Moderated by
Alex DS Ellis, MA, LMFT
Marriage & Family Therapist
Feeling depressed or anxious can be so overwhelming. I want to help you feel better and be able to enjoy life. You are not alone and you deserve emotional support.
Top Rated Answers
You are NEVER dying, it is just the mind telling you that and your body doing it's job by just following the mind and reacting to it. You are okay, it will be okay and YOU ARE ALIVE. Deep breaths in and out also helps. REMEMBER YOUR MIND IS VERY POWERFUL, CONTROL IT. WONDERFUL THOUGHTS, GREAT SONGS AND NICE PEOPLE.
September 1st, 2016 10:24am
That is something I struggle with on a daily basis. I know I think that because I have severe anxiety. I struggle with being a Hypochondriac;a person who is abnormally anxious about their health. Of course I cannot diagnose you, but that is what I personally have. You are not alone.
There are various reasons to this. One could be anxiety, having thoughts of dying or others dying is sadly a symptom of anxiety that I myself struggle with at times. It could also be a gut instinct to look into, although if you have already been to the doctor and done a bunch of tests that come out negative it may just be a feeling or a symptom of a mental "disability"
March 8th, 2018 5:55pm
youre not dying. you have a lot of things to do before you do. places to visit, books to read, people to talk to me, roads to walk on, etc etc
You're not getting the attention you need you maybe lonely
When you wake up try doing yoga first thing
This could be a coping method for you. Or just a fear by the sounds of it. If you are not currently suicidal/depressed it makes sense. Also, if you've lost someone recently, that could be why. I hope I helped! :) Have a good day!
August 14th, 2016 11:56am
You may have health anxiety which is where you are often worried about your health even if there's nothing to be worried about. This may also be a panic attack. Talk to someone here on 7 cups for more help
January 5th, 2018 3:47pm
Sometimes when it is difficult for us to feel hope for the future, it can be hard to hold on to life
It may be anxiety. Or paranoia. Or maybe you have been watch a little too many sci fi an horror movies. Or maybe someone you love just died and it's haunting you.
If you have a good health condition, maybe it's because you are very anxious. Very anxious people tend to be constantly afraid of death. Maybe it is because someone around you died recently and it makes you rethink about your life and consequently to death.
With Depression your willpower is highly taxed so it feels like the body is shutting down, not able to function properly.
You're definitely not alone! Being anxious about your health - or lack thereof - is absolutely normal. Especially if you have less-than-great health.
One thing that might help is to concentrate on your breathing. Breathe in for a 4 count. Hold it for a 4 count. Then breathe out for a 4 count. Do it again. And again.
Then slow it down. Breathe in for a 4 count. Hold it for a 4 count. Then breathe out for a 4 count. Do it again. And again.
If your not sick, your sad enought to make you feel that bad. Perhaps is time to looking for profesional advices.
It is because nowadays you're not feeling well and you've lost all interest in your life. It can even be due to your loneliness, depression. I can understand your feelings. I suggest keep yourself distracted and surround yourself with good people. It can help a lot. It can may be due to that you worry a lot about yourself. There's some kind of anxiety in you which produces this feeling. Don't worry too much. It's all anxiety. It'll get fine. You can come to 7 cups. You can really get helped here. There are fabulous listeners which can support you.. So good luck and take care!
July 23rd, 2016 12:25pm
It's just a fear usually associated with anxiety if you feel certain physical things when anxious...
Chances are you are not dying. In fact chances of anyone dying unexpectedly are literally 1 in 100 million in many instances. With that said, sometimes it feels like something is wrong with you which is what will ultimately lead to death and while this is a very valid concern for every single human in the world, I could venture to guess that some of what you are feeling is a symptom of anxiety. Even aches and pains can be attributed to stress and anxiety. Go to your annual physical, enjoy life and try to find the root cause of this feeling, which chances are, will not kill you.
