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PT: The Challenge of Social Interaction

Creator: @ASilentObserver

As an introvert, social gatherings, meetings, discussions can be overwhelming or anxiety-inducing too. But, here the key to solve the challenge is identifying the rhythm of social interactions. How conversations flow as an introvert or an extrovert.

If something is asked or discussed with introverts, they take time to pause, think and then respond to it. The time span to complete this process could be a bit longer compared to extroverts. Introverts need some pause and space to formulate and shape their thoughts before they respond.

Because of these rhythm differences, it makes sense why introverts seem like shy people or not interested in a discussion from a third person perspective but it is a matter of flow. This is why in fast paced environments, introverts are more likely to remain silent. But if they are required to speak up, it leads to stress and anxiety for them and they find the speaking challenging.

So as an introvert, it is important that you understand and acknowledge how you are different. And it is okay to be different. All you need is to start responding differently instead of feeling stressed or anxious.

For example, you can use your body language to send signals to other people you are listening to and thinking about it. If you are in text based communication, you can use certain phrases like, “Thinking”, “Hmm”, “Nods”, “Yes”, etc.These small gestures allow one to have better hold on the conversation.

Also, another fact that needs to be recognized is that apart from the rhythm, it is the group dynamics too that affect the introverts' interaction abilities. For example, in a new group setting, introverts may tend to stay quiet because they are still getting adjusted to the new environment and comfortable around new people. So, in a new group, introverts can handle the situation by letting others know about how they are feeling or just letting them aware that you are happy to listen and will share when you have something to say or share.

“As an introvert, I find public speaking difficult as I often like to be in the background. What worked for me was knowing that I’m not alone in my struggles and that many other people struggle with it. Rushing myself into too many overwhelming moments of public speaking didn’t help but gradually with the right exposure it’s something I’ve mostly overcome.”-- Lisa

How do you handle social interactions? Please share in the box below!