Why do anxious feelings create the need to go to toilet frequently?
193 Answers
Last Updated: 02/19/2022 at 2:01pm
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Lisa Groesz, PhD
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Top Rated Answers
July 15th, 2016 9:12pm
The butterflies in your stomach are actually intestinal movements speeding up. It frequently happens when you're very anxious.
July 21st, 2016 8:10pm
Anxiety causes physiological responses in the body that rev the body up and put it into over drive which can lead to an increase in bowel movements.
In my own experience, i felt safer in toilet cabins. It feels like the walls are protecting you and you are free to do anything without judgement.
haha for me i think it's almost a way for me to stall and put off whatever it is that is making me anxious!
July 28th, 2016 2:11am
Maybe because you are having a mental breakdown so all your system feels like that and its trying to autoregulate
This is possibly just one of the physical signs of anxiety just like other symptoms like sweating and heart palpitations. If you still need the toilet frequently when you don't feel anxious you may want to speak with your doctor as there could be another reason behind it.
From my own experience, anxious feelings create the need to go to the toilet frequently because all of my bodily processes seem to be accelerated. The body is working harder to regulate itself. I've also had a more difficult or delayed time in going to the washroom if I'm anxious.
September 1st, 2016 6:09am
Anxiety is stress and stress frequently brews in the stomach. When you get stressed/anxious your stomach muscles get all tight creating those reactions
Anxious nervousness affects the bladder, causing the need to go to the bathroom often, especially at night
September 4th, 2016 7:50am
Different cells react differently to stress between individuals so... biological complexity = easier bladder release ;) the power of science!
Anxiety can physically affect your body in a lot of different ways, including making some body parts feel on edge. This nervousness can cause some people to feel the urge to use the restroom when they experience anxiety.
When someone manifests anxiety it causes tension in the the body. Going to the toilet is a release of this tension. But one must be reminded, all tensions are created mentally.
Anxiety and stress affect the immune system, which may then cause you to need to go to the toilet more frequently. It could also be due to the natural 'fight of flight response', which releases adrenaline - adrenaline goes on to disrupt the digesting of food, which affects how often you need to go to the toilet. The doctors don't know a large amount about this, but there is a scientific link that's been established - unfortunately!
September 18th, 2016 7:44pm
For me, when I am about to leave the house I think its something that just stuck with me as a kid. every time we left the house, we were told a zillion times, to make sure we didn't have to use the bathroom before leaving anywhere. Now that I'm an adult, I'm just so used to doing it plus I don't like using public restrooms. I'm a bit a of a fear of germs on public restrooms and how sanitary they really are.
This is part of your body's fight-or-flight response. It means the anxious feelings or stressful situation is affecting your body physically. Time for #selfcare
Anxious feelings cause a wide array of things to occur in the body such as the release of stress hormones. Long story short, this is a caveman thing that has remained with us as part of the fight or flight response. We are lighter with empty bowels therefore we can run faster/fight better. This response is a hinderance in our modern era with toilets, bathrooms, and stress. It can be crippling for people with anxiety disorders.
This would be the stress anxiety creates on your stomach. Your muscles tighten, and your digestion can also be a bit messed up because of this.
Your body seems overwhelmed and it's a way to release that stress. Our bodies can only hold so much and when presented with an escape button it will do so to keep you balanced
The adrenaline in your body will try and help you to lighten your body mass. It's part of the fight or flight response that helps your system prepare for any possible attack. Though it's not very useful now we aren't cavemen! But it's very normal
The bowels and bladder tend to loosen and lose control when you are anxious and as such you need to go to the loo more.
November 10th, 2016 1:10pm
Anxiety is a form of excitement, though usually related with stress. It causes the system to constantly stay in "flight or fight" response causing immense strain on the normal functioning of the body. Due to this sympathetic and parasympathetic hormones are released which increase one's urge to go to the toilet. Also it causes the adrenal glands to function at high rates and thus as adrenaline increases under stress, it has to be removed from the system as well, hence the urge to go to toilet frequently. Hope it helped :)
November 13th, 2016 5:09pm
The question can be perceived in two ways,one: it may be because you find your space, where there aren't many people, and you have a place to breathe and vent your anxiety a bit.
Two: The need to go to a toilet is a physical reaction to your anxious feelings. It's really in the mind, as you don't usually need to go in those situations.
(Overly simplified) When you feel like you are threatened and your fight or flight response is triggered, one of the things your body does is make you pee now instead of later. The idea behind it is that if you do end up having to fight for your life, or run away, better pee now when you detect danger instead of waiting until you're in the middle of it. Like any physiological response, it varies in degree. If you just feel a little freaked out, you'll feel an urge to pee. If you see a car about to T-bone you for real, you better have a change of underwear in the glove compartment.
February 15th, 2017 4:13pm
I feel anxiety and stress are related. A part of the stress response changes includes causing the body to eliminate waste as quickly as possible. Many people feel the urge to go to the washroom when they are anxious or stressed. It is a common anxiety and stress reaction.
Anxious feelings send adrenaline into your system- your brain's 'fight or flight' mechanism. Unfortunately, adrenaline messes with the digestive system and the way water and food are processed. This can cause the urge for frequent urination or even diarrhea. Many people with Anxiety often also experience chronic IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), which can be controlled by seeing your doctor for the best recommended treatment.
This feeling is completely fine and natural. Anxiety comes from our ancient ancestors as its a natural sensor for danger which in turn kept them alive. Part of the response is to prepare to body to run or or fight which results in many changes in your body. However one of these is to make our body as light as possible which means clear your bowels and your bladder of the stuff you body no longer needs. So this is why humans today get a similar effect when we are anxious or scared
March 11th, 2017 12:58am
Anxiety is a result of the flight and fight response in our bodies. In order to 'flee' or 'fight' against the threat the body undergoes in this state of release, in order to facilitate escape or fight.
March 29th, 2017 12:28pm
This is due to the increased fight or flight response. When we are anxious our bodies think that we might need to improve our ability to fight or escape, getting rid of any waste is an effective way to do this
There were found to be links between anxiety and your digestive bacteria, so it's a normal symptom. It's a reaction from your body, just like when you get scared your heartbeat increases. Anxiety has reactions all throughout your body, including your gut.
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