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Why can't I talk easily in front of my class?

281 Answers
Last Updated: 05/28/2022 at 8:22am
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Danielle Gonzales, PsyD


Hello! My name is Dani, I am a Psychologist and registered Psych Assistant. I have a passion for helping a different types of clients from all diverse backgrounds!

Top Rated Answers
November 23rd, 2018 10:31pm
Speaking in front of others for some is vastly difficult, there are definitely ways to improve this. You can take public speaking lessons or even practice with some friends to help give you the confidence to speak in front of the class. This is quiet a regular thing among many people, but it is not permanent, and when you overcome this trial, you will build many more opportunities as you will confidently speak and address people as required throughout life. With everyone looking at you , it is natural for someone to become very nervous, so just remember that you aren't alone.
December 25th, 2018 9:33am
Me too. I can't talk easily in front of my colleagues in a meeting. And they always put me in the last to speak which makes me even more anxious. Then I decided to accept it and to speak any way no matter how weak I might sound. I have had plenty of trainings. I will keep train myself. But it could be just a leap of faith to trust myself to be able to do it. You can do it. Just think of it as saying something to your closest friend and sharing an interesting idea. If it doesn't go as expected, it is ok.
December 26th, 2018 3:17am
You probably be nervous or shy, or afraid that you might be wrong to the question your teacher asking or the question your asking is too foolish. Or other factors etc etc. The main reason is kids who can't communicate in front of their class have a curtain between them and the other and they think that curtain will protect them and they are not going to make a fool out of them. They so wanna remove that curtain but they are afraid of what others might think of them so they think it's better to be inside the curtain.
January 23rd, 2019 7:05pm
I can't talk in front of people in class either. This is normal. Depending on your audience the stress can be bigger or can ease up a little. What I do is scan the room, look at the top of their heads and that's what helps me. Sometimes I just find my closet friend in the class and look at them. If the teacher is okay with it don't do anything. Most of all just get started and show personality. That's the best thing that can help somebody with this issue. Just do your best to get over with it and remember whatever your talking about make sure you enjoy the topic.
February 10th, 2019 3:24am
Social anxiety while performing public speeches or simply raising your hand in class is normal. It stems from an evolutionary background where social situations could mean life or death. In the case of a classroom, if you do not feel safe and comfortable with your peers then speaking infront of them will be difficult. In this case the solution is practicing, it may take a couple of times before you are able to talk in-front of an audience comfortably. Many people struggle with this, it is simply the way the brain is wired in such social situations.
February 10th, 2019 4:15pm
Personally, I struggled with it because of a fear of humiliation I was afraid that I would mess up and that people would ridicule me it took me a very long time to realize that people don't think about us as much as we think they do and that as long as I did my best that was enough for me. Sometimes the best thing for me to do is just pick a spot on the wall and talk to it so I don't have to look at anyone and I can just get it out. try to remember that you have a unique perspective that no one else has and so your contribution to the conversation is important.
February 14th, 2019 11:59pm
Talking in front of groups in general can be hard for people, but it's nothing to be ashamed of. A lot of people have a fear of public speaking. Some easier ways to combat this fear is to do some deep breathing exercises to relieve stress before presenting, or, instead of making eye contact with someone, stare at the back wall, just above the heads of the people when you look up from your paper. This will give the illusion that you are looking at the crowd, but not make you feel nervous. Another thing I do personally is that if you have the opportunity, don't be the first or last to share. Those are the people who are remembered the most, and this fact alone gives you a sense of reassurance.
March 17th, 2019 9:50pm
To answer your question, anxiety would definitely be part of why you wouldn’t be able to talk easily in front of your class. This is usually due to a fear of public speaking, social anxiety, being in a unfamiliar place/ situation or many other reasons. Talking to others and in front of class isn’t always easy, and how you feel is nothing out of the ordinary, and there are several things that you can do to help subside some of those feelings and hopefully you are able to speak in front of class with minimal efforts put in to it and no fears or anxious feelings.
March 21st, 2019 5:36pm
Talking in front of a large number of people can bring up many different feelings for many different reasons. Some individuals are introverted and being with many people can be draining, and projecting your voice can be uncomfortable. Other people need more time to form their thoughts and think of the words to use to express them, and find it helpful to take little pauses while talking to collect their thoughts. That could mean you brain thinks a little slower then the average person, or that it thinks faster and you need time to process that. Social anxiety is another thing that can lead to having a hard time speaking in class. This typically presents with sweaty hands, feeling nervous, stuttering, and so on. All kinds of things can lead to having a difficult time talking in front of a class. If you can identify what you are experiencing in that moment, then you can begin to strengthen your skills to better manage this. If this is a serious concern of yours, then you may want to consider talking to a professional for some extra guidance.
March 30th, 2019 8:40pm
Talking in front of any sort of group of people can be very nerve racking! Sometimes its even a little scary to have all these eyes on you! A lot of people struggle with the same problem. It could be a new feeling to have to get up in front of a class and speak. And this feeling could be very uncomfortable. Sometimes it helps to pracitce speaking in front of people. As they always say practice makes perfect. Once speaking in front of a crowd becomes more familiar it won't be as uncomfortable or scary! Good luck out there! Remember you're not alone!
