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Welcome to First Things First!

Creator: @Hope

Hi everyone! This is a growth path focused on walking you through the time management techniques provided in the book ‘First Things First by Stephen Covey. This path is a summary of the book broken down into actionable steps. This path came into being to meet the needs of our academy trainees and potential trainees to help them better manage their time. We have identified it as a need of our academy trainees and broader community and hope that the path can benefit anyone who wishes to make better and more effective use of their most valuable commodity, time.

What exactly is the purpose of this path?

As the name suggests, the path helps you put the first things in your life first. By putting this path into practce, you will be able to identify what things you should give your time to and learn a more holistic approach to time management that is in alignment with your core principles.

The idea is not to get as much done as possible in as little time but to pause and think about the things that really matter and nurturing habits that fuel a purpose driven life where you have time for what truly matters. I highly recommend that you go through this path with the aim to apply the techniques in your life as this will only help you if you apply the recommendations.

Please note that the growth path is followed by a quiz which can only be passed if you have applied the practical lessons of the book. All who successfully complete it by scoring at least 17/20 in theory and submitting practical components will receive a certificate and a badge.

This path is brought to you by the 7 Cups Academy Team.


This is a great way to get us to read the important points from a useful book and actually implement them. Thank you so much, Hope!