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Jessica Russo, LCSW
Clinical Social Work/Therapist
Hi! My name is Jessica and I believe that healing is possible for all people and I am here to be supportive along this journey.
Top Rated Answers
I've dealt with this same situation before! It's very hard, believe me. What I personally did is try to make a list of all the things he didn't do, and remember that you did your best! That's all that matters is that you gave it your all.
It's not possible to forget someone you love. Instead, ask yourself- how can I cope with the feelings of rejection and sadness that this one-sided love brings me? Working from that place will bring you greater growth.
September 27th, 2017 1:23pm
I don’t think forget is the word we should be using in this situation. By forgetting, we aren’t getting over the problem, we are only avoiding dealing with it. If you’re struggling with one-sided love, try and replace the feelings your feeling with positive feelings toward someone or something else. It doesn’t have to be romantic at all, just whenever you start to think about this problem, instead revert to a more positive train of thought. This will refrain your brain to think of this thing instead of whoever is causing you trouble.
November 16th, 2017 2:58pm
By focusing uour attention on something unrelated that is positive. You can slowly but surely move on with time and positivity. (Of course this isn't the case in all love situations, but i feel it would be positive in most).
November 19th, 2017 2:16pm
This one is really hard. I'd say let the person know of it so you can move on,at least their answer will get you to move on or be happy,either way you'll learn something.
November 25th, 2017 12:01am
Never blame yourself for that, it has nothing to do with you. Channel that love towards yourself. There are 7 billion people in the world, put yourself out there confidently! If it doesn't work out, just know there are always other people you can start over with.
December 6th, 2017 1:58pm
So for me, I've had multiple instances where I developed a crush on a close friend who only saw me as a close friend. For me, the feelings faded with time, and I was able to remain friends with the person, but what helped initially was to imagine all of the downsides and realities of dating them. So, for instance, with close friends especially I would imagine what it would do to our friendship if we ever broke up. I would also think about the things that I didn't like about them and how that would make it difficult if we were to date and all the problems that might cause. I also tried to think about all the people they had dated before and how I was different from those people. Note, not in a they're terrible or they're so much better than me kind of way, but in a how am I different from their "type" and how might these differences mean that my friend would be unsatisfied with our relationship. In some cases, it also helped me to accept the fact that the person didn't like me back by directly talking to the person about these feelings. My hope in these instances was to either a. make sure they knew how I felt in case they actually did like me and just thought I didn't like them, but more likely b. that they didn't like me but could at least reject me outright so that my mind would no longer be preoccupied by the idea that we might be able to date some day. In these cases it's important to be careful not to show your friend how the rejection impacts you in order to maintain a friendship. It might be a good idea to tell another friend how you feel and what your intentions are (i.e. to ask your crush out, but you suspect it won't go well) and to ask them if they might let you talk about how you feel afterwards or help cheer you up while you work through your grief. Because, while you didn't date, it's still tough to accept that someone you like doesn't like you that way. But I promise it does pass. For me, it was toughest at the beginning, and then I'd only think about it occasionally when hanging out with the person, like they'd do something that made my heart skip a beat and then I'd feel sad for a little while, but after some time the thought doesn't even come up anymore, or if it does on rare occasion I don't feel sad anymore because I've accepted it, and we're back to being friends like the whole thing never happened.
The better way to deal with the one-sided love to tell the one you love that you love them. Based on the response you can decide whether to forget or not. Do not come to the conclusion without letting them know how you feel.
Focus on loving yourself!! There are so many things to love in life, you get to chose which loves to pursue, so you might as well pursue one you know will be two-sided
Maybe try looking for someone who makes you feel more special, or maybe even try waiting a while.
One should not forget a one-sided love/relationship, but learn from it. What did it teach you? What do you want differently in the future? How can you achieve that? Instead of dreading it and trying to bury the memories, try shaping that pain into lessons that can be learned and positivity.
January 19th, 2018 1:15pm
What worked for me in the past was finding something to do that I enjoy that keeps me busy. Having nothing to do can exacerbate problems, there are more pressing things to deal with in life than wasting time and effort on people that can not love you back. I'd say the one thing that helped me the most in the past was my dog. He saved my life and got me through some bad times.
May 10th, 2018 1:05pm
You can always count on your friends and family for support but, honestly, the best thing to do is just let time heal the broken heart. Sounds cliché, but it works.
