I feel extremely sick whenever I leave my house, what can I do?
163 Answers
Last Updated: 05/13/2022 at 5:11am
Top Rated Answers
A great way to help yourself feel more motivated to go outside is set small goals for yourself. You can start slow, don't force yourself or rush into it. Maybe start small by going outside to get the mail or pick up something for dinner. Make every time you go out have a purpose so you're more focused on that end result.
You should first access the situation why do you feel upset or sick when you leave. Is there a particular fear, or reason Access that first and then try to solve the problem
Is it just a feeling? Are you ever actually sick? If not then just keep reminding yourself that you aren't going to be sick, that you are going to be okay. Do things to distract yourself; such as listening to music, saying the colours of the things you see, counting how many cars you can see, etc. Start small to begin with and build it up but the more you go out the more your brain will realise there's no reason to feel so sick (from anxiety?) and the feeling should start to go. It's going to take time, you'll probably still have days/weeks/months where you feel like it's not getting better but it does. The more you go out and overcome it, the higher the chances of that feeling going are.
Before stepping outside of your house, put in your earphones and start playing a playlist of your favourite songs. Get into the music, take a deep breath, and walk outside at your own pace. Just focus on the music, and get lost in it. You'll find yourself thinking less about the act of leaving your house, therefore not feeling so anxious and nauseous.
It sounds as though you may have a social anxiety. Can you think of something that happened outside of the comfort zone of your home in the past? Have you avoided leaving the house for a long time? Either of these circumstances can make you feel anxious or ill when you leave your home. Perhaps work with a trusted friend to be with you when you have to go somewhere and work your way to becoming OK with being in public again.
March 16th, 2017 11:53pm
take a deep breath, put your earphones in, walk out the door and remember that its just another day and you're alright
April 6th, 2017 1:39pm
There may be a lot of reasons as to why this may occur. If it's minor, then consider it as being "home sick." Maybe this is due to the fact of being to obsessive of your place at home, or this could be as a result of rarely going out. Whichever, they're both going to affect you towards the long run. Best solution, would be to balance the amount of time you spend outside. Like even if it's a thirty minute walk nearby, try and balance how many times you do it and for how long. Try spotting the positives to leaving your house. Like make sure you pick or search for an appropriate reason (hobbies, friends, etc), and an appropriate place that suits your comfort zone (even if balanced time) such as (a park nearby, your backyard (starting point), etc.
If major however, maybe try and speak to a doctor. Have him do a full-on check up.
Thanks and I hope this has helped!
Try giving yourself little rewards when you leave your house, like a piece of candy you enjoy, read a book your love outside, paint, or whatever you enjoy doing. By associating outside with positive things, it would help you feel less sick about going out, and instead will make you feel happy to be outside because you know you will get something you like out of it.
February 16th, 2020 5:07am
Have something exciting planned outside your house, like picking up flowers or doing something for yourself that you absolutely love. Change the outdoor setup that once you step out of the house, you want to spend more like there, make it your transformation zone, when you feel good, put up things like more plants, or a simple favorite quote that reminds you "an adventure is about to begin" or a peaceful statue that you like staring it. It could be literally anything you love. Schedule the day with something you love doing outdoors, it need not necessarily be a sport, even a good meal / something for yourself will do.
February 20th, 2020 6:45pm
I would suggest taking a gradual approach, short trips to and from your home. Maybe start off with spending a few minutes outside the front of your home , then progressing to maybe short trips to the shops.Acknowledge and be kind to your self with each journey. Overtime take longer journeys. I would say patience and kindness with yourself is key.If you have a trusted friend or family member to accompany and support that would be great. Speaking with your doctor for further support and advice regarding this may be a good idea if you have not done so already.
Small steps make a long journey over time.
April 5th, 2020 10:32am
If feeling sick from leaving your house is your result, then find what is the cause. When you leave your house, what goes through your mind or around in your surroundings that is triggering this response. Be aware of what may be causing it. If you find out what is triggering it, you can learn how to properly deal with the triggers. There may be multiple things that could be triggering you before you even leave the house causing the stress to build more each time you leave your house. You must be feeling extremely stressed whenever you have to leave the house which I can understand. 7 cups is here to support you in any way we can!
May 1st, 2020 10:24pm
When I feel like that, I try to focus my brain solely on my goal. What do I want to do while I'm out of the house? What is the next baby step that I need to take to get me where I'm going? Just focus on the immediate next step. I also make sure that I'm breathing deeply, in and out, in and out. If I need to take a break from what I'm doing to focus on my breath, I will do that. It is important to not get overwhelmed and focusing on my breath usually helps me.
