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Is it normal to feel more anxious when you're alone?

307 Answers
Last Updated: 04/17/2022 at 6:09pm
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Top Rated Answers
Profile: hermione15
March 30th, 2018 2:28pm
It is normal to feel anxious when you’re alone. It gives you a sense of isolation that can be very troubling.
April 20th, 2018 11:04am
Yes, it is normal. People get highly anixous when they're alone for several reasons. It could be because there scared of what will happen or they just might have a fear of being alone
Profile: Liz2208
June 8th, 2017 1:07pm
Yes as you are sometimes left to your own thoughts and devices which can lead to you overthinking and therefore creating more problems for yourself.
December 6th, 2019 2:40am
Absolutely. Anxiety is something that can be hard to make sense of sometimes, but there’s no right or wrong, or a definite example of anxiety. Some people are more anxious in social situations, whereas others can be more anxious by themselves. But it can start to make more sense when you break it all down. When you’re alone, you don’t have distractions or other people around to shift the anxious thoughts. If you already have some anxiety, being alone could amplify it. It can leave you open to overthinking, worrying, and then more anxiety. It’s very normal, but I understand it’s not a nice rut to be stuck in. Learning and practising some mindfulness excercises can be really useful in my experience. But if you’re feeling a bit overwhelmed with anxiety, and you’re worried about it being worse when you’re alone, please feel free to talk to someone about it. You’re not alone and there’s always ways to improve things for yourself. Good luck!
Profile: SriVidyaSaraswati
January 5th, 2020 6:26pm
Sometimes, yes, but it doesn't help. So instead of feeling anxious you could try to occupy yourself with many other things. Just as reading, watching films, talking to strangers, talking to phone, cooking, having a hot bath and relaxing, doing meditation, going a walk to the nature, shopping, running, painting, singing, listening to music....there are so many thing to enjoy when you are alone! So if anxiety comes then immediately you can do one of all the above, or more than one. Chores and cleaning is also a nice way to reduce stress and anxiety...sleeping as well!
January 17th, 2020 3:19am
I am not a doctor. But, Yes (Depending on the context...but since I don't know who's asking I'll just spout out some answers, hopefully this post is helpful and versatile for everyone) Mental illnesses such as anxiety or depression both stem from overthinking. Anxiety roots from "what if?" questions and always keeping an extra mental tab on alert for threats. What happens when we are isolated and left alone with our thoughts is we tend to entertain them and dive into them, sometimes without even realizing. Before we know it, we are wondering why Sally from Bio was glaring at us and what if we were really born not enough. Because when we are not occupied with other tasks (which can be socializing), we can fall back into Thinking Traps. We begin to ruminate and dwell on baggage. Additionally, I know one thing that is common among people suffering from all ranges from mental illness is that they do tend to become much much more reserved than normal (which can be unhelpful to their condition). Another possibility is you could be experiencing some separation anxiety, or the fear of being alone. Have you ever been left by someone in the past? Do you ever fear others around you may leave based on previous trauma? Though I say it depends on the circumstances because some people find socializing draining(introversion) or even stress inducing (ie. they have social anxiety, or body dysmorphia, etc.), so it all depends on the person. But what you are feeling is completely normal, it makes sense and I'm sure many people share the same sentiment of feeling anxious when are(n't) alone (to whichever of the two you can relate to). :) Don't worry
Profile: SpaceDino
January 29th, 2020 4:27pm
It is definitely normal to feel more anxious when you're alone in my experience. When I am alone, that means I am left with my own thoughts and no distractions. My brain has more opportunity to jump to anxiety inducing thoughts and worries. I think it helps to have options lined up in advance for how you can keep distracted and engaged when you're alone. I like to have a list of possible activities so when I'm alone and anxious I do not have to brainstorm what to do, I just have to look at my list! Some examples from my personal list are: read a book, doodle, go for a walk, watch a movie, have a shower, listen to an album, write to a friend, call somebody, clean or organize the house, meditate, play a video game. I find it helps to keep busy.
