Am I allowed to start being upset and getting help for emotional abuse 3 years after it happened?
199 Answers
Last Updated: 05/21/2023 at 1:00am
Moderated by
Paola Giordani, Psychoanalyst
Licensed Psychoanalyst
I have helped and am helping people cope with loss, divorce, anguish and parenting. Depression is also a major issue that comes up.
Top Rated Answers
Of course you can! If it makes you feel any better, I'm still decompartmentalizing abuse from over 30 years ago. Just take it one day at a time and you'll do okay.
Of course! And I'm really glad you are looking for help. Sometimes we burry those hard feelings very deep inside so it takes a long time for them to come out. It can be confusing after such a time but you deserve to be happy again. Wish you all the best :)
March 28th, 2018 4:06pm
Of course you are! It's never too late to denounce. Everyone had their own time. It's never too late and never soon.
March 8th, 2018 4:09pm
you can get upset long after abuse has happened and there is no time limit on asking for help you ask whenever you feel you’re ready
March 1st, 2018 3:28pm
Of course. If you feel troubled about any experiences that you have had in the past then you can always reach out for help. Doesn't matter when you've had them.
February 28th, 2018 12:51am
Yes, you're allowed that sometimes it takes awhile to process it and accept it, everyone has different ''time zones'' for that sort of thing. I'm glad you recognized it in yourself
Yes definitely. Sometimes it is extremely difficult to deal with such a traumatic event. Reaching out is the first step of getting the help you need
Yes of course, it is never too late to start getting help if you are upset. Sometimes emotions can take a while to surface. Allowing yourself to be upset and reaching out for help is okay
Absolutely, yes. You are allowed to feel upset and seek help for a difficult experience even 50 years later. You may find it difficult to see the benefit in seeking help now since you have survived these three year, but it is never too late to begin healing. You deserve support no matter when you start feeling upset. Emotions don't follow a strict timeline. Being aware of how you feel now and considering getting help are very important steps that you have already made.
January 14th, 2018 7:30pm
Its never too late to get help for abuse. Though it may seem that you are already so far removed from the issue, the memories and emotions that can crop up as a result of the abuse, no matter how many years later, should be dealt with so that they can't harm you anymore.
Asking for help is always allowed. Feeling abused has nothing to do with time and asking for help has to do with your feelings and when you feel ready to talk about it with another person.
Most definitely. Sometimes it takes a lot of time before we realize we have been in an emotional abuse situation. Plus sometimes we carry guilt for allowing ourselves in that situation. Getting help at any time is the right time for you.
Yes!! Often we suppress our emotions and feelings as a way to protect ourselves from the things causing us pain. It is never to late let these out. If we keep them trapped we can never truly heal.
June 24th, 2018 8:43pm
Of course. You are your own expert and if you feel like you need to process what happened, kudos to you for being brave enough to want to talk about it. I recommend working with a licensed therapist on this.
Yes definitely, When something traumatic happens to you, you have to deal with it/talk about it, even if it is a long time since it happened. Getting help would be the best thing that you could do for yourself.
Hun, you can get help for abuse even if it happened 50 years ago. You can get help even if it did start a few years ago. Heck, I find it quite amazing that you are even considering getting help. I find it even more extraordinary that have recognized that you are acknowledging the abuse. I find it very brave when people take their own health into their own hands and start doing things for themselves. When people know that they should help themselves, I can't even describe how much I look up to them. It sounds simple enough, but so many people don't get help. So yes, you are more than qualified to get help. You can cry, even if it happened a while ago. Because, even though we might believe we are ok, we aren't. We still hear that snide voice as it tells us things that aren't true. You aren't worthless. You aren't ugly. You aren't stupid, nor are you a coward. You, my friend, is an amazing human being. Good luck.
Abuse can live with you for life. There is no time limit to seeking redress or help for this problem
Yes, for certain! Emotional abuse, like any kind of abuse, takes a toll on the survivor, no matter how long it has been or how strong they are. For some people, it may take months or years to realize the impact it has had and to get help in dealing with the emotions and problems it can cause. There is no time limit on the feelings and being upset because of what has happened to you. There is also no time limit on looking for some help from a fellow peer or a professional counselor, it's a very wise idea.
October 5th, 2018 8:25am
Yes, everybody experiences emotional trauma differently. trauma for me was compartmentalized for about 4 years and slowly leaked out. I am just not getting the help I need from the war in Iraq from 4 years ago. I have along way to go. today most people have only reason to tell me why I am wrong and inflicting more emotional trauma into my life. I have no reason to feel bad for a 2 way street. my actions were just and have been just for 3 years now. and today I am having difficulties keeping people cut out of my life and "intrusive thoughts", witch every way you want me to describe it. All I know, things happen for a reason, and third parties make them happen always. one reason I hate therapists and psychologists is because they can never mind their own business. I would rather be left to helping my self.
