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Nutrition Rap Song - get Ambition... to improve your Nutrition

Nutrition Rap Song - get Ambition... to improve your Nutrition

Creator: @7motivation

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The "Real Food" concept was made popular by Nina Planck

  • In 2004 Planck published "Real Food: What to Eat and Why" 
  • In 2009 Michael Pollan published "Food Rules: An Eater's Manual" 


Here are topics in the song if you need ideas to act on:


"Real food" is... food that will rot somewhat quickly when opened


"Real food" typically needs to be fresh (besides seeds or nuts, etc.)


"Real food" is food more in its natural raw state


"Real food" is less or low processed


"Real food" has more raw nutrients


"Real food" has low or no additives, preservatives, etc.


A good rule of thumb is... 

If a food has more than 5 ingredients, probably better to avoid


Better to find an alternative: less processed, less additives


Freshness is less an issue for highly processed food 


Highly processed food is "manufactured" to last a long time


Processing to enhance shelf-life also removes raw nutrients


Raw nutrient equivalents are added back as chemicals or additives


Flavors lost due to manufacturing are added back in as chemicals or additives


What is in that food eaten daily?


Is it highly processed?


Is it high in additives, low in original raw food nutrition?


Does its vitamins and minerals come mostly as additives?


Were the natural nutrients were stripped away when processed?


Food manufacturers can make exagerated claims to make high profits


Foods with misleading labels such as "light" and "non-fat" may have minimal benefits


Avoid junk food seen in advertisments


Eat mostly plants, including leafy plants


Farm animals can be fed things that one should be aware of 


Farm animals can be fed anti-biotics that promote super-bugs

Farm animals can be fed polluted water and feed


Fast foods can be very low in original nutrients compared to real food alternatives


Soda can have immense amounts of sugar


Processed foods can have immense amounts of sugar, fat, and salt


Fruits and vegetables are usually healthy to eat in large quantities


Fruits and vegetables can make one feel full in healthy quantities


Fruits and vegetables can give one lots of nutrition


Eat a wide variety for healthy nutrition


Keep portions small to promote eating healthy quantities


Shop the food store perimeter asiles first where fresh food tends to be sold


Eat locally-grown food because it can be bought fresh 


Locally-grown food doesn't need processing for lengthy transportation


Cook for yourself to control the AMOUNT of added sugar, salt, fat, etc.


Cook for yourself to control the TYPE of sweetener and fat added


Cook for yourself to cook healthier (steam, boil, bake rather than grill or fry)


Benefits of eating less red meat and more fresh-caught healthy-fatty-fish like salmon


Avoid fad diets with questionable science created mainly to sell books, etc.


Eat sloooow... in moderation


Sweet treat "cheating" on healthy diet is okay occasionally


Get ambition to improve your nutrition

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