It sounds like you’re maybe dealing with some anxiety. But I’d need more context to really give you a genuine answer. Do these feelings come out of nowhere? Do these feelings rise when you are overwhelmed with school/ work/. relationships? How long have you felt this way? Is it emotional, or physical?
When dealing with anxiety, we constantly feel like we’re in a burning houes and nobody else can see the flames. If this is something that resonates with you, it would be beneficial to seek help from someone who can guide you through these feelings.
Best wishes, love. I hope these feelings subside for you. I wish you nothing but peace, and clarity.
There is a variety of reasons but it could be a combination of stress and anxiety. Your stress over dying may keep you in a vicious circle of having physical symptoms which makes you think you are dying. For me this made me realise i was a hypochondriac which I learn was linked to OCD and a lot of other anxieties. It is also best to talk to a doctor or a professional about these worries. Feel free to message me if you ever get very anxious over your health.
July 25th, 2018 12:22am
I too struggle with this on a daily basis. I don’t understand it much myself except its triggered for me by my anxiety. I know that it is awful and scary and seems so big but just remember your body knows what it’s doing. It knows how to take care of itself, which for those with control issues can be a problem. We are just passengers on a multifunction, constantly busy ride. Just remember to breathe and talk to your doctor if you feel the feelings are getting out of hand!
Having to deal with too many things at a time over an extended period and feeling helpless to cope can give us the feeling we are dying inside. Depression and high anxiety can cause this feeling too.
April 16th, 2018 2:45am
I'm scared of getting old.
I personally have severe anxiety, and also constantly feel that way I'd consult your family doctor!
It may possibly be caused by a panic attack? Or maybe you show signs of anxiety, you might need professional help for a diagnosis for your problem.
April 4th, 2020 6:22pm
Sometimes when things are very hard to go through, there is this feeling I have like I'm slowly dying. Yes, it might sound silly but I feel like I'm not living life the way I should and not making the people around me happy either. I don't always feel this way obviously but when I do, it hurts. Knowing that you can do so much better with your life and not doing it makes me feel mad and disappointed with myself. I try so hard to start doing better things but sometimes they don't work and people still judge me no matter how hard I try. But that's ok. Step by step I'll learn more and start having better things in my life. For example, I entered this page first as a member then as a listener and that's one of the best things I could do.
In truth, you're correct: We all are dying every second that time passes. We all have an expiration date that we do not know when it is up. So, with this in mind, how do you want to live your life? Your life is what you make it: Happy, sad, isolated, occupied, etc. There are multiple ways to change over your life to make it enjoyable. You have this life to live... So why not make the most of it?
This is something I've dealt with for a long time. I have anxiety, and when I get the most minor pain in my body I assume something terrible is happening, and then I usually google the symptom - that's what has to stop. It's your anxiety. Try to find something you enjoy doing - reading, going for a walk, watching tv, being with friends, etc. Try not to focus on it.
I always feel like I'm dying when I have panic or anxiety attacks because the symptoms can mimic heart failure. Getting proper check-ups with your doctor to ensure you are healthy can alleviate your fears. Sometimes, we might also get fixated on death because we have faced it with loved ones or simply understand that it will happen someday. Anxiety that it is already happening or will happen soon is difficult to live with. Talk over your fears with a therapist or someone you trust. They may be able to help you live in the moment and not constantly think about death.
You're worrying about yourself too much. Stop thinking that you're going to die. Look at what you have in front of you right now. Maybe what you're thinking may not be true.
Because you have stopped living! Life is beautiful.. discover something new, help any stranger, get a pet, forgive someone before s/he asks for forgiveness, call your lost childhood best friend, smile and greet complete stranger while walking, sing a song for your family, read your old slam book.... there are more than a million ways to find happiness, it's just you have to take a step towards it. Remember life is what you make it! Stay happy, stay optimistic! and keep smiling, always!!
It could possibly stem from a fear of losing the things close to you, or having a fear of missing out. With certain practices, i'm sure you'll be able to overcome this feeling of dread.
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