Profile: ambrosiuscosteau
January 31st, 2020 9:36pm
It's normal to feel anxious at any time. Like humans, it takes all different forms. The only thing you can do when feeling anxious is to keep going and get through it. You can't change how you feel in a day. It might take years for you to be completely better. Anxiety is a serious illness and a lot of people don't understand how it affects a person's life. Saying "It's all in your head!" "You're faking it for attention!" and the like. You shouldn't pay attention to them, or if you want to help someone you can try to teach them and change their minds. Although it's easier said than done.
Profile: freshParadise8682
February 26th, 2020 9:32am
Yes, due to the fact that you’re alone and you appear to overthink more causing more anxiety. Being alone can make anxiety worse and produce more fears that bad things might happen. Also when you’re alone there isn’t anyone around to help calm you down over anxious thoughts or physical symptoms caused by anxiety. Panic attacks can also occur because of this. As unfortunate as it is it is completely normal to feel more anxious when you’re alone. Keeping yourself distracted and busy can help especially when there isn’t no one around to help you or to calm you
Profile: HappyBeach
March 4th, 2020 9:04pm
I think it is because we are more in our minds. When we are alone we tend to overthink things and this leads to that place in your brains where anxious people go. We have to use distractions and learn to love ourselves so that when we are alone we are not self doubting or over thinking. I used to hate being alone and now I love it. Being alone gives me time for me; if I had told my other self that before I would have laughed or cried. Now I cherish those moments because being alone can be so relaxing and refreshing. I can be me. I can do what I want. I can just sit and not talk or have to be something for somebody else. It took me a long time to get here but I used distractions and stopped that over thinking and negative self talk of the big WHAT IF'S. If I can do it, anybody can do it! Small steps to get here but I got here and you can too.
Profile: zaatarHoney
March 11th, 2020 8:48pm
Well, if you cope through anxiety, it’s very common. “Normal” is an odd word to use even out of the mental health context, because.. everyone is so unique— everyone has different responses and perceptions of the world around them. You aren’t less normal because you cope through anxiety when alone. It seems like you could really use someone to talk to though, so if you haven’t already, seeking out support here at 7C could be a great option for you! ♡ There are many ways to cope through anxietjy when we feel it, no matter where we are or why it’s happening. Even when you are feeling anxious because you are physically alone, doesn’t mean you are ever alone in this. We’re here for you.
Profile: colourfulWinter10
February 3rd, 2018 5:35pm
It can be, everyone handles anxiety differently. For some people its comforting to be alone and for others its a nightmare. I hope that you feel better. ❤
Profile: NoelLikesSunsets
March 28th, 2020 6:41am
Being alone can sometimes increase feelings of anxiety, as you may have less distraction from your thoughts. When you are around people, or doing an activity, your mind can focus on what the conversation is about, or the steps involved in the activity. When you're alone, you might be listening to your thoughts with a lot of focus, and that can increase the feeling of anxiety. It could feel like a one-sided conversation, perhaps. If the anxious feelings becomes overwhelming, try reaching out to talk to someone about your feelings, or watch a tv show to distract yourself from the thoughts!
Profile: peacefulLight8704
October 17th, 2019 1:22am
Yes, i experience this, and i dare say that a ton of other people know exactly what you are talking about. When we are around other people and are engaged in fun activities or conversation, we are a bunch more simulated and we find it easier to take our mind off the subject at hand. When we are alone, there is not any thing that can serve as a distraction. I know for me, my mind seeks out things to be anxious about when it is bored or lonely. I don't know if that's how it is for you, but it may be.
