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Graham Barrone, ICHP, MCBT
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Top Rated Answers
June 7th, 2015 10:32am
It's never your fault that you're being bullied! It's normally because of the fact that some people have been emotionally injured along the path of development and feel it necessary to bring others down in order to feel higher and better.
April 9th, 2015 2:23pm
It is never your fault to be bullied, no matter what has happen or what you look like or dress like you are you for a reason don't change that because of others.
August 9th, 2016 9:38am
Not at all. It's the fault of the people who bully you. They like the superiority they get by making you feel small to them. It's absolutely not your fault.
June 8th, 2021 9:21pm
Nothing is ever just one persons fault. People bully to satisfy themselves. The only way it could be your fault is if you are bullying them back. If you are a bully getting bullied then that is why which that technically would be your fault. But no, anyone who is getting bullied, it’s not their fault. The bully is obviously just really bored or has their own insecurities and them picking on you for what they have makes them happy. How does that make them happy? Well no one picked on them for that insecurity so they feel that they are better in some way which really makes no sense. Be smart, don’t be a bully.
It is never the victims fault that something happened to them. People can be cruel and they want to put you down in order to boost themselves up. Blaming yourself will only lower your own confidence, which is exactly what the bully wants to happen. Believe in yourself and your worth, and don't ever let anyone bring you down
July 9th, 2018 4:38pm
It is the person who started it and it is not your fault if you have done nothing wrong and you should tell your family to help.
Never. People just are afraid so the tend to give there anger to people. Don't ever think your the problem.
June 6th, 2017 10:22pm
It is never your fault. This does not mean "always play victim" by any means. If someone is picking on you for something you have no control over or cannot change, then it is just the bully being a mean person. But it is never the victims fault.
April 11th, 2015 3:58am
It's always quite common that -- all victims seem like they are the reason that they feel bullied. It is not your fault trust me. Just do not turn into the bullier okay.
It is never your fault for getting bullied. Normally the bully has something going on in their life which causes them to want to upset other people
It is absolutly not your fault that your are bullied. Not at all ! Th problem is when you feel you are the victim and get what we call " secondary gaining" from being a victim . This is what you have to change: your inner attitude towards whatever happens to you.
Bullying is almost never ever the fault of the person who is being bullied. No matter what a person does it still isn't a reason to bully them. This doesn't mean that the bully's are actively evil though, they might consider it to just be teasing, don't see the harm that it does or use it as a method to vent their own frustrations. This does not mean that you should just accept that you are being bullied, but it means that you should try and sit down with your bullies and talk to them about how it hurts you. Make sure to have a third party like a teacher to watch over the conversation and make sure it goes well if you feel uncomfortable with it being one on one.
Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope It is never ever your fault for getting bullied you cant control what is happening to you i hope you stop getting bullied
No it is most certainly not your fault. People bully because they themselves have been bullied by someone and/or they feel insecure about something in their life. Nothing you do is causing you to be bullied and no-one should feel that way.
It's not your fault that you are bullied. I have been in the same position and it's not your fault. Usually the bully has a personal issue that they are trying to deal with and projecting them onto others.
No it is never your fault. You are not the antagonist. Usually bullies have experienced failure, been bullied before, or have been inadequate in some way. They take it out on people they view as weaker.
March 21st, 2016 8:40pm
You are bullied because the people want to bully you to feel superior. You are not the reason why people chose to pick on you.
no it is not your fault your being bullied at all you havent done any wrong in any way or caused it to happen
No, it is never the victims fault that they are bullied, quite often the bully will be experiencing horrible things in their life and they feel that it needs to be taken out on someone or something.
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