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Identify your strengths : Developing Inner Courage

In this step, we will focus on the positive aspects of courage we already exhibit and Identify our strengths

Creator: @PuzichkinCat

Identify your strengths


We’ve talked about the many definitions and aspects of courage and bravery, as well as acknowledged and identified what is holding us back: our fears, anxiety, worries. We practiced seeing courage and bravery in others, now is the time to focus on finding it within ourselves.

We all face challenges and difficulties on a daily basis. A central concept of courage involves facing and moving forward through fear, instead of avoiding and stepping back.

We can show bravery in several ways:

  • Physically, by taking actions despite of the risks
  • Psychologically, by facing ourselves openly and owning our story
  • Morally, by speaking up for what’s right, even if it’s not a favored opinion

The path to inner bravery makes all the difference and empowers us to stand by, with and for ourselves, but never alone.


Before you move on to the next step, reflect on this prompt

  • Think of the challenges you have faced and overcome, pick one to examine it closer, it can be either big or small, all challenges are equally valid. What helped you over come this challenge? What kind of bravery did it require?

Take a moment to reflect back on this prompt. You can write about it in your journal or in the text box below.