What are your personal strategies for coping with the symptoms of your anxiety?
45 Answers
Last Updated: 04/11/2022 at 8:15am
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Danielle Gonzales, PsyD
Hello! My name is Dani, I am a Psychologist and registered Psych Assistant. I have a passion for helping a different types of clients from all diverse backgrounds!
Top Rated Answers
Deep breaths, mostly. It also helps if I can distract myself by doodling or listening to music. Noise cancelling headphones are super helpful!
I take deep breathes and listen to calm music. I redirect my anxious thoughts into something positive. I remind myself that I can't let my anxiety control my life; I'm more than my anxiety.
December 17th, 2014 9:17pm
Taking a few deep breaths and really just taking a moment to calm down, try to realise what the Actual problem is (not what I think/feel it is!).
Taking a deep breath and remembering nothing is nearly as bad as I think it is. I overthink this a LOT - to the point where I imagine these awful situations in my head that I think will come true. But in the end, things usually aren't as scary or negative as my anxiety makes me think they are.
December 28th, 2014 7:41pm
I use diaphramatic breathing. As a singer this is easier for me, but the strategy is simple; you have to breathe not just with your lungs, but also letting it fill your diaphragm, which is in your abdomen. Taking these breaths helps to calm down.
I make sure to try and not avoid the problems I think are occurring. I talk about them to someone I trust and make sure to take a minute to relax.
November 17th, 2015 8:29pm
I inhale slowly while counting to 6, I hold in that breath while slowly counting to 7, then I exhale slowly while counting to 8. I repeat until my anxiety fades.
I often challenge anxious thoughts that come to my mind by asking myself if my worries are realistic and are things that make me anxious likely to happen.Also,I try my best to stay connected to my friends and family and try meditation or other calming practices.
In my opinion, I like to sit down and write about things that come to my mind, or how I am feeling. I'd sit down with a nice, hot cup of tea, and think about life and reflect on my actions and what I did. I'd just write till I'm satisfied, until I feel better. I'd text or call someone to chat about my current situation to :) Everything gets better when you talk to a fellow human being. :)
I usually like to breath in and out. Tell myself I am ok. I think of happy thoughts. I do a lot of self-care, so I can distract my mind from any negativity I am causing to myself. I like to set mini goals for myself like going out for a bit or talking to others.
One thing my therapist told me to do is to identify the circle that pops up whenever you're in a stressful situation,It all starts with the thoughts,try to be aware when they start coming and try to ask yourself if it really is realistic,and try to wonder if those things are really going to happen,and if they will,Will the really be such a big deal? This one helped me alot.
I close my eyes and take deep breaths. I also like to look at plants or cuddle my favourite book to reread some lines :)
July 27th, 2015 10:48am
Connecting with a caring friend or family member, and receiving empathic support from those closest to me. Mindful meditation, physical exercise such as yoga and netball.
I usually try remember that I have to take deep breaths, count, that will help you. In... 1,2,3. Out... 1,2,3. Also, I keep telling myself that I'm overeating, that's only the worse scenario, not the only!
Whenever I feel anxious I first take deep breaths for a few minutes. If you have a pet hug them and hold them for a while
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