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What are the causes of burn out that you can relate to?

Creator: @Hope

Now you know burnout and its causes. Let's take a look at the symptoms of burnout.

The following are signs of burnout.

  • Finding it hard to get work done
  • Feeling tired or drained
  • No longer feeling fulfillment/joy in the work you once loved
  • Getting frustrated and annoyed at the simplest of things
  • Finding it difficult to tackle setbacks
  • Feeling like your work does not make a difference
  • Finding your work to be more of a chore
  • Ghosting your duties
  • Not wanting to communicate (avoiding PMs, forum mentions etc)

If you can relate to half or more of the above symptoms then you are likely experiencing burn out. If you can relate to most or all of the above symptoms then you are already pretty burnt out.

The aim of making you aware of the causes and signs of burnout is not to scare you but rather help you identify the root and extent of the problem so you can best work towards eliminating burnout.