April 2nd, 2020 9:21pm
Of course you are! Everyone processes certain experiences at different times and if its takin 3 years, thats totally ok! Reaching out and getting help when you are ready is the only thing that matters. I think it's great that you are even able to open up and talk about what happen. That takes a lot of courage and strength to even get help. Just remember you are totally allowed to feel upset and get help wether it took 3 years or even 10.
You can be upset at any point of abuse - whether it is at the moment it happens or years later. When experiencing abuse, our idea of freedom and self-entitlement becomes distorted. We can be made to feel undeserving of expressing our pain or even be labelled as overdramatic. Remember, we are always entitled to embrace our emotions and expressing our pain.
Abuse is complex and the effects of it can stay with the victim years after it has happened. This is linked to Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Repressing this and locking it away leaves us with unhealed trauma. It is definitely worth addressing this and getting professional help.
September 4th, 2020 4:49pm
Yes! You are it's never too late to express feelings and trying to get help from them. It's not uncommon for people to do that. It just means they are ready to talk about it. Most people can't talk about it right after it happens because it triggers memories they can't control and it puts them in a panic state. And most people think they are the only ones but you aren't alone. No one is ever ever alone. There are people just like you that went through the same stuff. Just keep that in mind when your sad
June 2nd, 2019 12:10am
Of course you are. Each person is different and reacts differently to situations. Your life is your own and no one has the right to tell you when and how you deal with anything you go through. You may not of been ready to talk about the abuse or ask for help or even acknowledge it, that is perfectly OK, you go at your own speed and what feels right to you. You have every right to feel all the emotions, the anger, the sadness, the numbness, you have experienced a trauma and it is absolutely understandable to feel all of this, regardless how long ago it happened
Abuse is something that deeply affects someone for life. Yiu have every right to seek support 3 years later, even 10. What matters is that you recognise that you need help and that you want to free yourself of this abuse that keeps affecting you. I reached out for emotional abuse 3 years later too so it's nothing strange and you are not alone. Emotional abuse, like any other form of abuse is traumatic, especially in childhood but not only. It can lead to depression, anxiety, PTSD and many other disorders. And all those need professional help. The sooner the better but it's never too late.
July 25th, 2020 5:50am
It is okay whenever you realize it. It is the beginning of acceptance on one's part. Sometimes we just repress the emotions that feel unpleasant to us and keep on going forward. Though it makes you feel that everything is okay, not acknowledging emotional abuse is like ignoring the elephant in the room. By choosing to be blind to the abuse, you are not able to be an objective judge of the situation and thus get more embroiled in a situation which is not good for you. It is good to realize this, no matter when the realization comes. Some lessons take time. If you are asking for help, it means you are acknowledging the issue head on now. Its a start to becoming your whole self again.
There’s never a “right timeâ€. Your emotions don’t have a time table. That’s why it’s so important to get help when you are ready. If you’re ready now go and get the help you need. You have every right to be upset and in pain. Don’t be afraid to speak up for yourself and the hurt you’ve been through. For some people it might take days to get help, others it might be years. Some may never be able to talk about their trauma. What’s important is that you recognized that maybe talking to somebody may help you.
Seeking help for past traumas is always a good thing as that severe emotional abuse can contribute to low self-esteem and depression in the long term. The time lapse between the emotional abuse and therapy should be short but the victim may not be prepared to share their feelings or even talk about the abuses. Usually the victim of emotional abuse need time to process the hurt before being ready to talk about it objectively. Do seek help for any troubling behaviours or thoughts that you may have. Do not try to tackle these alone. Identify supportive people and tools to assist you to untangle from your emotional wounds.Never give up on yourself.
July 22nd, 2020 12:34am
Of course, you're allowed to feel upset about emotional abuse. Emotional abuse can cause really deep emotional scars and it's normal to feel that pain 3 (or even more) years after. You have every right to get the help you need to deal and process that abuse, whether it be through talking to a close confidant or reaching out to a therapist. It's better for your mental health to let out your frustrations and express them to others than to hold them in and let that pain build up. One of the first steps to recovery is to address the pains that you experience and learning to process them.
Yes, of course, emotional wounds can remain with us for years, some of our wounds were carried with us since childhood. It is never too late to get help and start healing, No matter how late. Sometimes we are bottling up emotions and it is affecting us in ways we can't imagine, but something happens that makes us realize we are hurt and we need to heal. In fact, it is great that you are planning to seek help. Please never feel bad, guilty or responsible for any abuse that occurred and don't feel bad for feeling sad or needing help, you deserve to be happy and pain free.
Certainly! You feel what you feel, and there are no rules about when it's ok to feel it. There is no time limit on suffering - and you are allowed to get help whenever you wish. If it is coming up in your thoughts a lot recently, it shows that you are still affected by it, and it still needs to be acknowledged and dealt with. There are people here on 7cups who have had similar experiences - chatting with one of them may help, and they can direct you to professional resources as well. Do what you need to move past it - no permission required. :)
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