Profile: FoxInTheBox
October 6th, 2019 6:15am
From what I've observed, it's more likely for anxiety to come along whilst you're alone, but it doesn't have to be that way. When you're with people, there's enough things on your mind to distract you off your anxieties. However, when you're alone and not too preoccupied, your ever running brain runs into deeper spaces and starts to overthink, or steer into directions that result in anxiety. Some people are very accustomed to being by themselves, and are comfortable in their own skin, so they're probably better off handling such situations. Others may need more social affection and love from people around, and may fall into anxiety traps while being alone. But the key really is to develop confidence and control in oneself over time, and to fend off any negative thoughts with distractions. That kinda wires your head to not go into those dark spaces, over time.
Profile: SofiaT2000
April 3rd, 2020 2:45am
Yes it is in some way. When you're alone and you do no activities, you start overthinking, especially about your fears and concerns. This can cause you to be more anxious when you're alone. In addition, being with friends helps you to forget about your problems, or share your thoughts with them and this reduces the anxiety that you're feeling. Your social role among others plays a very important role on how you feel as well. In order to stop feeling anxious when you are alone any kind of activity that you really enjoy and keeps your mind busy could be very helpful. Creativity is a really good way to express your feelings, to keep your mind busy and help you calm yourself down in longterm.
Profile: politeMagic1163
September 27th, 2019 1:55pm
I can only speak from my own personal experience. Whenever I am alone, especially after having been in an overwhelming situation (such as being in a car full of shouting, angry people, or a large crowd) for an extended period of time that could be 20 minutes or more, the second I am left alone, my mind become numb to all feeling, like I can’t fully process what happened, and then 20 to 30 minutes after the emotional numbness starts, all the emotions that were completely muted rush back to me. Of course, that’s an panic attack, but as far as anxiety and anxiety attacks go, when I’m alone for more than 6 hours, I start to get all anxious about being unproductive.
Profile: plushUnicorn4912
June 27th, 2020 12:06pm
Yes. It is normal to feel more anxious when alone. When you are with others, most of the time, your mind would be distracted from all your thoughts. If not, you'll be able to share your thoughts with other and they'd be there to validate them or telling you they're absurd, so you wouldn't give a second thought to them. When you're alone, if you don't discipline yourself, your mind can wander, pay attention to details, focus on things that might not be relevant but become relevant because you have no one to tell you if it's okay. Even with discipline, people can get easily lost in their thoughts and it's hard to not fixate on them. That's what could be causing you to feel more anxious when alone.
Profile: queenofakind
September 18th, 2019 4:15pm
It's completely normal to feel anxious when you're alone. For some of us, it can feel like your anxiety is spiraling out of control when you're by yourself. There are resources out there to help you understand what triggers your anxiety, and help you gain control over your emotions. Meditation can be a wonderful tool for overcoming anxious feelings. Trying a breathing exercise can help you feel more relaxed in moments, as well as interacting with a beloved pet or listening to your favorite Music. Don't hesitate to reach out for help if you think your anxiety is getting the best of you and you are struggling to overcome it!
September 1st, 2019 1:12am
Autophobia is an anxiety disorder that is triggered by the idea and experience of spending time alone. Like other anxiety disorders, autophobia may lead to some physical, as well as psychological, symptoms. Autophobia can be distressing to experience and may have a negative impact on a person's life if left untreated. Understanding autophobia and how it can be treated helps people who have the condition to manage it better. This article explores the definition of autophobia, its key symptoms, and the treatments available. So yes it is normal to feel more anxious when alone because I know I do. Sending hugs.
August 16th, 2019 4:03pm
As an extrovert definitely. I consider myself an extrovert, and if I'm alone for any longer periods I usually get really sad and anxious, for really no reason, other than being alone. Of course if you're not an extrovert i can't tell what or why etc, but i can speak for my own experiences:) if you're an extrovert try and find social hobbies if you feel like you have too much time alone and nothing to do!
June 8th, 2019 12:15pm
Yes, it is normal to feel anxious when alone. Often times, when you’re by yourself, that’s when your mind begins to over-analyze everything. It’s like your mind starts running a marathon of thoughts, and you can’t quiet them down, which can spark anxiety. If this happens, you ought to surround yourself with positive people that will engage in conversations with you, so that you can be more focused. Sometimes it’s refreshing to have some alone time, but you can definitely have too much alone time. You have to make sure there’s a good balance of both, as they’re equally important.
