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Path Structure Information

Creator: @Hope

You have now completed the fixed steps of this path. You now know what burnout is, what causes it, and what are the symptoms. If you still have any doubts. Please read more about burnout from the following sources:

The path moving forward will now consist of steps that will provide you information, exercises, and tools to help prevent burnout and reverse it. Most of these steps are particular to 7 Cups. It is incredibly important that you pay attention to the steps to come AND take part in the exercises provided. The steps will repeat, this is intentional, the repetition is meant to serve as a reminder for you. Most of the exercises to follow are meant to be consistently undertaken for maximum effectiveness.

Remember that this path will stay here, that you can come back to it whenever you feel like you are becoming prone to burnout. We highly recommend that you save this path and continue to refresh yourself even after completing it.