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PT: Some thoughts from fellow introverts

Creator: @ASilentObserver

Reminder: You are not alone who are an introvert. There are many. And it is okay to be an introvert. Just our approach to handling situations can vary. But it is our personality and it is good to acknowledge and embrace the way we are.


Image Credits: Alicia Petresc from Unsplash

Here are some thoughts shared by fellow introverts

A while back I read a book called 'Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking' by Susan Cain. One of the key points in her book was to never say that either Introversion or Extroversion was a better or worse way to live life, just that there were benefits to both and that the world needs both sets of skills. Some of her best examples showcased teams made of an Introvert and Extrovert working together. An Introvert is more likely to be skilled in assessing a situation where an Extrovert is more likely to be skilled in implementing a plan based on the Introverts observations. Etc. -- PurplePen4 I think it will be important to define what an introvert is, extroversion can often be misunderstood as confidence. I think it's also an important stage to accept being introverted, as others said it's not a bad thing but a different way of being. I believe the path should be about achieving success (which will mean different things for each person) in societies that are typically more adapted to extroverts. -- Amossy introversion isn't some problem to be "fixed" or "corrected" or changed. Rather, it's a different way of functioning that comes with it's share of challenges in certain situations. -- Om I think it's important to establish the difference between introversion and social anxiety. There is a socially anxious type of introversion but I see lots of people getting confused. If you need time to regenerate from social functions, enjoy and thrive from time on your own and don't have a compulsion to socialise often, then you're introverted imo. If you have the drive and want to socialise but you can't because you're anxious around people, then that's social anxiety induced introversion. -- SilentSerenityy I overcame the fear of public speaking by giving myself more exposure to it- I participated in a lot of presentations and led workshops to develop the confidence and skills. Public speaking is similar to driving, you will only know the nature of the experience by putting yourself in the seat. Stepping out of my comfort zone worked for me to overcome the initial challenges.-- Taz Self-affirmations and remembering achievements helps when we begin to doubt ourselves. I also think communication skills steps could help resolve introvert challenges and perhaps self-care based steps can avoid emotional exhaustion as well as prevent personal burn-out. -- SoulfullyAButterfly

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