how do i know i am ready to come out as a lesbian? just to family
3 Answers
Last Updated: 01/03/2022 at 7:47am
Moderated by
Jessica McDaniel, LPC, LCPC
Licensed Professional Counselor
I have been practicing cognitive behavioral psychotherapy since 2007 with a diverse group of adult clients with various diagnoses, all races, and socioeconomic classes.
Top Rated Answers
August 13th, 2018 6:28am
if you feel you are ready and you really want to, then i think that would mean your ready to come out. the idea of coming out will always be scary (at least from my experience), but if you feel you're ready to take a leap of faith and do it, then i say go for it! (and good luck!)
There's not a "perfect" moment to do it. Whenever you feel that you want to be free more than you want to be "comfortable", whenever the desire of being openly yourself is strong enough for you to deal with the fear of making this big step, that's the right moment. I wish you the best! If truly love you and care for you, they'll give you a chance to be listened and understood, and they'll accept you for who you are.
For me, choosing to come out had to do with wanting to share myself openly with my family, not to have to censor myself, and to be seen and loved for who I am. Coming out can be really hard and scary, even in the best situations and sadly some people are not kind when their loved ones come out. You know your situation best, and it's important to remember that if coming out doesn't feel right, it's never required. It's ok never to come out, and it's also ok to just leave that possibility open for future you!
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