What's the easiest way to break up with someone?
302 Answers
Last Updated: 02/22/2021 at 10:26pm
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Jessica McDaniel, LPC, LCPC
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I have been practicing cognitive behavioral psychotherapy since 2007 with a diverse group of adult clients with various diagnoses, all races, and socioeconomic classes.
Top Rated Answers
The easiest way to break up with someone is probably to just be kind and honest with them. Don't flip out or play the blame game, end it peacefully and on a good note
I think you should be upfront and tell them strait off, don't wonder around it or drag it out. If you are open and honest this allows a dialogue to open up and become apart of the separation making it easier and mutual when you part.
Honestly, the best way is to simply be honest without being disrespectful to the other party involved. When a relationship reaches its breaking point, it's completely natural for each person to go their separate ways. Tell them how you feel about the situation and never forget to always practice self care.
June 25th, 2018 11:34pm
Just tell them, nicely and gently. Explain how you feel and why you feel you want/need to break up.
Being open and honest about your feelings is the best policy. Leaving someone with questions about how your feeling can make the break up harder. It’s important to consider this won’t be an easy conversation to have. Being specific and giving examples of why the relationship isn’t working for you will help them resolve any lingering questions they might have after the break up and prevent unnecessary drama
Be honest with your significant other and tell them how you truly feel and why you no longer want to be with that person
I don't think break ups are ever "easy". Although if it needs to be done, in person, and with complete honesty surrounding why you are breaking up with the person. Also, only do it if you are certain that is what you want to do.
I wouldn't say that there is an 'easy' way to break up with someone, especially if you've been committed to them for a length of time. I do believe, though, that there can be a peaceful break if you are honest with your partner about how you're feeling and honest about why you're feeling that way. Hiding feelings or reasoning for why you feel a certain way would just build a harder wall to break down.
Like some people have said already, be calm, explain your reasons and try to make them about yourself and how you feel rather than blaming the other person for you interpretation of what they lacked. Also, please do NOT do it over text, at least meet up with them and do it to their face (or if in an LDR, over a video call in skype), they deserve that much.
Be honest. Even if you think it will break them, you should honestly tell them why you want to break up. That way, they know how to fix themselves for future relationships. I think that most people would want to know what went wrong.
May 19th, 2018 6:41pm
Break ups are hard. It’s better to ease into it rather than be blunt. Never make the other person feel worthless
The easiest way to break up with someone is to tell them straight out that you think it won't work out, and then give them some time to get it together.
Being honest, don't say its something with you, the best way to break up with someone is explaining the reasons honestly so both can move on and learn from that relatinship
There's no easy way to break up with someone, and I doubt there will ever be one. If you're referring to the most "non affecting way" you can break up with someone, I'd say that it's by text. You should always meet up with the person and tell them the truth, loud and clearly.
May 3rd, 2018 8:03pm
Be honest and be upfront with them. tell them the way you fell so that they see that you are serious about the break up
Be honest with them. Let them know the reasons why you feel however you do. If you've already given them chances to take care of the problems and feelings you have & they haven't. They will understand. Your happiness comes before anyone else's.
You be honest and loyal to them but in a gentle manner and even though it might be very hard the best way to break up with them is in person and be as gentle as possible and afterwards try to hang out as friends
Easy should not be the main consideration. Respect and compassion for the person you are breaking up with should matter more.
Be honest and compassionate with them! Put yourself in their shoes and Relay your feeling how you want someone to relay a message to you.
The easiest way is to text or call them, you can get away quickly. But the best way, the way that everyone avoids because it's almost impossible to not back out, is talking face to face.
Honestly, there is no easy way to break up with somebody. The best way in my opinion is not something that would make it easy for you, it should be something that makes it easy for them. You should do it face to face, while looking the other person in the eye and telling him/her the reason for the breakup. You owe that person that much. PS: - Never do it over a text. If you're in a long distance, do it over a call.
April 22nd, 2018 9:28pm
Don't make them feel in the wrong. Try to be as supportive as you can about it. Let them know this is your choice and give the other person grieving time.
April 12th, 2018 2:31pm
Being honest. You can't choose how you want them to feel when you break up with them, your job is to be honest. Its how they take it.
By telling them the truth and being honest with them and yourself. Also, thinking about what you’re going to say to them and making sure you’re comfortable in with what you’re saying to them.
No easy way to ever break up with someone I don't believe. I do think though that just being honest and giving closure to both individuals is very important and helpful.
April 5th, 2018 1:57am
I believe the best way to end a relationship is to be authentic. Letting someone know you need space, or to end things, or things aren't working...doens't mean you need to give a list of faults or have an argument. Simply explaining you need to work on yourself and need space to do so~ Or even letting them know needs aren't being met and you need to move forward ....just keeping things real and not a dramatic finger pointing session.
March 30th, 2018 3:02pm
To tell them what is bothering you. To make them understand what the core problem is and knowing that it's the best for the both of you
There is no easy way. It's going to hurt either through guilt, anger or loss. But those feelings with time, patience and acknowledgement will fade and you will move on.
In my opinion I think in person is the best way to go. It gives you an oportunity to see emotion and gives you some sort of closure.
November 30th, 2017 1:52am
If you're not happy with someone you must be direct and honest as soon as possible to prevent any emotional damage. Easiest would be through text, fully explaining why this breakup is occurring, don't let the other person assume why you left. Be honest and loving.
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