Spend time reflecting on yourself, your life, and your self worth. Focus on the bigger picture and work on realizing that although there are many things in life that do not go our way, there are still many things that can go right - and finding someone who will love you back is one of them.
Go out and meet more people. Spend time with others and get to know more new people helps with getting over one sided love. Don't be afraid to talk about it with your close friends before that. After letting all your feeling out, take some time to recover then continue meeting new friends and new people. Indulge in activities that you enjoy and love.
June 7th, 2018 7:00am
You just have to give yourself time to grieve about it. Yell, scream, cry, do whatever makes you feel better. Then, do what you love (for example reading, exercising) and that can make you forget your one-sided love. But, don't rush anything, take time because time heals.
It’s difficult to get past an unrequited love but it is possible. I once had an unrequited love for someone who was emotionally unavailable and it hurt immensely. What hurt worse is that he was nice about it when he told me he didn’t feel the same way. He tried to be my friend but that didn’t help me get over him so I had to distance myself from him and work through my hurt with time and effort. I didn’t not deal with my feelings. When they came up I didn’t push them down but rather allowed myself to experience them and ancknowledge they were present in my life. I made time to be with friends, pursues hobbies, went on random road trips to experience something new, and filled my life with quality pursuits. As the months went by the hurt became less and less. I never denied myself the feelings or pushed them down. That’s what helped me through the most. One day I realized it didn’t hurt anymore and I no longer felt anything for the guy.
Don't forget. Instead, love unconditionally. If you truly love someone, then you understand them, you accept them, you celebrate their freedom to be who they are even if that means unreciprocated love. Love is abstract and the feeling does not require you to burn yourself out looking for that validation. Be kind, be understanding, and love without conditions. Learn this, and you will never have to forget your one-sided love, rather you will expand your capacity to love.
I actually went through something similar to a one sided love. Having feelings for someone who doesn't reciprocate them can be difficult and make you feel as if you are unwanted. My advice is to take a break from crushes and relationships. Wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and tell yourself that you are worthy, that you are amazing and you don't need this person to feel worth it.
Love is a complicated thing. It is amazing but also can be the worst thing you have experienced. You might not forget it at all, but learning how to tackle the problems you experience with it is much more important.
June 21st, 2018 1:01am
Unfortunately, it isn't possible to truly forget your unrequited love; however, you can try to learn and move on from it. For starters, it will take time. Lots. You can also try to focus on improving yourself and making yourself a better person whether it be by studying, exercising, starting a new hobby etc. This can be a form of distraction. Seek comfort in your friends and family. Talk to people. If it seems like you can't move on, consider a therapist or a professional.
I know this is very painful, and I wish the best to you.
KNOW that you are good enough, worthy, deserving, and loved. Love yourself, know what the situation is telling you, and begin there. After a while, maybe you won't forget them, but the quality of the memory of them will change. And you WILL be able to move on. Look forward to the rest of your life and how what is in store for you, you can't even guess at. Therefore, who you're "meant" to be with is yet to come. Even if you have to give it a few tries. But do it all with love. Love yourself. Let things go. Hold things lightly. Focus on what you find beautiful and one day you'll notice someone whose looking at the same thing.
July 8th, 2018 2:14am
Forgetting an unrequitted love can be hard! The truth is, the answer to your question can depend on so many different factors. Time will heal a lot of wounds, and it's best to just focus on yourself and on what makes you happy! Surround yourself with good people, and put yourself first.
By moving on and finding a person that will love you as much as you love them, it is always a two way thing
I understand going thru a heartbreak like this is though, but you always have to remember: he/she doesn’t deserve you if they don’t love you back, give your love to the people who do love you and care for you.
July 27th, 2018 8:02pm
Throw yourself into what you love. Go out and spend time with friends and remember to find happiness in other places. Pick up new hobbies and try new foods and always find a way to laugh.
Try concentrating on something else, clean your mind. Going to the beach is always a good way to clean your mind. We trust and support you here in 7 cups.
By simply forgetting. Again I'll say don't think too much. Divert your mind to positive things that keeps you happy.
July 29th, 2018 6:10am
Everything takes time to process and forget. Do hobbies or activities to keep your mind off of them. Also, think of only the bad qualities than the good qualities.
You can see what work best for you like find a new hobby, catching up with friends, find a new book to read, explore yourself more like get to know yourself better, watch new series or movies alone or wih friends, listen to new band. It's a way to tell you that you need to love yourself first. Good luck!
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