Moderated by
Alex DS Ellis, MA, LMFT
Marriage & Family Therapist
Feeling depressed or anxious can be so overwhelming. I want to help you feel better and be able to enjoy life. You are not alone and you deserve emotional support.
Top Rated Answers
Severe anxiety, in my opinion, over one's mortality and difficulty reconciling the fear of death with acceptance to feel secure.
It could possibly stem from a fear of losing the things close to you, or having a fear of missing out. With certain practices, i'm sure you'll be able to overcome this feeling of dread.
I don't have much information to answer this to you but im sure the therapist from this site will know how to response this and will help you with all the things you need
Sometimes people feel this way. Have you tried reading the depression guide? It would really help you.
November 23rd, 2017 3:08pm
That sounds like you are really depressed. You should talk to a trust-able adult about this. I suggest talking to a therapist.
It may be depression, Depression can make you seem ill and make your body shut down so that might be the cause.
October 19th, 2016 1:53am
Because you are clearly depressed. These thoughts cab also arise out of existential wonders and what not.
April 20th, 2018 9:56am
You may be experiencing hypochondria or neurosis, and misinterpreting symptoms that may or may not be there or as severe as they seem
July 26th, 2018 9:49pm
Is it a medical situation, if it is please go seek help. It may be a mental thing too, maybe see a professional therapist for help. You'll be okay.
Intrusive thoughts like these can be common for a lot of people, although if they are a daily reoccurence, you might develop anxiety.
If any of us would say "I'm dying", well that would be true, since all of us are slowly marching to our deaths. And if you are experiencing any pain in your body or any discomfort, the thought "I am dying" can be that much reinforced.
On the other hand, would it be true if we said: "I'm living"? I'm currently not dead, so I must be living then. My body is in pain, but I'm still living. I'm very anxious, but I'm still living. . . We don't usually pay attention to the wonderful fact of our life and we tend to obsess about our deaths. That's natural since we want to survive, we want to avoid death, so it's natural to ask ourselves if we are dying. The problem occurs when we do it too much and we forget that we are indeed living!
I guess it's a good exercise to remind yourself that you are living when everything seems to be ok when nothing is wrong, nothing is hurting and we are in a good state of mind. That way we have an opportunity to see what is here and gratitude will naturally emerge in that moment.
I can completely relate, and it's such a scary feeling. Anxiety can do really weird things to the brain and body, meaning that it's a mental and a physical experience. It can make you feel dizzy or make your heart pump faster. This can feel very strange. Especially during panic attacks it's really common to feel like you're dying, especially if you don't know why you're feeling these feelings and sensations.
I think an anxious brain tends to seek out bigger and bigger things to worry about, kind of like a snowball effect. Worrying about dying is just about the scariest thing possible for a lot of people. So being in constant fear of that and believing that you really are dying is one of those nasty tricks anxiety plays on you.
It could be anxiety. Sometimes anxiety disorders can cause panic attacks that may make you feel like you are dying. Anxiety will not kill you, but panic attacks this upsetting can be serious so I recommend talking to a loved one or a professional.
September 9th, 2016 9:54am
It happens to me a lot but trust me your not have you been stressing lately because it could be because of that ?
September 9th, 2016 2:36pm
To me it's just the feeling inside of me because of things that have happened to me. It affected me widely and it hurt a lot. I felt dead and hurt from it.
There are hard times, we all go through hard times. Times when things never go right, when everything seems like a puzzle, those unsolvable ones. People always say, it's a bad day, not a bad life. Well, people say a lot of things, and here I'm not saying what they say is wrong. It's just......Hard to put into action. Hard to believe, that things will go the right way one day. Maybe not today. And then we get depressed, we feel exhausted, extracted by this huge amount of work, pressure, especially when people don't get how we feel, either because we don't tell them (and again there could be various reasons why we don't, maybe we fear their reactions, or we simply don't feel like talking to people), or we tell them but they still don't get it; in some cases, they turn away from us. Why do I always think I'm dying? It's not my fault that I think I'm dying. Everyone is fearfully and wonderfully made, it's just that sometimes it takes us more time to figure out, that there WILL BE hope, just keep going and have faith, and that hope will come.
