideas. Bisexuals exist and you can be one in every way. You can prefer one certain gender and you can not have a preference, since sexuality is a spectrum. Try to notice if people who aren't your "opposite gender" catch your attention and if you'd want to engage in any form of romantic or sexual relationship with them. Only you can say if you're bi, but it's a long path and you don't need to rush to have a label. Take your time to experiment with people and discover your true nature. I'm not sure if I was of any help, but I hope so. Good luck though!
Ask yourself these questions: do I feel attracted to the opposite sex? do i feel attracted to the same sex? can i see myself falling in love with either sex? if you answered yes to all three of those questions, then you are likely bisexual.
Yes, you are. If you feel like you are bisexual, you are. Simple as that. A lot of people have a (slight) preference, there's nothing wrong with that.
Since I was little I couldn't understand why the "right thing" was boys being with girls. For me, it was all the same.
I always felt attracted to both genres and I can see myself with a boy or with a girl in the future.
July 26th, 2018 9:52pm
You're attracted to both binary genders. I am a bisexual female myself and I prefer women more than men.
(I identify as bi/pan btw) You know if you're bisexual if you feel attraction to both girls and guys. You can still have a preference for girls or guys, but you feel attracted to people of both genders.
July 29th, 2018 3:11am
You just do actually
You start to have feelings for boys and girls
I knew I was bisexual when I realized I was crying over both men and women. For me, it isn't about sex. If I can connect on an emotional level, then the rest comes easy. Consider whether or not you can see yourself living with a person for the rest of your life, regardless of their sex or gender. Sexuality is as much about love as it is about sex. Feel free to simply "be" for a while. Labels can be too restrictive, so live your life freely and figure the rest out later. I hope this helps you!
It’s not something you’ll know right away. Being bisexual is being attracted to males and females. You should judge your sexuality by how you feel. Just be sure not to label yourself too quickly, but if you do, it’s still okay. What we identify as can change a lot through the course of our lifetime.
If you have feelings for men, but also experience similar feelings for women, you might start to think you’re bi. This isn’t always the case, because after having some experience with one gender, you might decide that you aren’t into it. Basically, give yourself time. Experiment, and see what you prefer. Whatever you are, it’s completely fine to be that way, and don’t let people judge you because of it.
March 14th, 2020 7:56pm
Identity formation is a difficult time in development (a lot of it happens when we're young, but it still takes place over the course of our while life!) Sexuality is an important part of identity, and I understand how it can be difficult to ask questions that can only be answered by yourself. But consider: who am I attracted to (romantically, sexually, or both)? Take notice of who the people you find yourself attracted to (anyone from people you see in passing to celebrities). If you feel comfortable, experiment; try going on a few dates with people of all genders and assess with whom you found most enjoyable.
March 1st, 2020 1:13pm
I guess it’s different for everybody. As a female myself, a part of me has always known I wasn’t only attracted to guys, but girls too. For me it was confirmed when I fell head over heels in love with my female best friend when I was 15. I got my heart completely broken but I learnt that I have the capacity to love another girls, and I have dated both genders since then. It’s important to note that you don’t have to know who or what you are right now, everyone takes time in figuring it out. My advice would be to not label it if you’re not sure, just like who you like, love who you love and don’t worry about labels. Just be who you are my loves
I'm not really sure how to explain this, but I know I'm bisexual because I have crushes on girls sometimes. I usually have multiple crushes at once and some are boys and some are girls. I became bisexual because a friend of mine told me she liked me and I agreed to be in a relationship with her just to see what it was like. It was my first serious relationship and my first kiss, and since then, I've been bi. I'm not sure how it happened, at first I had my girlfriend but I still only had crushes on guys, but I just kind of slowly made the transition, and I'm happy with the way I am now, although the girl and I aren't together anymore. I hope others can have more comfortable experiences on their path to being themselves.
For years I struggled with this question. I knew that I had some attraction to women but I was more attracted to men and I had only dated men. I was so afraid of stealing someones identity or belittling the experience of people who were bi. It took a friend in college telling me that I was bi for me to finally feel like I wasn't hurting anyone by claiming that label. If you are attracted to more than one gender you are probably bisexual. If you later discover that your feelings have changed or you were wrong, that is perfectly okay. Sexuality is fluid and changing and it's okay to be wrong. My biggest advice is to just identify with whatever you are most comfortable with. Be true to yourself and don't feel like whatever label you choose needs to be a life sentence.
if you can imagine yourself feeling love for both genders, if your love stories in dreams and imaginary worlds give you partners of both genders, if you felt atleast once that your heart would skip a beat for both genders, there is a high chance you are bisexual. Being sure if we are bisexual is a tough thing to make sure and find out. at the end it might require a little bit of exploring and curiosity. for me, i was mostly bicurious before i found out i am bi. be open minded and ready to check out your thoughts but you don't have to label yourself until you feel sure and comfortable with it. if you really really want to, you can take the sexuality assessment tests that are always around online but don't depend on their accuracy completely. Lastly, you are who you are comfortable with, so if you are bi...enjoy the processof finding out and if you are not, well you tried out something new!! its great to explore out of the box :)
February 9th, 2020 8:47pm
Being bisexual is an umbrella term for many other sexuality's such as pan.I am bisexual,and though I cannot give my own advice I recommend you research what it means to be bisexual an see what category you fall under.You should remember that nothing is wrong with being LGBT,and once you figure out what your sexual orientation is OWN IT,never be ashamed of who you are,the LGBT community is a welcoming place,and will always support you.Knowing your bisexual,is something to be proud of however,I can't answer your question because I don't believe there is any specific thing to define your sexuality.
I think that this is something you dive deep within to find out. It's ok to take some time figuring out what sexuality you identify with the most, everyone has their own individual journey of finding this. Personally what helped me was to read up about the LGBTQIA+ community and the more I read, the less alone I felt. When I found out about Pansexuality everything just clicked for me and I knew that this is what I identified with the most. Another thing that helped me a lot was joining an LGBTQIA+ community group and having that support while I was working things out was really great!
Well, if you feel attraction towards women and men you would be classified as bisexual. I know this out of own experience. You also need to think about who want to be with, and who you feel attracted too. It may be that you feel shy around them, or aroused, and if you are bisexual you would feel this around men and women.
I know this because I used to have a crush on a guy, but after that I got a girlfriend.
Its also based on who you want to have sex with, in the future.
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