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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 7, 2016 more
if you find yourself constantly avoiding going out with other people, having trouble getting up in the morning, and feeling constantly sad and putting yourself down or procrastinating
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Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jan 24, 2015 more
depression you usually want to do it. you have a desire to do it deep down but you can't make yourself do it.
Profile: Sassy001
Sassy001 on Apr 28, 2016 more
Someone who is unmotivated because their just lazy is usually unmotivated when it is something they have to do and may not feel like doing like working,taking out the trash,etc.They have the energy and motivation to do the things they want to or like to like playing video games,going out to do something they like or consider fun.Someone who is depressed may want to be able to do those things,but are unable or unintrested because of the depression.They may feel sad or guilty about what they can't do,have anxiety,fatigue,sleep disturbances,lack of energy and other symptoms of depression.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 2, 2016 more
To question your motives for laziness is also to aknowledge that you know you are acting with little motivation. Lazy people are content with being lazy and more then likely don't wonder why they are lazy. If you are questioning the possibility of having more motivation but are emotionally unable to move forward from your lazy state then depression is more then likely present.
Profile: slightlyodd99
slightlyodd99 on Aug 31, 2015 more
Depression has its own symptoms, if you find yourself always being negative and tired. If you have low self esteem and give yourself harsh self criticism, that usually marks depression of some sorts. Just know that whatever it is, whether it be general laziness or actually will get better. So don'y worry and I hope you find someone that can help you! :)
Profile: WalkinDownRapperBlvd
WalkinDownRapperBlvd on Mar 31, 2016 more
If when you fall asleep and have more dreams of anything that you remember parts of then it's depression. When you are depressed you have more dreams and many other signs like that
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 15, 2016 more
If it's depression, you'll find a general disinterest in everything - including things you enjoy. You might also feel sad, worthless, or like everything is pointless. If you're just lazy, it will probably only apply to things you aren't really interested in doing.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 30, 2016 more
Do you want to get up and do things, but can't because you just can't find it within yourself to move? I think that's a pretty major difference. The desire to do things, but being too depressed to do them. I think lazy people generally hate having to do things, whereas depressed people want to, but can't, and end up hating on themselves.
Profile: eternalHero77
eternalHero77 on May 3, 2015 more
Depressed when one sleeps all day, doesn't take care of ones hygiene or responsibilities, loses touch with friends. Laziness when you can go party, do everything else but take care of your responsibilities.
Profile: Polymorphed
Polymorphed on Jan 19, 2016 more
The word lazy carries quite a lot of negative social stigma nowadays. Perhaps first we should question why laziness is perceived so negatively? Ought not relaxing - a mentally and physically restorative process - be a way of life? It is scientifically proven and a topic that is no stranger to philosophical research that slowing down, letting go and allowing oneself to rest as often as needed is in fact an excellent modality that promotes positive elevations of mental and physical health. Taking science a step further - the Brain Reward Cascade; it's a real thing! The neurotransmitter Dopamine (DA), a chemical messenger primarily affecting the brain and nervous systems, plays a very significant role in encouraging behaviour that has a delayed onset of gratification, which is the function of the Brain Reward Cascade. Low dopamine activity, whether influenced by genetics, nutrition, environment, or attitude, will inevitably result in a significant reduction in pleasure associations with tasks requiring sustained effort or optimism. Depression is understood pathologically, nuerologically, microbiologically. There is no sense in inferring guilt, shame or self-judgement from taking some time out while you are imbalanced and unwell. Just remember that you should really spend that time evaluating what your core values really are and developing actionable steps to implementing suitable changes into your life. It IS possible; it just requires changing your outlook and sacrificing aspects of your life that hold no true significance when it really boils down to it.
Profile: ShannynMayyy
ShannynMayyy on Mar 24, 2016 more
Well, depression has some common signs, like; Continuous sadness, Anxiety, Lack of motivation, Feeling tearful and guilt ridden, Feeling hopeless and helpless, having trouble with family and social life, just to name a few. The only way to be 100% sure would be to see a doctor about it c:
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 27, 2016 more
Being depressed is like being trapped in a box. You want to live and do things, but you feel like you're unable to. Depression leaves you numb and out of place. Being lazy is not bothering to motivate yourself. However, depression drains you of energy in general and deeply affects the way you think and how motivated you are.
Profile: BirdyThePhoenix
BirdyThePhoenix on Jun 12, 2016 more
When you feel that even if you start it, you will just fail at the end and it won't make any difference.
Profile: peacefulwaves24
peacefulwaves24 on Mar 18, 2016 more
The fact that you're worried about it shows that you're not lazy. If you were lazy, you wouldn't care, Motivational issues are a huge part of depression.
Profile: SoftTree88
SoftTree88 on May 15, 2016 more
A sign of depression can be lacking the motivation to do things you used to enjoy doing. I don't know of anyone that ever likes doing chores (I sure don't!) but if you find yourself not wanting to take part in a hobby you used to enjoy, or even a task that used to be easy to do, then you might be depressed. Depression can manifest itself in different ways sometimes, so never be afraid to ask questions. And know that there is always someone to talk to, and there is always someone to understand and support you!
Profile: HonestLee
HonestLee on Mar 16, 2016 more
Usually when we are unmotivated because we're being lazy, that's all we feel is unmotivated... but when it is due to depression we feel other symptoms as well. I experience severe loneliness even though I don't want to go out. To me, that is my depression because otherwise my loneliness would motivate me. It's hard because we're often told we're being lazy when really we are experiencing a depression that causes sadness, fatigue, and something called anhedonia which is the inability to find pleasure in things once found pleasurable. If you're experiencing depression symptoms, maybe it is better to try to be easy on yourself.
Profile: chabays
chabays on Mar 16, 2016 more
Depression is like a big bag of symptoms, of those symptoms are fatigue, loss of interest and feelings of loss of motivation. (I don't think there's anything called a lazy person, just a person who hasnt found the right motivation yet)
Profile: caringReeds28
caringReeds28 on Mar 17, 2016 more
I think an extremely lazy person will still enjoy certain things. However a depressed person wouldn't be able to find happiness and contentment in anything. Even the activities he or she used to enjoy seem pointless now. But i guess the best way to know for sure is seeing a professional
Profile: flybird22
flybird22 on Apr 30, 2016 more
because you're not involving yourself with anyone , it leads you to think negative thoughts so , keep yourself into some work and try to be happy :)
Profile: JBlue
JBlue on Jul 2, 2016 more
I think the surest way to tell is to ask yourself whether you are enjoying a feeling of leisure while you are not doing whatever it is you are not motivated to do, or whether not doing it makes you feel anxious, guilty, nervous... If you are calling yourself lazy in a judgmental way, berating yourself over feeling unmotivated... these are thought patterns characteristic of depression, and not what someone who is simply taking it easy, because it's in their nature, would think. I'd even suggest that anyone asking such a question in the first place is pretty unlikely to be unmotivated out of simple sloth!
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