December 6th, 2017 5:48am
Because you don't have someone to talk to.just talking to someone can distract you from your negative thoughts.
January 24th, 2018 12:05am
You may think you're dying because you thought something happened from reality to where you end up being gone, or because it was a cause from playing a virtue game that changed your perspective in thinking you died instantly.
February 16th, 2018 2:50pm
I thought that once and it was because of a panic attack. Or ask yourself what makes me think this? What are my feelings about this? It could be good to think about going to the doctor. It's not nice at all feeling like that.
Have you seen a professional about this? Feelings of impending death or doom can be a sign of certain anxiety disorders.
July 19th, 2018 7:21am
Generally, a person lies so that they don’t fall under false impressions of the person they love. Lying is done also because one doesn’t want to hurt others so you just save your relationship with them.
August 2nd, 2018 2:04am
It is a universal fact that we are going to die, but if you never do something new and suprised that will benefit the world and stand out your name in the eyes of the society and having superficial achievements in life and always feel you haven't done anything that sastifying the humanity and flesh in you and your emotions and pains of the mind, then you will always think of dying as then you have though and worried of the regretness of what failure life is and the nothingness to what you have having to the world , having no righteousness and feeling useless in life
This is happening to me too. Even I had this feeling just 10 mins before.. But one thing i have realised.. Thats it self manageable if u are willing.. Just have to practice mindfulness!!
Can be anything from going through a tough phase, anxiety, depression, grief, etc. Understanding your emotions by talking to someone you can trust or active listener can be helpful. As this can help you in identifying your emotions and knowing yourself better so that you can find healthy coping strategies to deal with the underlying issues. First step is always the hardest one to take but it gets easier after that. If you have any phobias, relaxing techniques can help you as well. In some cases, feeling of death can also be caused due to some medication which one takes.
You might feel this way due to past experiences. Perhaps an event has taken place at some course in your life where you felt threatened or subconsciously had a moment, where you felt overwhelmed with similar emotions, thus making you feel as though you're always dying. Although this could also be a constant irrational fear (i.e. fear of spiders, holes, darkness etc.) This can be combated by addressing the source and root of the issue. Once you've come to terms with it, you can proceed from their and move forward with a respective plan and course of action.
Because we are naturally programmed to think the worst, its completely natural to feel like you are always dying, or in danger. Its our natural response to expect the worst, when we should be preparing for it, not planning for it. Its healthy to have contingencies or be skeptical, but too much could lead to adverse effects, like not taking opportunities, or maybe even pushing others away. The important thing to remember is that a lot of the things we often worry about don't usually warrant so much time and energy, as they can take away the focus of what you are actually trying to achieve. Which can cause worry in itself.
Obsessive thoughts of death can come from anxiety as well as depression. They might include worrying that you or someone you love will die. These intrusive thoughts can start out as harmless passing thoughts, but we become fixated on them because they scare us. Hopefully this helps you out, it can be very hard to deal with obsessive thoughts. Try relaxing, or doing meditation exercises, these might help, also, try to do physical exercises too, they might help out. Take care of your general physical and mental health, and try spending time with people you love. You got this !
Oftentimes when you think that you are dying is because of your anxiety, especially if you are panicking or having a panic attack.
Oh, that is so distressing. I deal with panic attacks on a fairly frequent basis, and man are they rough. Do you think you're having trouble with anxiety and its physical manifestations?
June 2nd, 2016 6:52am
I think I'm dying because we start dying the moment we're born. Every breath we take is signifies a step towards dying. Okay that's quite morbid, but it is kind of true.
Dying? Well, you could simply be paranoid or nervous and that probably triggers the feeling like you're dying.
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