This reminds me when I realized I had social anxiety. I hated leaving and when I left the house I felt like I was going to throw up. I told my sister about it and she told me it seemed like anxiety. She started to leave the house with me to make me feel more comfortable. This helped a lot because I felt safe with her. After a while I started leaving without her. It was really nice having her there to support me, but I got to push myself after months of going out only with her and my anxiety started to go away. My fear of leaving is still there but its a lot better than before. I think realizing that I had social anxiety really helped me because I was able to get help with that.
May 30th, 2020 2:55am
The world is full of possibilites and when you go out, you give yourself a chance to welcome those possibilites so they bring a positive change in your life. Pat yourself for that!
Take a deep breath, tell yourself that you'll be okay and give yourself a chance to believe it. Whenever you feel burdered or sickened, remind yourself of how you're actually doing yourself good by going out.
Another way of processing what you're feeling is by writing about it. When you know what thoughts you're dealing with, you can address them and prepare yourself mentally to combat them. Next time you go out, you know what thoughts are bothering you and you know they're only thoughts at the end of the day. You will always have more power over your mind than it will have over you.
June 14th, 2020 7:41am
trust your gut either your in a area that is not safe or you are overly anxious! you want to take herbal teas to lesson your anxiety. Another way is try and get someone on board that you feel safe around and see if they will accompany you out side of your home with you so you feel less anxious! you need to also be thankful and grateful for being safe out side of your home when ever these feelings come up...picture yourself outside of your home happy and safe and see yourself in your mind happy and safe. with a little effort you will be able to train your brain to feel safe outside of your home enough to venture by yourself outside.
I think there is more information and that I am missing something in the root of your question. What do you mean when you say “sick†- sick physically, as in nauseated, or allergies? Or emotionally triggered when you leave your home? I want you to feel listened to and supported, but without specific information, it’s hard to come up with an answer or the best help for you. If it is emotionally triggered when leaving your house, what specific triggers have you identified by leaving? Is it many people, anxious or unsure feelings about responsibilities or safety fears? Are you occupied by certain thoughts in your mind, and what kinds?
Feeling sick when leaving the house is a symptom of social anxiety. Firstly I would recommend telling your loved ones and seeking professional help. Secondly, I would recommend going out in public with someone who makes you feel safe. This could be a parent, sibling, cousin, family member, friend, coworker, etc. You can take small steps by first having someone come to your house, and then going out one on one with someone in public and later moving to group hangouts. In addition to that, take baby steps with the places you go to as well. Maybe going to less busy areas makes you feel better than going to crowded places.
That is a hard and challenging situation to overcome, have patience, and give yourself time, you will overcome it one step at a time. Can you open a door to your house and sit just in front of the open door (on the inside side)? Maybe do something fun or calming while sitting, maybe talking with a loved one on the phone. If that is too easy, could you do that in front of the open door, on the outside? For 5, or 10 or 15 minutes. If it is too hard, can you move that chair a little further away from the open door?
Think of this life challenge as a game children play, with many levels. Once one level is completed, you go on to the next one, harder level. Compled here means - feeling OK and safe for a reasonable duration. Harder is - further and longer away from the house.
Try to work out what's making you feel like this, is it physically getting out go bed which is making you sick or just leaving your house that's making you feel extremely sick?
The best thing here to do is get in touch with a medical professional to find out why you are feeling extremely sick as it may be something which isn't obvious. It could possibly be a physical illness or even something mentally. I think that would be the first step if you are not sure what's triggering this.
August 14th, 2020 3:12am
Having my special playlist which relaxes me, making me feel safe is helping a lot. When going outside, You are living Your comfort zone, so if You can take your comfort zone with you represented by playlist, book, photo of a loved one anything - you can hold on to it and the peace of comfort will be with You.
When I used to have anxiety, I could not go outside for weeks sometime until I saw one article which gave me an idea that instead of discomfort and fear I need to adapt to it. So I sai to myself Ok, the world is scary and I can feel all that is around, but now I am having a protective shield, people can not even see me etc. I used to visualise it like a wall of light around me and after some time it was working so well that I could easily to look at people passing by or even walk relaxed.
August 22nd, 2020 12:20am
I first try to identify what is causing me to feel this way. Is it a mental or physical reason? Knowing that, I try to find a solution to the identified issue. If it's a mental reason, I like first calm myself down and take some alone time to figure it out. If necessary, I'll talk to a friend about how I'm feeling and try to solve it out that way. If it's a physical reason, I will try to find remedies to the issue and depending on the severity, I may also contact my doctor in order to help me identify and resolve the issue.