April 3rd, 2019 9:43pm
It can be difficult to talk in front of your class because we fear being judged by our peer more than we do by strangers. We have all had those moments when we're like oh gosh what if I stumble on my words or forget what I am about to say. It helps if you have a friend in the class who can give you an encouraging smile. This can make us feel more comfortable in front of the class. Unfortunately that is not the magic answer. The only way to get better is to keep on try it.
April 20th, 2019 3:57am
You may feel that you will embarrass yourself in front of everyone, and that if you mess up you will lose respect. Everyone feels this way from time to time, and it's completely normal. I've felt this before a presentation, or even just trying to read in front of my peers. One tip is if you're presenting a project, rehearse, rehearse, rehearse! If you have a plan and are familiar with the presentation, you will feel a lot more confident. If its something like reading a passage, try reading it quickly beforehand, but make sure you keep up with all of the information beforehand.
May 26th, 2019 12:53pm
You are definitely not alone in this situation. This may sound surprising, but many people, even the most outgoing people, can struggle with this issue. It isn't easy standing in front of a bunch of people who are the same age as you and then start talking to them, especially since the people watching you are your peers that you will be seeing everyday for up to a few years or so. Making mistakes can be embarrassing, especially in front of your peers. If you ever do have to talk in front of your class again, don't be afraid though because the more you practice talking in front of people, the easier it will become.
May 29th, 2019 5:02am
I think it is something that happens to everyone, at least I do not know someone who does not get nervous when speaking in front of many people, and if they say that they do not get nervous, they are probably lying!! T​o avoid it I try to prepare with time (for example if I am going to give a class) and practice… Concentrating on breathing helps, too!! It also helps me a lot to think that I am talking to someone I know, to a friend. You have to be positive, you attract what you think, the mind is strong!!
June 20th, 2019 5:05pm
Maybe it is because you are just too shy and might feel uncomfortable to talk in front of your classmate. I have my own experience in this matter, I was once a very shy person. But, there is always things you can do. You can overcome it by making your classmate as your close friends. As for me i would talk to everyone in the class. I told them jokes, have fun with them. By the time i realize it, it gets more comfortable to talk in front of them. Think of them as the persons. You wont be too shy with your close friends right? That is how i dealt with it.
June 25th, 2019 6:37am
Seems like you have stage fright. Try talking infront of your mirror and then to family! If that does not work then maybe find an easier way? When I was younger instead of looking people in the eyes when speaking i would look at the top of their heads. That way they thought I was making eye contact. Find something that helps you and go with it. Being shy can be a downfall but once you find a way to work on stage fright you will feel amazing when you present and make yourself proud!! Good luck! If you need help feel free to message me!
June 28th, 2019 9:37pm
You are definitely not alone on this! I have trouble talking in front of my classmates every time I have a speech or presentation! This is completely normal. I think the main reason for being so nervous is probably the fear of making a fool out of yourself. The majority of teenagers are very self conscious, and they care very much about their appearance. You are probably afraid that you’ll mix up your words or forget what you were going to say. I think the only way to really solve this problem is time. After multiple speeches and after becoming closer with your classmates, it will be much easier for you to talk without all the butterflies :)
July 5th, 2019 12:25pm
For me it was the fear of being wrong. I would not have been able to stand the embarrassment. But I realized later that we have to let go of our fears. It does not matter what others think of me and obviously even if you make a mistake no one will remember it after a minute. We are not trying please anyone else. And nobody cares about us making a mistake in class in the long run. At the most, it will be a funny memory to laugh about some time later. We must remember that we are free. See your classmates as your friends and just do what you got to do.
July 10th, 2019 4:15am
I used to feel this same way. This happens to a lot more people than you probably are thinking of. This is probably coming from anxiety. Anxiety is something i have had to work on for many many years of my life. It is very hard to deal with and i felt anxious a lot of my life. But it gets easier and it gets a lot better and more manageable once you start understanding yourself and helping yourself grow. I used to ask myself how i was doing or write about my day in a journal. How are you doing now?
July 19th, 2019 3:19pm
There could be a lot of reasons that public speaking could be a challenge. There have been a lot of suggestions on how to make this easier, take a deep breathe, find a focal point in the room to look at either being a trusted friend, a spot on the wall that is just above the level of people's heads. Use it as a calming or to tune out the audience in general. Stage fright is common and you are certainly not alone in feeling this way. If you can bring notes to help you stay on point. Take a deep breath, know that people are interested in what you have to say, find a focal point, and take your time. Often with practice, this skill can be made easier for you, so good luck, keep practicing and getting through it.
