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Our “Natural” Roles Grow Out of Our Mission

Creator: @Hope

If we have not figured out our own roles through deep inner exploration then very likely the roles stemmed from the social expectation and our own feelings. But if we have done the work then they are like branches coming out of the common trunk, our mission. Keep in mind that success in one role does not make up for failure in the other. So if you are a good student but a bad partner then you still need to work on improving your relationship.

Each Role Is a Stewardship: We are responsible for the fulfillment of the role to something greater than ourselves. The accountability can be rooted in religion, ethics or community. One should not assume that the fulfillment or unfulfillment of a role only impacts themself. For example, you being a good teacher impacts the students, you being a good husband impacts your wife. There is always someone else impacted.

Each Role Countains All Four Dimesions: Physical (it requires of create resources), Spiritual (connects to mission and princples), Social (involves relationships with others) and mental (requires learning).

Oraganizing Information By roles: The author believes that organizing information by roles is the most effective way of keeping track of information. This also reinforces the habit of thinking interms of roles and remembering your contributions to each role.

Created by @SunshineNaina

Under the sub-heading, "each role contains all four dimensions", it isn't clear what is explained for "physical" in the brackets.