I feel sorry for you, that must be difficult and frustrating :( do you know what it is that makes you feel sick when you leave the house? Did Something happen that makes you feel anxious? Or are you afraid something might happen? I think it’s really good that you try to talk about it via 7cups! I’m curious about what makes you feel sick and I’m sure we can talk about it. Have you had this before? And did you talk about it with somebody before? And sorry for this amount of questions but is there any place outside the house you need to go to which makes you feel more sick then another?
September 18th, 2020 10:05pm
try to gradually get accustomed to leaving your house. Ex. go out for 5 min one day, then 10, then 20. Or if the issue is distance, start with going on your porch and slowly get used to going further and to new places. If you still feel sick after a while, consider maybe talking to a doctor as it could be an issue they can help with. If it makes it easier, maybe go with someone or with your dog if you have one (you could always apply to get a support dog if you need one). Remember you'll probably still have bad days so don't be too hard on yourself when that happens, you're getting better, little by little :)
You can start with some little steps.
Firstly, you can try to identify any underlying triggers for this feeling. What exactly is it about going outside of your house that makes you feel this way?
Then, you can start with just sitting right before your doorway with the door open, so you can see outside. When this becomes more comfortable, you can take a step outside, and just sit there for a minute. Slowly, you can start to spend a little more time each day just outside your house, until it feels more comfortable. After some time, you can try walking around your house, then walking around your block, and then walking to a park.
Challenges like this can take lots of time and effort to overcome, but they are surmountable if you allow yourself the time and space to walk through it gently and at your own pace
October 25th, 2020 10:22pm
Sounds like social anxiety. Try taking a few deep breaths and have a list of things you have to do and a plan how to avoid stressful situations. Also try talking to someone and maybe ask for professional help. Maybe going on meds could help you deal with such intensive anxiety. I would suggest for start to try and go trough everything that needs to get done before going out so you know what's waiting for you. Also maybe try to act out situations that feels scary beforehand so you will be more prepared when they actually happen and good luck.
Try identifying the exact reason that leaving the house triggers this response. Does it have to do with feeling unsafe? Is it related to a fear of getting sick? Did something happen once before when you left your home? Are there other stressors in your life that are causing these feelings? Once you identify what the issue is, try writing it down in a diary or journal. Identifying the trigger can help you put into perspective whether or not this is something that is truly a threat to you. If you are willing, maybe try talking to a trusted friend or loved one about it. From there, try to do some deep breathing exercises and understand that feeling sick is just a feeling. Nothing bad is truly happening, and you have the power to work through anything.
You may have a phobia about leaving the house. Why do you think that you don't feel well when you leave and go outside? Perhaps there is a fear that you have which you can identify.
I think that it might help if you tell someone you can trust. Also, it is possible you have symptoms of an illness that needs to be treated. It is important that you talk to someone and get some help. If you can identify a reason for a phobia, that might be a place to start. If that doesn't work, consider other possibilities and see your doctor. Take care.
I understand how you feel. I used to get sick whenever I step out of my home. Thinking I look too overweight, ugly. And I would cry and get panic attacks. I overcome this kinda of panic by doing some simple exercises from time to time. Such as breathing exercise, stretching, and working out. Doing theses exercises not only helps me to relax and feel a lot more confident💪ðŸ».
During my shower, I’ll think of which body parts do I love and I’m grateful for🤗.
Everytime u go out of your home, look in the mirror and tell yourself, be confident! You are beautiful! ( cause u r )
I hope sharing my experience helps 🥰🥰
January 10th, 2021 4:49pm
It sounds like you makly be experiencing some anxiety over leaving the house. Talk to someone about what you are experiencing and what is making you feel this way, they may not be able to provide advice but they will be able to support you in how you decide you want to deal with it and be there to help you do that. Also understand that as scary as it is many people have felt this way and do feel this way, I used to struggle with this too. It does get better though, you may need to talk about it or go to a doctor for some extra support but it will get better
I think the first step to coming up with a solution is identifying why you feel extremely sick. Could it be anxiety? When figuring out your feelings, it can seem more manageable to address it and take an action. Also notice that it is specifically when you leave your house. This means you think of your home as a sort of safety net or refuge. You should begin to think about why you feel so strongly against leaving your home. There could be a past experience that could be holding you back. By understanding and evaluating the situation you may realize what you could do in order to release this emotion.
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