September 5th, 2019 12:38pm
The words "public speaking" cause fear and anxiety in the minds of otherwise competent and confident people. Does the thought of speaking in front of a group evoke fear, make you sweat, and get your heart pounding? It's likely you have glossophobia - the fear of public speaking.If you're new to the world of public speaking, start small. Find a few friends and family to practice on. Begin by speaking to smaller groups and build up from there. The size of the audience makes no difference. If you know your topic, your pre-speaking fear will quickly evaporate.Nothing helps ease the fear of public speaking more than knowing your material. The ability to connect with your audience comes from having the confidence you won't get lost during your delivery. Rehearse several times before the big talk. Time your presentation and always have back up material in case time is left over.The most fearful moment of any presentation is the one minute before your stage entrance. Use the tactic of elite athletes by visualizing a positive outcome and using deep belly breathing to reduce stress and build confidence.
September 8th, 2019 5:20pm
It can be very scary talking in front of class because you are worried about what others will think of you, how you will be perceived and scared of making a mistake. Everyone worries about how others are perceiving them. It might help to remember everyone struggles with this and you are not alone in this feeling. Try some breathing exercises on the progress path on here and some positive self talk. It’s ok to feel this way. The more you do it, the more it should start to feel easier and less scary, I promise you. Keep going.
September 13th, 2019 4:36pm
Maybe because you are nervous maybe relaxing and breathing might help you relax and might make you feel ready to talk in front of your class! taking time always helps . and you can alway come back to your breathing to relax in front of the class. Most people have this problem to talk or present in front of the class but breathing and relaxing will always help when you are talking in front of your class or presenting in front of your class its ok to take breaks and to relax and chill out if you are nervous.
December 8th, 2019 7:19pm
Its all about perception, you might have preconceived notions about it, probable past unfortunate speaking events or something that your mind picked up unconsciously. The right way to deal with these kinds of things in my personal experience is through the use of mental rehearsals and affirmations. It requires a bit of will power and persistence too, you always have control over what you feel so always feel self-confident and remember there are going to be uncertain and trying times, these times prepare you to work with greater enthusiasm renewed and even improved clarity. In short, the power lies in thought + emotion, if you can feel it, you can achieve it
December 13th, 2019 6:05am
it can be hard to talk in front of so many people, and if they are the kind which would laugh at you or try making you uncomfortable for any possible wrongs, then it's even worse but the thing is people who are looking for you to do a fault do not matter, humans are capable of wrongs, without any of us being an exeption, not me, not you and not anybody in your class, so let the fear and anxiety go to hell, be you, show who you are, cause you are amazing!!
December 24th, 2019 1:09am
Public speaking is not for everyone sometimes. It's okay to feel nervous or insecure before or while you are giving a speech in front of your class. It's completely normal and it shows you're a human being. It's important to be well prepared, practice a lot and if you can give the speech to someone you know so they can tell you how to improve. Also you can take public speaking classes which can improve your oral skills and the way you handle yourself in front of an audience. In fact, not everyone is paying attention to you and sometimes looking at someone you know or like while you speak helps too.
December 29th, 2019 12:05am
You may find it difficult to talk easily in front of your class due to social anxiety. This involves the fear of being embarrassed in front of others and causes things like speech to become difficult. You may find it hard to talk as you are nervous about what others may think of you-which is a very common feeling among all different types of people. You may worry you will say the wrong things, be judged-causing you to get embarrassed. However, it is most likely that others in your class are suffering from the same issue. Therefore, you could try to talk to others about your experience and see if theirs is similar.
January 3rd, 2020 9:09am
Talking in front of others can bring up a number of different fears! The biggest one for me is fear of rejection or ridicule. I'm so scared that I will say or do something embarrassing, and people will remember it for the rest of my life, or even worse they may start to dislike me! I think this is a very normal feeling, and it's understandable to find public speaking difficult. I find it's the most scary when it's a group of people I know well! Try to remember a time when someone else did something embarrassing, you'll often find that you don't really remember it or think any worse of that person. You can also accept that speaking in front of people will bring on anxiety, but find yourself some tools to manage it. It's ok to feel scared of things, and you can certainly use some strategies to make it more manageable. These things only get easier with practice as well. I hope you find some good tips, be sure to share them!
February 14th, 2020 3:38pm
It's hard to talk in front of people for nearly everyone. You might ask yourself why it is so damn hard to talk in front of your class while others just do it perfectly. There's not one perfect answer, but there's a few points I'd like to make. So I think it has a lot to do with all the pressure in this situation that you're not used to. You barely ever get the attention of even 5 people and suddenly you have to talk in front of 20 or more. It's silent and you have to entertain them. Also you are graded, so you try to do it as perfectly as possible. This requires concentration and multitasking, but you still have to seem confident and happy. That's hard to do. Also whatever embarrassing mistake you make will maybe be remembered forever. At least that's going through my head. I hope this answers that question.
February 15th, 2020 1:32am
Not many people were born a public speaker. It takes practice if you have problem doing public speaking. Consider a good chance to grow. You can call yourself shy. But once you make up your mind to be good at public speaking, you are making it happen. Some people would recommend to get yourself trained by joining Toastmaster. Or simply volunteer for some organizations to be a leader of a team. Once you feel more comfortable speaking with people in a group, you will have confidence to prepare for a class speech. Again practice and more practices. It takes efforts to grow.