Stuck - First Find Reason Why - Then Get Unstuck Easier
Maybe you are:
- Taking steps that are too big so no progress, slow progress
- Multi-tasking instead of focusing on 1 thing so slow progress
- Doing everything yourself, not reaching out for help or experts
- Stuck in comfort zone
- Using maladaptive coping mechanisms
- Seeking distractions, "shiny objects", escape
- Avoiding tasks due to fear of failure or success
- Resisting tasks because of point-of-view
- Wanting the world to be different
- Assuming incorrectly
- Ignoring points of view needed
- Understanding reality or people incorrectly
- Focusing too broadly or narrowly
- Focusing too much on the result and not the process
- Assuming self-imposed limitations exist incorrectly
- Talking to yourself in negave ways about capabilities or the situation
- Questioning insufficiently
- Acting without thinking
- Making decisions using only emotion
- Making decisions using only logic
- Planning lacking
- Goals-setting or motivation lacking
- Self-disciplining lacking
- Method-setting lacking
- Training insufficiently, inexperienced, lacking expertise needed
Which most applies to your specific problem now?
Which (if fixed) could help you get unstuck more?
You can type your answers and ideas in the box below for fun.
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