June 1st, 2019 7:20pm
Anxious is an unexplained fear which can occur anytime. Since the fear has no particular base to it, it can occur when we are alone or amongst a group of people. So it is normal to feel anxious even when your alone because that's the time we have to think and self assess. So it might trigger the fear which is inside us more easily. It may also be easy for us to imagine various situation and over think leading to more fear. So feeling anxious is normal when one is alone as we are thinking in our alone time in excess
Profile: BlankaM
May 18th, 2019 1:58pm
Absolutely. If your thoughts are disturbing you and you get anxious, that is completely fine. Everyone gets anxious about certain things, work, school, relationships. The main challenge is dealing with those emotions and thoughts that make you anxious. Over-thinking problems or issues is probably the reason why you are getting anxious. So try and target the root cause of the problem. Identfify the anxiety, target it and find a solution. Ask yourself, how can I overcome this thought so that it doesn't bother me and doesn't make me anxious? Sometimes we have to forcefully change our thoughts and not let it wonder off! Thinking about things that won't happen and constructing scenarios in your head won't do any good. Keep your mind at ease and at peace, tackle the anxious thoughts.
Profile: cloudystarlight
May 17th, 2019 8:38am
Yes. When you're alone, you have the peace of mind to ruminate, which is good and bad at the same time. Thoughts tend to run wild if we let them, and the same goes for anxious thoughts. With no social interaction to distract us or give us a certain tether to reality, we're focused on what goes on inside our mind, so much so that sometimes it can spiral out of control and things that might not feel as grave in a social setting, now feel threatening and take up your entire day. Meditation or just simple mindfulness of your thoughts can help with this.
November 11th, 2020 3:59pm
Personally I believe it is. It's incredibly hard when I'm alone to clear my thoughts and get rid of all that anxiety, and sometimes I just can't. I struggle with falling asleep at night because of this and I'm sure I am not the only one. Anxiety can be a real jerks sometimes. Normally I listen to music or something to distract myself, but sometimes that's not something I can do so I distract myself with hobbies. My parents don't seem to think that is a good idea and take them all away. They think I need to deal with the voices in my head without distractions to make things easier on me. I'm not so sure.
Profile: confussia
February 22nd, 2019 6:05am
I’d say yes, it is normal to be more anxious when you’re alone because this is when your mind is unbusy with everything else going on and its soley focusing on everything you’ve been stressing about. For me, I won’t panic abot something in public for the fear of my friends knowing or somebody looking at me in a weird way. When i’m alone it feels like all my stress from the day has just piled up and now I can finally break down. I usually feel the most anxious when i’m in a quiet place because it feels like i can hesr my thoughts aloud, which can be very stressful at times. So from personal expirences, I would say that it is 100% normal to feel more anxious when you’re alone.
Profile: Shunyata
July 14th, 2017 12:53pm
Yes. Every human has the fear of rejection and being left alone. Anxiety is a normal response for a rational fear.
Profile: SerenaReiki
January 10th, 2019 9:48am
I think it depends on individual character, for some people being alone means they don't have much distraction from their thoughts. Anxious thinking tends to escalate quickly and when they're alone they can get caught up in the mind too easily and not see things as clearly. If there is someone with them it can draw the person out of a spiral, if the company is compassionate. However for some people who have social anxiety and are naturally loners being alone is often more peaceful and calming than having company. For people like this company is frequently the cause of their anxious feelings and therefore time alone is time to reset their brain and calm down. So I think it all depends on individual circumstances and character.
Profile: IveSurvivedAndSoCanYou
July 27th, 2018 8:28am
It is very normal to feel like that because you are more vulnerable when you are alone and can feel unsafe because you have to deal with anything alone.